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#1 kylie85

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 07:18 PM

I have had 2 of my fish die in the last two weeks! Don't know why? Water levels are all fine, I noticed with both fish that they started to look like all their scales were all flakey and their fins were a bit ratty.
Do you know what this could be? And the second fish I noticed didn't look well yesterday today I can't find it!!! I think my other fish may have eaten it!??
Im a bit worried I don't want to loose all my fish sad.gif(

Please fill out as much as possible below and give us a description of what is wrong with your fish.

Type of fish:see pic

Symptoms:flakey scales and ratty fins
Other tank mates:
Tank size / capacity:200l
Type of Food fed:new life spectrum
Feeding frequency/amount:2-3 times a day
Type of filtration:
Frequency of filter cleans:once a week
Frequency and % volume of water changes: once a week 40% water change
Last water change:5th april
PH:7.4 high range 8.2
Water temp:27c
Medications used recently to date:
Any recent changes..new fish/filters/power outages etc etc: nothing different

Edited by kylie85, 09 April 2012 - 08:12 PM.

#2 nvrenuf

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 07:20 PM

have you had your water tested ? or done a water change yet

#3 kylie85

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 07:26 PM

I've got my own water testing kit for the ph and ammonia etc. I just did a water change a few days ago

#4 Bowdy

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 07:33 PM

Moved to correct section. Kylie if you could fill in the template I added to your top post it would be very helpfull.

#5 kylie85

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 07:56 PM

sorry hope this helps will post up pics of the type fish one of each died, note its not the pic of the sick fish

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#6 Buccal

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:31 PM

Is your water clear like the pics or has the water gone slightly cloudy ?

#7 kylie85

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:33 PM

My water is clear like the pics, those pics were just taken

#8 Bowdy

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:40 PM

So your cleaning your filters one a week ? How are you cleaning them ? And what filtration are you using ?
Have you only tested the water once ?

#9 kylie85

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:48 PM

Yep I just replace my filters when I do a water change once a week. Filter wool, and I have 3 canisters on the top of my tank. aqua one 980 I just rinse everything in the water I take out.
I have only tested the water today, once the 2 nd fish had died

#10 Bowdy

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:58 PM

Test the water again and make sure you shave the solutions very well before adding the drops. Surelly your filter wool doesn't get that dirty in a week your tank is lightly stocked.
Cleaning your media every week is more then is needed every 4 weeks is more then enough. I clean my filtes every 4 months or so.

#11 kylie85

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 09:12 PM

No it isn't that dirty, but I just like to change it. I have been doing it for over a yr now and no problems before this

#12 Buccal

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 09:21 PM

Please don't take this the wrong way, it appears you are doing a heap of wrong things, your water hasn't got a chance to go cloudy and spike with ammonia because you water change every time the tank wants to cycle (nitrogen cycle).
You don't replace your filter media, you clean it in a bucket of the tank water, and leave a tincy bit of gunk in the media (don't leave media un-submersed for to long, the beneficial bacteria will die)
If your tank has appropriate filtration you must not clean filters until they are nearly filled with junk, or you will upset the nitrogen cycle, once month filter clean is average.
Water changes weekly is good, but only 30%, 40% is ok but a little much.
Reminder, winter water out of tap is cold, this means 20% water change to avoid temp drop, but water change more often. I think you may be over feeding, once a day is fine, choose one day a week for no feeding at all, this allows biological filters to catch up and fish to detox. Feeding twice a day is to much unless two half feeds are given, or three times is a third at a time.
If a fish dies lift rocks search every where, the decaying body will cause an ammonia spike.
Do yourself a favor and google the nitrogen cycle many times until you reach full understanding.
From the way I see it, your loving your fish to death, mother nature runs it's course in your tank if you intervene or disrupt it, it just won't settle and balance out to run smoothly.
My advice, don't do anything to your tank, no water change or filter cleans for two weeks.
Feed fish every second day for two weeks,(fish can go without food for two weeks as a guide line)
It's very good if the water gos slightly cloudy, then when it clears it has cycled.
After that, clean filters once a month, don't use any wool it blocks up and inhibits.
Water change weekly 30%, feed once a day and miss one day a week, success will follow.

#13 sandgroper

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 11:55 PM

Sounds like your tank is constantly cycling due to over cleaning. I suggest you take a deep breathe, sit down in front of your tank and take the time to enjoy it. If you only have the one filter on the tank you need to look after the bacteria even more so.If you have two you can alternate the cleans.

#14 kylie85

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 07:13 AM

Thanks buccal,
What do you mean by filter media? I only ever change the filter wool rinse everything eles. So do you think I should change the wool every month? Sorry I will research and have a read up, haven't actually been told about the whole cycle thing.

#15 Buccal

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 02:20 PM

Filter media is the sponge or bio-balls or noodles or ceramic cylinders, anything that the water is passing through after the water enters the filter. The filter is mainly for beneficial bacteria to live in and detox the water so your fish can stay alive in a nut shell. The filter wool is just additional and not essential, in fact it causes problems by prematurely blocking well before the rest of the filter needs to be cleaned, don't use filter wool. Wool is used in some applications, but it's more of a old fashion thing, the filters of today is well past those times. There are a array of beneficial bacteria types, but ignore that just understand the basics first to keep your fish alive and feeling happy and in return full vibrant colors and behaviors.
Rough fast learn for you on the N cycle
(FISH POO, DEAD PLANT BITS, UNEATEN FOOD, DEAD FISH, ANYTHING THAT CAN BREAK DOWN) all this and dangerous toxins it produces is called AMMONIA and is consumed by BENEFICIAL BACTERIA then the beneficial bacteria releases NITRITE ALSO TOXIC AND DANGEROUS then a second type of beneficial bacteria consumes the nitrite and releases NITRATE and this is harmless at low to moderate levels, but when NITRATE levels get to high levels it to is toxic, so this is the reason for WATER CHANGES, TO KEEP THE NITRATE AT A LOW TO MODERATE LEVEL. Water changes keeps nitrate diluted at safe levels.
All filters have a good portion of biological media, it's design is to maximize surface area, eg sponge, to house maximum amount of beneficial bacteria that can be fitted into a small area.
Before you google N cycle and filtration, so you don't get confused with the terms used, firstly google--------------mechanical filter media then google biological media--- mech media cleans debris from the water mass----- and bio media creates the efficient N cycle------- the filter wool is a mechanical media

Edited by Buccal, 10 April 2012 - 02:26 PM.

#16 kylie85

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 03:38 PM

Ok, so I can provide the best care for my fish... I have 3 of those canisters on the top of my tank. In each canister is a bottom layer of ceramic noodles then some black lining stuff then I have the filter wool. So I discard of the filter wool? And then just clean media every 2 weeks? Sorry for being a nuisance, when I purchased this tank I wasn't told about any cycle just do water changes and keep filter clean.

#17 kylie85

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 03:44 PM

Hey buccal, do you reckon this is why my fish haven't been growing too good? They have awesome colour though!

#18 Bowdy

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 03:46 PM

Kylie don't touch your media for at least 4 weeks at a time. You say you have 3 media compartments. Only clean one of those each time not all 3 at once.

#19 kylie85

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 04:25 PM

Ok thanks bowdy

#20 Buccal

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 08:33 PM

Yes Bowdy is correct, and yes take out wool it will cause premature blockage.

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