Photo Comp - December - Full Tank Shots.
This months topic is Full Tank Shots, your photo can be any style as long as it focuses on the topic.
Your photos must be anonymous (don't put a name or watermark on your photo).
Send your entries to Muttley (Ben) via PM before 7 PM on Tuesday the week before the BBQ, late submissions will not be accepted.
Voting closes 6pm the day before the BBQ, late votes will not be accepted.
Reminder: the photo must be your own, however, what your taking the photo of can be anyone's and anywhere.
You MUST be a PCS Club Member to enter the competition, so please support a fantastic club and sign up for membership.
Winners will be announced after voting has finished on the PCS forums and at the following club meeting. Prizes will be awarded at that club meeting.
Points awarded will contribute to your annual total for the chance to win a prize pack from our Premium Sponsors.
Note: Please do not comment on an individual photo until voting is closed, we like to give everyone a fair chance. DO NOT tell others to vote for you. This may result in a ban from the photo competition.
Prizes this month are NORTHFIN - Foods from our sponsor Northfin.
Happy Snaps!