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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here

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There have been 35 items by Chris Perth (Search limited from 27-June 23)

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#364281 Wtb Dimicompreseps Breeding Colony (Large) Call Me 0499011144

Posted by Chris Perth on 02 December 2017 - 07:29 AM in Classifieds

Sue at Living Pictures

#359904 Wtb Connectors For Hagen Ug Filter

Posted by Chris Perth on 27 February 2017 - 06:42 AM in Classifieds

I am chasing some connectors for Hagen ug filters. They connect the riser to the gravel plate. Unfortunately Hagen do not appear to make these any more. One of the draw backs of being 'Old school'
See pics for exactly what I am looking for. Am prepared to pay a couple of $ each.


20170226_163755.jpg  20170226_163911.jpg

#361724 Wood For Plecos

Posted by Chris Perth on 16 May 2017 - 07:39 AM in Catfish & Loaches

harder woods are no problem for the teeth panaqolus species have.... have had some bits of wood carved into different shapes by plecs and other bits almost completely eaten and eroded away by water... 
avoid jarrah timber - almost every other wood is fine... avoid any timber sprayed with pesticides... some wood in shops is bleached / chlorinated to make sure its free of any potential nasties....

Thanks johnno - thats what I was after, though you raised the point about avoiding jarrah, is there any specific reason for this? Not being a wood person if I were to collect some wood from the local rivers I would have no idea if it was karri,jarrah,red gum marri etc.

P.s. Unless of course it was made up into a piece of furniture

#361700 Wood For Plecos

Posted by Chris Perth on 14 May 2017 - 10:53 PM in Catfish & Loaches

As we all know wood of some type appears to be a pre-requisite of keeping/breeding plecs, especially those of the Panaque and panaqolus species. Here in Oz the majority of our woods are classed as hardwoods, and I was wondering if they were easily digestible by the above, or was there any preference for a softer type of wood? (oh and I am not talking about pine)
I had the thought of using weighed down Balsa wood - has any one had any experience with this and what were the pros and cons?

#361705 Wood For Plecos

Posted by Chris Perth on 15 May 2017 - 09:37 AM in Catfish & Loaches

Some fish like this kind of wood...

Thanks Rodders 02, but not helpful - I would expect this kind of post on facebook groups but not on this forum.

#362342 Which Sponsors Buy Fish?

Posted by Chris Perth on 30 June 2017 - 08:30 PM in Cichlid Discussion

For my two bobs worth, I sell only to one outlet (Living Pictures) and in fairness to them I do not undercut them by selling privately or to other shops, they have to make a quid as well. So for me it is one or the other, sell privately or foster a relationship with a wholesale outlet that can take all your fish. Not both. Sure you get less for your fish, but I personally prefer to get rid of 100/200 at a time, than take 6 months to quit the same quantity. Also I do not agree with 'store credit' - the outlets that import or buy wholsale from East, pay cash and should also pay cash for local wholesale stock, as I believe that store credit is totally ripping off the breeder.

Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk

#360126 What Type Of Chilli

Posted by Chris Perth on 06 March 2017 - 06:19 PM in Off The Wall

Yo Hood
I see from another theead that you are a bit of a Chilli Guru, so I am after some info.
About 10 years ago I had a a chilli bush ( and I say bush as it was about 60cm high and about the same in diameter)
It was already planted in a garden bed when I bought the house. It had several different colour chillis being red green orange yellow purple which may just be the different stages of the ripening process.They were about 2" in length.The agent said it was a Thai chilli bush. I have been looking for another one but don't know what to ask for?

#360129 What Type Of Chilli

Posted by Chris Perth on 06 March 2017 - 08:12 PM in Off The Wall

Thanks for that - last time I tried Bunnings I got a vacant look - but it was Albany

#359967 What Spawned In Your Tank Today???

Posted by Chris Perth on 01 March 2017 - 03:56 PM in Cichlid Discussion

Steatocrannus Casuarius, just released from cave today

#360919 Trophus Kasanga Red Rainbow

Posted by Chris Perth on 06 April 2017 - 07:55 PM in Classifieds

Yes - there is a guy in Capel has just had his first sporn - put your message on the Bunbury Aquaholics Anonymous facebook group.

