im open to offers so i havent put prices on
this is what ive got
4. cuckoo catfish around 8cm upto 12cm
6. acei msuli smallest is about 4 cm upto around 7 cm
10 saulosi 4 - 5 cm one male is starting to change colour
1 feather fin catfish about 5 cm, really pretty :oops:
i think there is about 4 peppermints smallest is only 4 cm but the biggest is close to 10 cm ( or maybe 8cm my partner says)
1 goldspot pleco around 10 cm maybe more, very nice and not too shy either
1 tropheus morilro 6cm
2 6cm blue acaras have breed b4
2 D.Compressiceps at about 8 cm
keep in mind these are all estimates, i did put the measuring tape up to the glass but there was no way they would keep still enough to measure :?
private message or post in here at the moment
i cant upload any more photos until the weekend as im not on my comp so here are some i uploaded to photobucket a while back

acara guarding eggs


