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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 23 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2021 09:16 PM

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In Topic: Which Sponsors Buy Fish?

29 June 2017 - 12:54 PM

Thought I would keep this one rolling and also Appreciate the messages I've been receiving from you all and providing info and support to this post.
Ideally would be good to keep this one alive as only 1 (well done living pictures!) of the sponsors have had time to respond and it seems there is interest in the community on the subject.

is there a support mechanism for local hobby breeders/forum users/members and sponsors to be able to help each other in this wonderful community? Or do only one/two of the sponsors now accept local breeders?
Would a sponsor WTB section be beneficial for all parties?

In Topic: Which Sponsors Buy Fish?

21 June 2017 - 04:19 PM

Personally, Im a big fan of City Barn Malaga, your customer service, knowledge and selection is always up there. Worth driving 30  - 40 mins for!

In Topic: Which Sponsors Buy Fish?

21 June 2017 - 12:48 PM

So keeping this thread on track as it appears it is sparking some interest in the community. Also a special thank you to those of you who have messaged me regarding this thread and the info it and you have provided, seems like a topic of interest.


Is it worth allowing the sponsors on here to have a "WTB" section with pricing attached? I believe there could be some hobby breeders (such as I) who have managed to get their hands on good strains of fish and breeding them at a high quality which their rep on this forum would support. Both the sponsor wins and the hobbiest in the cichlid community wins.

Could certainly be a win/win for this forum, both for the community and for the admin/hosts/club in raising additional funds. If a local fish store wants access to good local stock at a competitive price, pay a small fee to Perth cichlid society to access some of WA's finest quality breeders ;-)


I believe this may have been trialled in a closed section before, however not made public which I believe would be beneficial for both parties if advertised on a grander scale.

In Topic: Freshwater Moray Eel !!!!

21 June 2017 - 12:41 PM

oh wow!! would have loved to have seen it! awesome! congratulations to the buyer.

In Topic: Which Sponsors Buy Fish?

20 June 2017 - 06:27 AM

Some great responses here guys, keep em coming.....
sincerely appreciate the feedback, helps me to learn a bit more about the industry and the current climate.
Living pictures, nice work mate on letting us know, sincerely appreciate the response, good to know and don't be surprised if I come for a drive out your way :)