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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here

Kleinz's Content

There have been 306 items by Kleinz (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#342279 Quick + Easy + Cheap Diy Led Conversion

Posted by Kleinz on 25 July 2015 - 09:49 PM in DIY

Good job. At a little under 100lumens/watt it's going to be reasonably economical. If you are growing plants in the tank I will be interested to see how well the spectrum suits them.


How close are they to the perspex? They look flush in the pix. That would be my worry in terms of heat.

#342138 Wtb: Shell Dwellers Cichlids

Posted by Kleinz on 22 July 2015 - 10:11 PM in Classifieds

Have seen ocellatus of various colours at Morley recently.

#342106 Lake Victorians

Posted by Kleinz on 22 July 2015 - 02:21 PM in Classifieds

They are tricky to come by, and a bit sporadic.


I breed ptyochromis hippo point salmon and astatotilapia aeneocolor yellow belly alberts ( not strictly a Victorian, I think).


 Apart from latifasciata, I have seen enterochromis paropius, a peaceful and very pretty fish. There are some python island pundamilia nyereri about, as well as haplochromis sp.44 "thickskin. Also some haplochromis thereuterion and a few lithocromis types if you can track them down. Egyptian mouthbrooders ( pseudocrenilabrus multicolor) might even qualify.


These and others are floating about at sponsor stores and in breeders'collections, but not a great many. Have seen them at Aquotix, Vebas, Rob's, Morley, Midland . The main point is if you have more than one species of Victorian, don't keep them in the same tank (unless it's an all male display), as the females resemble each other pretty closely and the fry are pretty much indistinguishable.

#341992 Can I Use This Wood In An Aquarium?

Posted by Kleinz on 20 July 2015 - 11:14 AM in Technical & Equipment

Just zap with pressure cleaner then soak and it should be fine IMO

#341655 10,000 Fish Die

Posted by Kleinz on 14 July 2015 - 07:58 AM in Off The Wall

It's arguable that Brazil already has the world's largest freshwater aquarium. It's called the Amazon.

#341594 Hello

Posted by Kleinz on 13 July 2015 - 07:21 AM in Introduce Yourself !

Best to have your pics hosted on a website like photobucket ( which many of us use).



#341542 Uber Kewl

Posted by Kleinz on 11 July 2015 - 09:03 PM in Off The Wall

Spruik much, guys?


You talk about extra charges? The minimum charge for an Uber is higher than a cab, and taxis do not have surge pricing. Sure, there is a three buck charge after midnight Friday and Saturday in a taxi. That's not unreasonable, and a pittance, really. In place of this Uber have what's called "surge pricing".


At about the same time as you pay an extra couple of bucks in a cab, Uber  charges 1.5 times, 2.4x, 5x,  right up to 7 times the normal fare, depending on  how busy it is, who is manipulating their system, and the price of eggs in China.  An uber out to the far burbs can easily cost $300. And has. Aside a couple of bucks, the taxi price is reliably the same. Uber's pretty sneaky, though.


So really, it's true to say an Uber is sometimes cheaper than a cab, and sometimes it will cost much, much more. Also being a completely illegal service, you have no recourse if anything at all should go wrong.


The "wait times" I also call bull on. You can go stand on a corner on a Friday or Saturday night in Northbridge and see a sea of taxis from which you can choose. Then you will see a bunch of hipsters standing around ignoring those while tracking their Uber car's approach on their smartphone so they can be one of the cool kids.


Then they get into a froth and find a forum to gush on. Ohh. It's so convenient! Ohh it's so cheap and clean! They drive you in a car! It has four wheels and everything! And the drivers are so polite, just like they are in Bali ! Ooh it only costs two dollars to get to Sorrento and I get a free martini and a handjob!... Please.


Spare me the crap about how a taxi will never pick someone up from a street corner. They do that about five thousand times a night in Perth.


We all want to pay less for everything all the time, but remember that you are now sending your money out of the loop to Google and Morgan Stanley and some guy that doesn't pay tax either and probably is working here illegally on a tourist visa. Long term this will come round and bite you too.

#341382 July Meeting - Dr Richmond Loh - The Fish Vet

Posted by Kleinz on 08 July 2015 - 12:56 AM in Monthly Meetings - Next Meeting Info

Boo! Hiss! ;)

#340607 Led Lights

Posted by Kleinz on 18 June 2015 - 04:17 PM in Technical & Equipment

Beams Works depends on the version number. They are always bringing out the same model but with newer brighter LEDs, so later ones are better. No good for plants, though.


6500 and 10000 are probably kelvin rating rather than lumens. Generally the higher you go, the bluer they get. 6500 is a pretty neutral white, verging on cool. 10000 is getting very cool and blueish. 5000 on down tends towards yellower tones.


It's a matter of taste. I prefer about 6500 as it is close to sunlight.

#340228 Id Help Please!

Posted by Kleinz on 09 June 2015 - 03:16 AM in Cichlid Discussion

Victorian.  Male is probably  pundamilia nyereri.


