PCS 2016-17 Show Table Competition 
The PCS will continue to run its monthly Show Table Comp to give back to the Club Members who support the club and the hobby.
You can show your fish knowledge and husbandry skills at each monthly meeting and win great prizes each time. There are always great specimens on show.
You need to be a club member to enter, so please sign up. Becoming a member has many benefits.
We have a new Show Table Co-Ordinator for this year - our top quizmeister Sajica (Chris).
You must let the competition co-ordinator (Chris) know before entering - please PM 'Sajica' and let him know beforehand whether or not you need need him to organise a small tank for you.
When you bring your fish to the meeting, please get there reasonably early to put him/her in the tank and also provide the species name and common name.
Submitted fish are required to be:
- Owned and kept by the Club Member entering the fish.
- A cichlid or catfish species only (no hybrids) - displayed at our monthly meetings on the show table area from the beginning of the meeting to the end of the evening.
- A mature fish - we are looking for the best representation of that species, (juveniles can be subject to disqualification).
- In good condition with no fin damage or other injuries or obvious signs of illness.
Club Members can only enter one fish each month into the competition.
Fish should be displayed in a small tank, suitable for the size of the fish with no decorations, background or gravel. This is to prevent any unfair advantage. You can run an air stone if need be in the tank.
PCS has limited small tanks available. Please try and bring your own small tank or ensure you inform Chris at least 48 hours prior to the meeting if you need PCS to provide a tank for you to display your fish.
Submitted fish will be judged during the monthly meeting. Entries will be closed once the meeting begins. Entries will be judged by our special guests and/or a committee member that will be selected at each monthly meeting.
Amongst the key criteria for judging are size, condition, deportment, finnage and colour.
All entries will be available for viewing on the show table during the meeting and on the PCS forums after the meeting.
First place wins a sponsor prize or voucher for one of our sponsor stores and every other entry wins a prize from our awesome sponsors also.
Please note that this is a bit different to previous years.
First Place - A prize pack from our sponsors or a voucher (prizes vary).
All other entries receive a prize.
Winners will be announced at the meeting and prizes can be collected on the night. Winners will also be announced on the PCS Forums and photos of the entrants fish will be posted for all to enjoy.