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#338302 Your Quick Response To This

Posted by Kleinz on 30 April 2015 - 07:49 PM in Off The Wall

I think you are operating on a faulty assumption: The desired outcome.


If they wanted the guys home, then maybe the UN would be the go.


If they were simply determined to posture and prance and  fly the flag and dog whistle like mad while the gears moved towards the inevitable then try and reap a political reward, then they would behave much as they just did.


The rest is all theatre. All the cajoling. All the finger wagging. All the finger pointing. Theatre.  I expect both governments got to hide some real dirt between the smokescreen of Chan/Sukamaran. As they do.


Had nothing to do with what was right or correct or fair.


Executions by country. Indo is not in the top 20

#338290 Your Quick Response To This

Posted by Kleinz on 30 April 2015 - 05:34 PM in Off The Wall

No. I do not believe in execution for drug offenses, if at all. I have known drug users and I have seen some die of them. That does not alter my opinion.


I think that what they did is a bit irrelevant to the outcome, though.


This issue was milked for the political winner that it was by the Australian and Indonesian governments both. It was the gift that kept on giving.  They both managed this well and got decent bumps in the approval polls out of it. That the outcome was execution was always going to be the case and I doubt that either lost sleep over that part.


Abbott and Bishop got to look important and presidential making a fuss about someone they did not give a rat's arse over and it helped distract from the series of disasters and incompetence at home. It's as good a distraction as playing the terrorist card and sending troops/planes to the middle east.


A newly minted Widodo got to increase his support by firmly resisting pressure from rich countries who are seen over there as patronising and bullying. The theatre of their transfer to the prison island said it all. Four naval ships. Armoured vehicles. Commandos. For what?  In case someone tried something? Please.  That was just an exercise in Indonesian national pride. It will have played very well on TV. As good as the ANZAC crap we have been rehashing endlessly for the last weeks.


I think the Federal Police have some responsibility here, as they shopped those guys. I would like to know whose decision that was. I would like to know what they or the Australian government got in return. I am certain they got something.


I'd really like to know why noone further up the supply chain was caught or charged. Surely this would have been a golden opportunity to do something other than stop a few bottom level mules and enforcer thugs. No?



Lastly, given the amount of consular assistance and pressure the Australian government has expended on these guys, who are (or perhaps were) essentially scum and thugs, why do they not exert similar pressure to try and help guys like Julian Assange, who performed some serious public service to us all, and is not yet charged with a crime. He has languished a prisoner  in a small room in London for some years now and must live with the distinct likelihood that he will end up in an American prison for decades at the least and might well be subject to torture by that regime, should he get there.


I want to know why they aren't helping that guy.

#336057 Your Power Bill

Posted by Kleinz on 04 March 2015 - 11:26 PM in Off The Wall

The program to change light globes in streetlights before they fail - gone. Expect to see more streetlights fail in the next 12 months as globes approach end of life.


 Why in god's name would you change them before they failed anyway? Does anyone else change a lightglobe before it dies?


The main thrust is correct. The cost of power generation has been falling for some time and there is certainly some gold plating going on in the network.


To streetlights again. I cannot think of anything more wasteful than having all those guzzling metal halide lamps running all night every night, though that is a side issue.

#336012 Your Power Bill

Posted by Kleinz on 04 March 2015 - 12:05 AM in Off The Wall

Came across this, and given the price of electricity and its effect on the hobby, I thought it worth putting here.


#336082 Your Power Bill

Posted by Kleinz on 05 March 2015 - 07:01 PM in Off The Wall

When I was a kid they only stayed on until 1 in the morning. In the burbs I think that is eminently sensible. It's not as if cars don't have headlights.


Also they screw with all the nanimals rather badly. Turning them off would be so much less wasteful and a good idea.


Which is why it will never happen here.

#325737 Yellow Belly Alberts

Posted by Kleinz on 26 August 2014 - 08:25 PM in Photo Album & Photography Discussion

Just thought I'd share a few pictures of one of my astatotilapia aeneocolor "yellow belly albert" males here. He bin crusin de chicks and be lookin' fiiiine. These guys are Lake Victoria cichlids (though maybe Lake Albert from the name) I don't know if they are still in the lake. I doubt it.


Though small, he is a psycho killer and pretty much destroys anything smaller than him, as is the way with many of the prettier cichlids.









And here he is looking smug, having just done the deed.



#327588 Yellow Belly Alberts

Posted by Kleinz on 19 September 2014 - 04:04 PM in Photo Album & Photography Discussion

Can't answer that yet. All fairly recently stripped. So far, so good.  They show aggression at  <1cm!

#327580 Yellow Belly Alberts

Posted by Kleinz on 19 September 2014 - 03:30 PM in Photo Album & Photography Discussion

Stripped again today. It amazes me just how many fry the females , being young and tiny, manage to hold.

