- Perth Cichlid Society Forum
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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here
Member Since 13 Sep 2009Offline Last Active Oct 15 2020 04:27 PM
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#315112 Show Off Your Other Hobbies
Posted by waxy on 09 May 2014 - 10:28 AM
#314304 Show Off Your Other Hobbies
Posted by waxy on 30 April 2014 - 12:03 PM
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
- Westie and Michael the fish fanatic like this
#313138 What Do The Carlton Supporters On Here Think Of There Teams Poor Start This Y...
Posted by waxy on 13 April 2014 - 05:46 AM
Being a freo supporter your memory should help you understand how Carlton supporters feel.look at them all pipe up now but none of them were game enough to join the pcs league on the afl fantasy
You obviously take your footy pretty seriously TCM. There's more than 2 teams in the afl tho don't forget.
Maybe that attitude is one reason people won't join PCS league???
- Robbotheyobbo likes this
#309474 Fs:l333 Adult And Juvies
Posted by waxy on 27 February 2014 - 08:24 PM
FS: I've got some L333 juveniles to sell if anyone is interested.
3-4.5cm all nice healthy fish
$40 each or good deals on multiple buys.
No pics.
FS: Also have a 9cm L333 male to sell or swap
3yrs old and I've grown him from fry.
Nice looking fish.
Reason for sale is too many males in the colony now. He has to go.
PM for pics
WTB: Im also after an albino longfin male and a common longfin female.
Open to swaps for any of the above.
PM me please.
hi can these be put in with peppermints and common bristlenose catfish? or cichlids?
- Westie likes this
#300479 Officer "not Guilty"??
Posted by waxy on 19 November 2013 - 07:49 PM
Human error. It happens
If a cop can't run a red light in a chase or emergency, then what good are they to protect us. What would we like to see happen to the cop?
10 years jail??? I feel for the womans family for sure BUT these things happen.
I know! maybe now we should make the cops all drive 4 cylinder cars Or even hybrids. What a joke....... The guy went to work in a high risk job, messed up and come home shattered for life.
Anka.......... Watching COPS (TV show) makes me think most of our cops are p!ss weak. Lets not scare them from engaging in a chase. I hate the way people throw the word bogan around now. Most people don't even know the definition, maybe its changed. True bogans are not commonly seen everyday.
Kleinz...... What about all the "not so dumb" people? In my experience they are usually the ones that are too busy or too important to participate in jury duty. I've heard it all before, I'm too busy....... My time is too precious......
#299317 Mole Crickets
Posted by waxy on 05 November 2013 - 08:14 PM
Na no cats. It would kill all the wildlife I want to hang around too.
I know how to kill them one at a time that's easy. The problem is they live underground and I'd like to be able to treat my whole yard if possible without killing frogs, worms, bees etc
- Ronny likes this
#298837 This Made Me Jealous.
Posted by waxy on 31 October 2013 - 07:26 AM
#298532 Uv Steriliser For 750 Litre Tank
Posted by waxy on 27 October 2013 - 10:26 PM
- Clownz!! likes this
#298495 Is It Just Me?
Posted by waxy on 27 October 2013 - 02:07 PM
Ok I've been thinking this for some time now so I thought I'd put it up for some more opinions and discussion.
Why is it that on a fish forum such as this there are so few decent, interesting topics or discusions. Don't get me wrong I still like to come on here and have a look when I can but basically I get the feeling that this forum is starting to really change in a negative way.
A lot of people who are the best at giving advice,
ie. Most hands on experience and dedication to the hobby simply have given up posting comments and advice because whenever there opinion differs from the select few the topic turns to sh!t. The topic gets edited which most of the time makes the whole thing make no sense to whoever reads it later. Sometimes the editing is even done in such a way that it makes those who contribute look like fools.
A debate is fine I think and quite interesting to read. If you wanna post something then why not? It keeps the place going and interesting. Obviously we still need editing to stop the full on abuse etc.
I've met quite a few members on here now and nearly all I've met are great people. I've never been to a meeting and probably never will, I have hardly kept any cichlids and have bugger all interest in dedicating tanks to them. Its catfish I'm into mainly but I've always found the PCS to be a great forum for info and sometimes a laugh. Good enough to keep me coming back again even tho the catfish forum pretty much sits idol.
Also topics in off the wall............ If you don't like what the topic is about, then maybe don't keep reading. Or if you feel that strongly about something, why not contribute?
I must admit I've probably posted some stuff in the past which may have offended people but hopefully not enough to make people give the PCS the flick altogether. Also I'm not posting this to ruffle any feathers or cause another stir but would love to hear what others think.
And if I'm out of place saying this stuff feel free to say so.
#298195 September Pc: Entries
Posted by waxy on 23 October 2013 - 06:44 AM
- malawiman85, zacy boy, FrontyKwal and 1 other like this
#298176 The Ocean Is Broken
Posted by waxy on 22 October 2013 - 11:00 PM
Real sad to hear the way some commercial fishers treat the ocean. Yes I know it's been happening for years and years BUT it doesn't make it any easier to accept for me.
- Fox and bigjohnnofish like this
#298153 One For Kleinzy
Posted by waxy on 22 October 2013 - 06:36 PM
#298140 Venomous Snake Thread By Popular Demand
Posted by waxy on 22 October 2013 - 05:23 PM
This guy here makes venomous snakes look like childsplay.
I wonder how long it will be until he gets bitten.
He will most probably go on to be the next Steve Irwin I reckon.
To those that have not seen or heard of him, watch his other vids too. He does all sorts.
K.V sorry to interupt your thread, but I think its relevant.
- JackMack likes this
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