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#367202 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 05 March 2019 - 12:24 PM in Marine Discussion, Photos & Journals

Thanks Craig, glad you've enjoyed it. 


Tank is now 5 months old - super young for a reef. Tank has now also been featured on Dalua Australia's facebook page. Dalua is the distributor Illumagic (the lights I'm using), which is pretty cool for such a young tank. 


Can't wait to see what the tank will look like in 12 months from now. 

#367188 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 28 February 2019 - 09:46 AM in Marine Discussion, Photos & Journals



Dazza - just go the whole way and do a reef. I was keen on marine fish, to be honest they only get in the way when looking at my coral. ;)


I've got a few really special SPS coming next weekend, can't wait.

#366700 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 18 October 2018 - 01:57 PM in Marine Discussion, Photos & Journals



I started this process back in February this year, and still don't have a single piece of coral or fish in the tank. Patience grasshopper.  :D

#366481 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 24 August 2018 - 09:09 AM in Marine Discussion, Photos & Journals

Jules - there is no progress unfortunately. 


I have all my equipment sitting in a cupboard in boxes. The only piece missing is my lights that were ordered/paid for 6 weeks ago. Had to wait for them to come in from overseas to the distributor, and then shipped to me. Received an e-mail a week ago saying they have arrived and have been shipped. So hopefully should see them any day now (fingers crossed).


The tank is still sitting in the middle of the room. To say getting all the equipment has been a pain is an understatement. 6 week + wait for lights, 6 + weeks for my skimmer, multiple other items out of stock at all Australian vendors! But I am almost there. 


The tank is still in the middle of the room because my lighting brackets need to be fixed to the wall and I don't want to lean over a 3' wide tank drilling into a wall. 


As soon as the lights get here it was all happen very quickly and the tank will be filled within the week. 


Decided I'm going to go down the premium live rock pathway. The Carib Sea Life Rock is in such low supply in Australia, was finding it extremely difficult to get the amounts in the type I wanted, I don't want to give the company my money when they have serviced the Australian market so poorly (my opinion). There's also a part of my brain that struggles with the concept of paying as much or slightly more for 'dead rock' and premium live rock - I'll deal with any pests that come my way.

#366709 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 21 October 2018 - 08:03 AM in Marine Discussion, Photos & Journals







Added a couple pieces of rock and moved the entire structure in on the left to create some more separation between the two structures: lowered my lights which was a mission!

Sand goes in at some stage next week, so realistically ready for fish and the first coral in the next 1-2 weeks!

#367192 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 01 March 2019 - 08:46 AM in Marine Discussion, Photos & Journals

Thanks mate, a lot of time, effort and money has gone into it. Starting to see some rewards. 


The set up isn't perfect by any means, and am still battling some issues. The sand is a bit of a mess with what looks like a mixture of diatoms and a weird short haired brown algae. Being a young reef, hopefully this will just go in time. I also have been battling nasty vermatid snails. They aren't the end of the world but look unsightly and can irritate corals. 

#366724 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 24 October 2018 - 02:27 PM in Marine Discussion, Photos & Journals

Thanks mate. 

#367223 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 13 March 2019 - 01:50 PM in Marine Discussion, Photos & Journals

Added a 6 line wrasse and a Clown tang. Both are tiny, hopefully they don't destroy my tank in time. 


I think from now on, I'm only adding fish that can serve a purpose for me. Which is pretty much wrasse for pest eradication and tangs for algae eating. 


A small group of yellow coris would be cool..