#327582 Yellow Belly Alberts

Posted by Kleinz on 19 September 2014 - 03:46 PM in Photo Album & Photography Discussion

20 from a 4-5cm fish. My nkali females that breed at similar size produce about 7.


With my big hands, it makes stripping a rather nerve wracking experience.

#335089 Xanthic Tandanus

Posted by Kleinz on 15 February 2015 - 08:06 AM in Tank Busters, Exotics, Large Predators and Oddballs

What are you on about, then?

#335464 Xanthic Tandanus

Posted by Kleinz on 23 February 2015 - 11:14 AM in Tank Busters, Exotics, Large Predators and Oddballs

Yes, do! I'm as confoozled as Leif :blink:

#335471 Xanthic Tandanus

Posted by Kleinz on 23 February 2015 - 12:55 PM in Tank Busters, Exotics, Large Predators and Oddballs

Hmm? I am still none the wiser.

#336020 Wtb: Swan River Gobies

Posted by Kleinz on 04 March 2015 - 12:29 PM in ANGFA WA

Do you really want an answer to that?

#342138 Wtb: Shell Dwellers Cichlids

Posted by Kleinz on 22 July 2015 - 10:11 PM in Classifieds

Have seen ocellatus of various colours at Morley recently.

#326130 Wtb: Placidochromis Sp "phenochilus Mdoka" "phenochilus Tanzania...

Posted by Kleinz on 01 September 2014 - 07:18 PM in Classifieds

Saw some gissel, phenochilus and electra at Rob's last week. Might be worth a look.

#332122 Wtb: Lp-100 Air Pump (Or Similar) Asap!

Posted by Kleinz on 05 December 2014 - 09:37 PM in Classifieds

Could just get new diaphragms? I think Vebas may have among others.

#339217 Wtb: L201 Pleco - Found

Posted by Kleinz on 21 May 2015 - 06:57 AM in Classifieds

Possibly try aquacouple.

#335236 Wtb: Dimidiochromis Kiwinge. Have $$ Ready To Purchase

Posted by Kleinz on 17 February 2015 - 04:57 PM in Classifieds

I certainly saw some in Vebas not long ago.

#339612 Wtb: L010A Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish - Found

Posted by Kleinz on 27 May 2015 - 03:55 PM in Classifieds

They were Bigjohnnofish's

#334429 Wtb Geophagus Argyrostictus

Posted by Kleinz on 02 February 2015 - 04:42 PM in Classifieds

Not seen any here for some time. Don't know of any in WA at the moment.

#333982 Wtb Crab Scoops

Posted by Kleinz on 24 January 2015 - 02:19 AM in Off The Wall

Protip: When crabbing in Mandurah, do not go just after Australia day. It's totally hammered :)

#333997 Wtb Crab Scoops

Posted by Kleinz on 24 January 2015 - 04:16 PM in Off The Wall

Kmart, baby.


Make sure you buy a size gauge.

#328727 Wild Caught Malawi Fish – Stuart M Grant Ltd Fish House, Sept 2014

Posted by Kleinz on 06 October 2014 - 06:55 AM in Photo Album & Photography Discussion

Very nice fish all.  I see your pics are a bit hap heavy, or at least light on mbuna. Does that reflect the stock there or is it just a coincidence?


Always wanted some linni...


I see you either found some cleanish tanks or are carrying a damp rag :)

#328732 Wild Caught Malawi Fish – Stuart M Grant Ltd Fish House, Sept 2014

Posted by Kleinz on 06 October 2014 - 07:42 AM in Photo Album & Photography Discussion

They are all stunning stunning fish. We really don't mind the limescale. You could post a gig of photos of haps, mbuna,catties,rocks, gravel...on here and people would still be happy.


I don't think the rendalli are over here, but I could be wrong.


ps please post me some linni...

#327142 While I Was Raiding The Seachem At Vebas.

Posted by Kleinz on 14 September 2014 - 04:33 PM in Vebas Aquariums

I took the opportunity to snap some photos of  a few things at Vebas while I was there the other day.

Some iodotropheus sprengerae "rusty cichlid" fry.
Syndontontis.... petricola? multipunctatus? I can never tell the difference :mellow:
A feisty Texas
Synodontis ocelifer
paratilapia polleni (is it called something else now?)
If the other one was multipunctatus, then this is petricola, but if the other one is petricola, then this is a cuckoo catfish.. you know what I mean.. :huh:
young placidochromis phenochilus gissel. I really like these and was very tempted. Maybe next time.
Aulonocara maylandi: one of my favourite peacocks. the photo just doesn't do this guy justice.
Since it seems to be "bring a catfish to work" day, here's a small synodontis decorus pondering on a rock.
Placidochromis milomo "VC10"
Some black angels
The nano marine from the counter top that we all love so much

The special commemorative We-are -driving-round-Australia-in-a-van Seachem bottles. They are quite attractive, replete with aboriginal style designs. What's a bit of cultural appropriation between friends, bro? ;)