The PCS is a non-profit organisation
All funds raised by the club are used solely for the purpose of running the club and benefiting its members. All positions held within the club are voluntary and are not paid in any way. General running costs include such things as hall hire, Public Liability insurance, admin costs as well as promotional and informative endeavourers.
The forums are an extension of the club and the majority of running costs are not related to the internet / website.
How does the PCS generate its income?
Premium Sponsors generously donate product and/or store vouchers. As a general rule the PCS does not accept or require cash transactions to be made by the sponsors. Instead the donated product is raffled or sold via auction allowing cash proceed to come into the club. Vouchers are used as competition prizes for current PCS Club Members and to encourage new memberships.
PCS Club Membership - Our dedicated supporters pay annual subscriptions to be a part of the society gaining access to club resources such as ongoing events/competitions, extensive book library and a 10% discount at all sponsors stores.
The cash proceed obtained from the above methods allows the committee to co-ordinate and supply prizes for regular competitions and cover the costs of hosting special events. An example being the Heiko Bleher talk, even though tickets were sold the majority of the cost was covered by the club itself. We were quite fortunate to have the opportunity to experience a talk of that calibre.
Unauthorised commercial trading (not permitted)
A minority of people are disappointed to find out that practises such as regular on-selling/reselling of new dry goods and the regular sale of imported livestock is not allowed and is considered commercial. The PCS forums (in particular the classifieds) were never intended to be used as a portal for profiteers concerned primarily with their own wallet. It is a forum for hobbyists to trade information and goods. We understand that there are plenty of ways to get things cheaper and in many cases people think they're doing others a favour by bringing in these goods. Instead we encourage that you support your local stores and/or arrange co-ordinated "group buys" where possible.
Unauthorised commercial dealings are not permitted in an attempt to prevent a conflict of interest between the PCS and its sponsors and is done purely to protect the society. Without the combination of our sponsors and PCS Club Members it's very likely the club would cease to function.
Please take note that the PCS is not run or governed by the sponsors. Instead the committee will draw guidance from the sponsors and PCS Club Members when necessary.