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There have been 6 items by ZOLTAN (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#330072 Dallas Buyers Club Vs Iinet

Posted by ZOLTAN on 26 October 2014 - 02:18 PM in Off The Wall

I just use a seedbox to go about my entertainment needs and avoid public trackers.

#325006 Op Ferguson

Posted by ZOLTAN on 18 August 2014 - 04:05 PM in Off The Wall

House Democrat Unveils Bill To Demilitarize Local Police.




http://hankjohnson.h...rcement Act.pdf




National Guard To Be Deployed In Ferguson




#320299 Neon Blue Jewel Cichlid/blue Line Jewels

Posted by ZOLTAN on 04 July 2014 - 10:41 PM in Cichlid Discussion

Not long ago i worked for a global freight company and i can tell you now if people are looking to use fastway couriers get ready to rant. One of the worst freight companies going. Even the company i once worked for had a contract for this company to do deliveries for the freight company i was working for. They did such a terrible job the company i worked for stopped using them and even had outstanding credit with fastway.


After about two years later they came back trying to secure a new contract while offering to honour the current credit that was still valid. Most noted problems with fastway couriers were. Packages continually got lost and were always late.


Fastway never secured another contract with the freight company that i once worked for. Fastway couriers base of operations in Perth has moved around so much it would make a gypsy jealous.


I don't work for any freight companies anymore, so i'm not being negative against this company to push business to other companies. I just wanted to let people know what they might be in for if they decide to use this company. I would hate to see or hear of anyone losing fish or receiving dead fish.


Sorry to hijack the thread... back to fish.   :)

#317616 Beware: Shrimp Back On The Menu!

Posted by ZOLTAN on 07 June 2014 - 05:22 PM in Off The Wall

The government just recently went through Daff like a hot knife through butter. Many staff were let go, fisheries might have found themselves next on the chopping block and are taking action to justified jobs and funds. The tough budget might make it even harder for them over the coming years. 

#315476 Employment

Posted by ZOLTAN on 13 May 2014 - 09:50 PM in Off The Wall

Saw this ad on seek, another option for you if distance isn't a problem.



#314758 Aquarium Tv Shows

Posted by ZOLTAN on 06 May 2014 - 03:45 AM in Off The Wall

G'day people's been a while since my last login under my username, been mostly lurking behind the scenes lately. So regarding to the topic title above, i did a quick search to see if the tv shows had been mention before but i wasn't exactly in the mood to go hunting for unicorns amongst the forum.


So if these have been posted before or in the wrong spot, can admins or mod's please delete or merge.


Not sure if many have seen or been watching these two shows, if not i thought i would create a thread informing those that haven't about them. Complete with trailers for both and with links to some sites to stream the tv shows for free.  ( Note: No downloads can be found, only links for streaming purposes only )


Due to copyright law and anti piracy groups, web sites and links may go down due to DMCA requests and domain seizures by the FBI, ICE and other 3rd parties. So heads up, sites and material may not last forever.


Also i must state for the record i have no association with any of these sites or material other then watching for my own personal entertainment. I just wanted to spread the word on these two shows for those that might be interested.


Fish Tank Kings



Dive into the crazy, pressure-filled job of creating jaw-dropping aquariums for demanding clients. Fish Tank Kings follows Florida-based aquarium specialists as they use their unparalleled skills, creativity, and teamwork to build massive underwater creations. This season, the guys go bigger and bolder than ever, taking on extreme projects that have never before been attempted before. In the world of extreme fish tanks, the drama and pressure of the building process is nowhere as serene as the final product.


( There are two seasons of fish tank kings )


Web Sites


http://www.watchseri...k kings&search=

http://videobull.com...k kings&x=0&y=0







"TANKED", a six-episode series, dunks viewers into the high-decibel, family-owned business of Acrylic Tank Manufacturing (ATM), one of the country's leading and most successful builders of aquariums. Led by brothers-in-law (and business partners, best friends and rivals) Brett Raymer and Wayde King and housed in a state-of-the-art, cavernous facility located in the center of Sin City, ATM literally has created thousands of enormous, conceptual aquariums for high-profile clients. Working with opinionated and outrageous family and staff, Brett and Wayde take on jaw-dropping aquarium builds, from such intricate and interesting locations as inside restaurants, casinos, banks, hotels, churches, offices, mansions, museums and zoos. Their tanks are for celebrities and ordinary Joes, and their aquariums and their business are filled with the most unusual...and larger-than-life creatures in the world....


Web Sites










Viewing Info


Just a heads up, some links might create popup's when clicking on links. Not sure what browser everyone use's but i use firefox with the adblock plus plugin to get rid of ads and to kill popup's before they can take place. So if your worried about ads and popup's i have linked the url for the adblock plus plugin if you wish to get it to view the media on the sites.


You will find a version of adblock plus for most of the popular browsers. Just click on the right where the browser icons are next to the download tab.





So for those that are interested in watching i hope you enjoy and for those that have been watching, what do you think? do you have a favourite? For me i prefer Tanked due to there being more episodes and more of a fun loving side to the show.


For those curious, both shows are on National Geographic and Animal Planet.


Please do not add any more links to other sites. If you wish to do so, please contact Admins etc etc by pm to get permission to do so. Reason is to safe guard the PCS and members.


If anyone is curious as which links are good to click on for smooth viewing, feel free to send me a pm and i'll point you in the right direction. :)


If any web site links stop working, send me a pm and i'll update link if available.