#360140 Texas Or Not A Texas

Posted by Chris Perth on 07 March 2017 - 06:51 AM in Cichlid Discussion

I was reading a thread on another site regarding "Texas Cichlids"
and the question came to mind 'What fish are we actually talking about here? Herichthys cyanoguttatus (Texas Cichlid) or Herichthys carpintis, which according to "Cichlid gurus" of the time (30 years ago), were sold in Australia as "Texas cichlid" or "Green Terror"
This has probably been discussed at length on this forum in the past but I would be interested to know what is the current consenses of opinion?

#361570 Safe Size To Move Cichlids On?

Posted by Chris Perth on 06 May 2017 - 09:24 AM in Cichlid Discussion

There's no law or anything but I've always considered 3cm to caudal peduncle as absolute minimum. Dependent on species of course.
When trading with lfs I try to get it closer to 5cm so they can sell easier. When buying I like at least 5cm as it's much easier to see deformities

Basically what Poncho said - there used to be an old 'rule of thumb' of an inch and a quarter or 3cm as a minimum but inch and a half preferred or almost 4cm
My wholesaler prefers 4cm if possible but 5 is better and commands a little bit extra $$

#359827 Rip Mobile

Posted by Chris Perth on 22 February 2017 - 01:13 PM in Off The Wall

i know people that couldnt make it through a single day without facebook.... on it all day with their phone... so sad really....

and a good tip if you drop your phone into water... turn it off and get battery out asap then drop them into a container full of rice..... good chance your phone will recover :)

You have been watching too much NCIS lol plus Terry probably needed to know that a couple of days ago[emoji4]

Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk

#363364 October Meeting - P C S Auction Night.

Posted by Chris Perth on 15 September 2017 - 07:31 PM in Monthly Meetings - Next Meeting Info

Will be trying hard to get there.

As the old Nike ad used to say "JUST DO IT"

#361298 May Pcs Meeting - Auction Night.

Posted by Chris Perth on 22 April 2017 - 01:03 PM in Monthly Meetings - Next Meeting Info

In preparing for my 'Auction Roundup' I can confirm that there are 9 Tang Lots and 1 Victorian Lot based on the above list, some may have been added since

1 x Pair Neolamprologus Brevis "Sunspot"

1 x Pair of Calinochromis sp. Ndobhoi 10-12cm

4 x Ophtalmotilapia Ventralis "Neon Streak" 5cm

1 x Pair Lithochromis Rubripinnis (RARE) 5cm (Victorian)

3 x Neolamprologus Olivaceous (RARE) 4cm

3 x Altolamprologus Calvus "Black" 3-4cm

5 x Neolamprologus Multifasciatus "Multis" 2-3cm

4 x Cyphotilapia Frontosa "Kigoma" 4-5cm

4 x Neolamprologus Multifasciatus "Multis" 2-3cm

4 x Neolamprologus Brichardi 3-4cm


This is an increase of 1 on the previous auction

Hope that helps

#363149 Is It Worth Looking Around For In Australia?

Posted by Chris Perth on 01 September 2017 - 05:33 PM in Catfish & Loaches

Many years ago (prior to internet information overload) there was a school of thought that A.dolichoptrus/hoplogenyes was in fact what was sold under the trade name of Peppermint in Australia. I understand that ID is as simple as counting the dorsel rays one hard and 9 soft but as I dont have peps so I cant do that - perhaps some peppy owners could oblige.
So it may well be that the L183's that you seek are in fact what we call pepperments - perhaps Johnno or others could be more illuminating

#363165 Is It Worth Looking Around For In Australia?

Posted by Chris Perth on 03 September 2017 - 09:40 AM in Catfish & Loaches

Johnno is it possible for you to catch one of your mature peps and do a dorsal fin ray count? Or post a pic of an extended dorsal ?
Having consulted the trusty Aqualog I can see that what appears to be mature L183 retain the white edging on the dorsal and caudal fins which I am given to understand that our pepermints lose with maturity, so ours may not be true L183's
But as you say Johnno "no one really knows with 100% certainty"

#363506 Is He A She? Venustus

Posted by Chris Perth on 29 September 2017 - 07:44 PM in Cichlid Discussion

Humbug - When/if I get over to SA you and I will have to meet up for a Fish chat as you speak my language! Well stated can not disagree with anything you have said above. .

#362456 Hybrids For Sale

Posted by Chris Perth on 10 July 2017 - 09:12 AM in Cichlid Discussion

Whats your thoughts on flowerhorns?