Female is hard to tell. IMO head is wrong for hippo point, and body too deep, but that could be the refraction. If you let it grow a bit it will become clearer

#340210 Is This Borleyi Male Or Female

Posted by Kleinz on 08 June 2015 - 07:42 PM in Cichlid Discussion

AT that size if it is colouring, I'd guess male. Looked bigger in pic.

#340141 Is This Borleyi Male Or Female

Posted by Kleinz on 08 June 2015 - 01:06 AM in Cichlid Discussion

Chuck it to me if it's a female and I'll add it to the colony :)


Might be a female with lots of colour food. How big is it and what is it eating?

#339948 Game Of Throne- Spoiler Alert- Don't Complain If You Didn't Want To K...

Posted by Kleinz on 03 June 2015 - 08:00 PM in Off The Wall

#339898 Climbing Perch

Posted by Kleinz on 02 June 2015 - 03:07 PM in ANGFA WA

Hey! What if cane toads ate them?  :rolleyes:

#339612 Wtb: L010A Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish - Found

Posted by Kleinz on 27 May 2015 - 03:55 PM in Classifieds

They were Bigjohnnofish's

#339266 Fish At Aquotix That Mattia Pointed At

Posted by Kleinz on 21 May 2015 - 09:20 PM in Aquotix Aquariums

Might could be :blush: ...What's it to ya?

#339259 Fish At Aquotix That Mattia Pointed At

Posted by Kleinz on 21 May 2015 - 08:49 PM in Aquotix Aquariums

Hah. I walked into a LFS to trade in some fish today and someone had brought in some gold and some black occies. The gold ones are mine now. I'm pretty happy with that trade :)

#339239 Fish At Aquotix That Mattia Pointed At

Posted by Kleinz on 21 May 2015 - 01:45 PM in Aquotix Aquariums

Was at Aquotix yesterday and Mattia gesticulated excitedly at some of their fish.   I took photos and I post them here.    


Pseudotropheus sp williamsi north makonde.  These are the mustard yellow guys with blue lips.


Cryptoheros sajica "T-bar cichlid" IMG_3268-crop_zpsrvks9ltw.jpg

Phenacogrammus interruptus "congo tetra" IMG_3256-crop_zps4rsxg2p0.jpg

aulonocara somethingorother "dragonblood peacock" IMG_3240_zpszantgcao.jpg  

labidochromis caeruleus "Nkali" IMG_3226-crop_zpsxlih2fuh.jpg

astatotilapia aeneocolor "yellow belly albert" IMG_3219_zpsav8wltcw.jpg

naevochromis chrysogaster IMG_3221-crop_zpsbssly138.jpg

Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor "dwarf Egyptian mouthbrooder" IMG_3204-crop_zpspvpqrro9.jpg

Eclectochromis Ornatus Masenje IMG_3305-crop_zps9imowgdd.jpg

And the lovely lamprologus ocellatus ''Gold'' IMG_3189_zps2ajjkr3w.jpg

#339217 Wtb: L201 Pleco - Found

Posted by Kleinz on 21 May 2015 - 06:57 AM in Classifieds

Possibly try aquacouple.

#339170 How Much Sand Do I Need For A 6X2X2 ?

Posted by Kleinz on 20 May 2015 - 07:42 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

I concur.

#338553 May Meeting- Autumn Auction

Posted by Kleinz on 05 May 2015 - 06:24 PM in Monthly Meetings - Next Meeting Info

Anyone worried it will be cold tonight, don't worry; the hall has heaters but we never need them on auction nights. All those people make it quite warm inside.


See you there!


#338516 May Meeting- Autumn Auction

Posted by Kleinz on 05 May 2015 - 12:18 AM in Monthly Meetings - Next Meeting Info

Righto. Here is the lot list for the auction so you can print it out yourselves.


Attached File  May15auctionFinallots.pdf   41.38KB   64 downloads

#338418 May Meeting- Autumn Auction

Posted by Kleinz on 02 May 2015 - 06:38 PM in Monthly Meetings - Next Meeting Info

This is a really interesting and varied list. Something there for everyone.  Certainly quite a few lots I am interested in.



Oh yeah, entries closed now.

#338361 May Meeting- Autumn Auction

Posted by Kleinz on 01 May 2015 - 04:26 PM in Monthly Meetings - Next Meeting Info

Tonight is the cutoff, people. Get your lots in and don't miss out!

#338302 Your Quick Response To This

Posted by Kleinz on 30 April 2015 - 07:49 PM in Off The Wall

I think you are operating on a faulty assumption: The desired outcome.


If they wanted the guys home, then maybe the UN would be the go.


If they were simply determined to posture and prance and  fly the flag and dog whistle like mad while the gears moved towards the inevitable then try and reap a political reward, then they would behave much as they just did.


The rest is all theatre. All the cajoling. All the finger wagging. All the finger pointing. Theatre.  I expect both governments got to hide some real dirt between the smokescreen of Chan/Sukamaran. As they do.


Had nothing to do with what was right or correct or fair.


Executions by country. Indo is not in the top 20