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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 14 Oct 2007
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In Topic: The Wall

30 January 2012 - 11:11 PM

Hi Jason,

I went to both shows...paid in excess of four hunge for diamond seating for the first show (advance bookings, yes I was keen).
The second night they put out an offer for those who went on the first night to go the second night for $99.90. I was lucky enough to get diamond seating again.

Was it good? Well, Waters is 68 years old, 69 in September. He truly loves his job smile.gif It showed. The music was technically excellent. Sound effects, visuals, etc the list goes on, all worked well. I found the show very moving as Waters wove his distaste for politics, multinationals and war into the story of his own alienation from humanity. His messages were loud and clear, and enthralled the audience that ranged from 6 years old, to who knows?

I really enjoyed it, and the people I went with found tears flowing down their cheeks at various times during the show.

Good? Not sure if that was the word. Emotional, visual, and auditory roller coaster smile.gif

I happen to like the Roller Coaster smile.gif



In Topic: Aussie Aussie Aussie!

30 January 2012 - 11:03 PM

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, there are people using the Flag for a racist agenda. The flag was commissioned in 1953. It hasn't been around that long. No-one fights for a flag...we all fight for governments of the time.

Time for a new flag. One that represents ALL of us..not just those that have a British Background. Get rid of the Union Jack, as I said, no-one fights for a flag, and in fact, very few people fought for the Australian Government under the current flag. Indigenous people want rid of it too. Fact is, the UK is not really a nation I want us to model ourselves on.

Australia is officially, as cited by the United Nations, the most multicultural country in the world. We can make the same mistake as the UK and end up like a cesspool, or we can look at exemplars like Sweden and Norway and move forward forging our own identity that does not have its origins in War....The legend of the ANZAC. Before you start, yes I do respect the people who lost their lives for the governments of the time....and I cry everyday for the waste..

I DO NOT want to 'March your March, or Drink Your Beer'

Be gone the Church of the Southern Cross and your racist agenda.



In Topic: The Wall

30 January 2012 - 10:44 PM

It is like religion smile.gif

In Topic: Ben Cousins Recovery

17 January 2012 - 12:50 PM

Hi Everyone,

Genetics has played a part in what Ben is, no doubt. You inherit the potential to develop stamina, big muscles etc. Not everyone could get to Ben's level of physical development no matter how hard they worked.
Genetics isn't just about physical traits, its about cognitive ability etc etc.

There are external aspects to consider. One is Reward. People keep working when they get external rewards. This is called extrinsic motivation. The opposite of that is intrinsic motivation where we are motivated to do things not because of external rewards, but do things because they make us feel good about ourselves internally, there is NO external reward.

Well I suspect Ben was extrinsically motivated when it came to football. The race horse quality body he built, the money, the fame, the recognition...all extrinsic motivation. When it came to feeling good about himself intrinsically, BLOW helped him to do that. Just a theory smile.gif People are complex, and there is not a one size fits all. Addiction is interesting in itself. There are many high functioning addicts around who will never even become visible. I just think that Ben was so extrinsically motivated there has never been anything that can compare to that. At one time he must have been a very high functioning addict...so what changed? Football was motivating him...he was taking all his self-esteem from the rewards he was getting from football. When that stopped, he probably lost his identity to an extent and has been unable to REINVENT himself as others have been able to do.

If Ben is not intrinsically motivated to be a good father and partner then he will draw no self esteem from these things. I mean, no-one walks around saying 'mate, you are a great father and partner' we just have to be intrisically motivated to do that and take the rewards when our relationship is good and our kids are happy....very different rewards from blow, women, constant attention, sponsors, a kick ass body that everyone can see, you get the drift.

Genetics, motivation, rewards, self esteem, environment have all played a part in making Ben what he is today. I don't think he has chosen to be this way. However, it is easy to see what happens when someone is extrinsically motivated and spoiled. When that is gone, there is very little left.

I hope he can get to the point where he can draw some self esteem and rewards from some of the more simple things in life....only time will tell.



In Topic: Lunar Eclipse

20 December 2011 - 11:41 AM

Awesome! That would have been my idea of heaven, apart from not having a camera. It was a great night to be outside (my favourite place).

I am a bit of long distance bike rider myself, but pushbike smile.gif

I am assuming you are talking motorbike? If so, hats off to you. So many bike riders are good drivers, it's just the rest of the driving population you can't trust!! It is an act of bravery to take a bike onto our roads. Good on you.