It appears no one is prepared to comment, which probably says it all.

#360960 Gas Attack

Posted by Chris Perth on 08 April 2017 - 05:23 AM in Off The Wall

So the 'bad' arn't necessarily as bad as we are led to believe, (except the extra bad IS) and the 'good' arn't as good as they should be.

But what is really really bad is the hundreds of thousands of inocent lives lost in the name of 'good' or should that be 'God'

#362207 Feeding Cichlids - 1973 Style

Posted by Chris Perth on 14 June 2017 - 11:05 AM in Off The Wall

I've just gone back and taken a look.  Not sure how a good a "measure" this is of the ratio of American to African involved, but the "New World Cichlids" portion of the book is 132 pages long, while the "Cichlids of Africa" section is 127 pages.  Of the "Cichlids of Africa" chapter, only around 45 pages are dedicated to the "Great Lakes of East Africa".  In the listings of Malawi species, a higher proportion are "haps" than are "mbuna".

As is often is the case we (Australia) were a bit behind in getting the latest trends - I don't recall Rift lake cichlids gaining widespread popularity in WA at least, until the 80's whereas they were well established in the American and European hobbys in the 70's hence our reliance on American publications for pretty well all our information.

#362058 Feeding Cichlids - 1973 Style

Posted by Chris Perth on 08 June 2017 - 09:36 AM in Off The Wall

Good question - though you are correct in as much that I do recall there being more South Americans, eg Oscars, jewel cichlids, firemouths, blue acara, etc but that was late 70's  say 78 - 80. I did know a chap Ron Barnes, who had a glazing business in Walliston (near Kalamunda) who had Frontosa in that same period, but where he acquired them from I do not know, though he used to bring in fish from Singapore and of course no quarantine back then and I don't think schedule 6 was in existence then or not? or in fact if there were any restrictions as to what could be imported under the guise of the Ornamental fish trade.

I have just done a bit of looking up and it seems Schedule 6 (as we know it) came into force in 2001 what restrictions applied prior to that - I do not know but I imagine there would have been some either under the umbrella of AQIS or Customs etc - if any one knows I would like to hear

#362017 Feeding Cichlids - 1973 Style

Posted by Chris Perth on 05 June 2017 - 07:58 AM in Off The Wall

I laugh when I see people suggesting a high protein diet causes bloat. We didn't see bloat in beefheart fed fish. Not that I suggest its a good diet!!!!

Im currently leafing through some 1959 TFH magazines. The fish food adverts are very entertaining.  :) So much of the advertising spin is similar to today, but a few other selling points like packaging dont seem to be on the radar in current ads. I'll see if I can scan a couple.

. . . . and before you lot start, no, Im not THAT old!

I think I must be that old as i remember all too well the books and Mags of which you speak. So much so that I used to keep my TFH aquarium atlas up to date with the loose leaf supplement pages that were included in each TFH magazine. I do remember a guy by the name of Geof who had a shop called Finland here in Perth, who set me up with my first African cichlids 'johanni' with the recommendation that Wardleys flakes were the way to go! Beef heart was the primary food for Oscars and the like = but this was a little later probably about the early 80's'ish. before that I only had Oscars, a couple of other South Americans and a few tropicals, and I used to collect a lot of live foods. Commercial stuff was very expensive when you were on a budget with a family.  Ahhh for the good old days NOT! :D  :D

#363874 Boring As Bat

Posted by Chris Perth on 30 October 2017 - 05:00 PM in Off The Wall

My murray cod is 55cm maybe bit more.... sorry chris

Silly me - here I thought Cichlid Society you must mean Cichlids

#363850 Boring As Bat

Posted by Chris Perth on 29 October 2017 - 02:45 PM in Off The Wall

Oh yeah thats a beaut clip... PERFECTION...... lol

Photobucket has turned on us and wont let you share pics on forums anymore unless you pay... no one wants to pay..... I agree facebook pic sharing is sooo easy...

How big is the biggest fish kept in tanks by anyone on pcs....


He did say fish not catfish - so my Frontosa was 15"+ TL (about 38cm) he would sit in his clay drainage pipe with his face out one end and most of his tail out the other. when I find the pic I'll put it up In fact I think Sue (Living Pictures) still has the clay pipe.