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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 02 Oct 2010
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In Topic: Water Change Problem

16 March 2018 - 07:47 PM

I get the cloudy tank now and then , I am doing 50% water changes twice a week. My readings do not change though.
I have question though , prime detoxifies chlorine and chloramine so the filter can remove them later. So how does the filter then remove them?

theres your problem right there,,, 50% wc way to much, try 35-40% twice a week.
50% is just on that edge of just a bit to much which explains the occasional ammo spike.
You can get away with 50% twice a week with a real beefed up filtration system that revived much faster after the shock of a water change.
When winter hits and water is cooler, you’ll get ammo spikes even easier again.
This isn’t up for debate, this is fact, so no need for my further replies.