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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here

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There have been 11 items by Jarrod90 (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#341081 Fs: Tanks And Mature American Cichlids

Posted by Jarrod90 on 30 June 2015 - 07:43 PM in Classifieds


#340390 Fs: Tanks And Mature American Cichlids

Posted by Jarrod90 on 12 June 2015 - 02:41 PM in Classifieds

Prices reduced

#340221 Fs: Tanks And Mature American Cichlids

Posted by Jarrod90 on 08 June 2015 - 10:50 PM in Classifieds

Selling some tanks and fish to make room, all in good to excellent condition unless stated otherwise. All prices negotiable, text me on 0431 562 520


Tank 1 - Aquaone tank and stand, black silicone on black wooden stand
Dimensions (length/width/height): 2.5ft / 1.5ft / 2ft
Glass Thickness: 1cm
Condition: Good
Age: bought second hand 3 years ago
Stand: black wood
Lids: yes
Price or ballpark figure: $150
Shipping available? no

comes with 2ft dual bulb Heto light, can also include aquaone heater, airpump and internal filter to run





Oscar, sex unknown, really vivid orange, photo taken after a water change so he looks a bit pale


bought from Morley Aquariums about a year ago






2x Male Convicts

both around 10-12cm

bought from Morley aquariums about a year ago

$10 each


#328541 My Planted Tank

Posted by Jarrod90 on 03 October 2014 - 09:41 AM in Photo Album & Photography Discussion

Whoa incredible looking tank! Exactly the type of rocks I've been trying to get my hands on too haha

#327488 A Little Rude But Well Worth The Laugh

Posted by Jarrod90 on 18 September 2014 - 03:23 PM in Off The Wall

Hahahah gold

#327083 Geophagus Tapajos Photos

Posted by Jarrod90 on 14 September 2014 - 12:14 AM in Photo Album & Photography Discussion

These are really nice, especially like the ram :)

#325215 Modifying Tank To A Sump Setup

Posted by Jarrod90 on 20 August 2014 - 04:54 PM in Technical & Equipment

I've been keeping an eye out for 6x2 tanks on gumtree and have seen a few really good deals, $400 or less for the tank and stand, in some cases lights and other accessories too. But all that I've seen in that sort of price range so far don't have the holes or weir etc for a sump, so I'm wanting to know if its worth the saving if I'm then going to have to modify the tank to run one


Is this a huge job to set up if I grab a sump from one of the retailers and modify a normal tank to run it? This will be my first time dealing with this sort of set up so not sure if the sumps come with the hosing and connections from the overflow to the sump. Any help is appreciated :)

#325183 Advice On Tank Mates

Posted by Jarrod90 on 20 August 2014 - 12:51 PM in Cichlid Discussion

If I went with those fish, do you think the sex would make any difference?

#325180 Advice On Tank Mates

Posted by Jarrod90 on 20 August 2014 - 12:42 PM in Cichlid Discussion

Yeh the oscar is the one I am most unsure of, I really like them but just dunno if they could stand up to the other two. Since it's a display tank I kinda wanna get a nice range of colours from the 3 fish, and any others I've considered like RD or FH are another step up again in terms of aggression, don't wanna risk my Jag she was my first cichlid haha

#325177 Advice On Tank Mates

Posted by Jarrod90 on 20 August 2014 - 12:17 PM in Cichlid Discussion

So I previously had my female jag and male texas (carpintis) in with a firemouth and jack dempsey, up until my Jag and Texas formed a breeding pair. The texas killed the FM, and I moved the JD into my housemates tank temporarily since he was being hassled by both the Jag and texas.


I am looking at getting a new tank soon, looking for a 6x2x2 or similar that I can run with a sump, and when I do I will be moving the Jag into it and leaving the texas with the JD (which I think is a male) in the current one.


I wanna get another couple of cichlids to go with the Jag, at the moment im thinking an oscar and maybe a GT (saum) but open to suggestions there...was just wondering if getting females will help much with reducing aggression. As far as I know those 3 can't interbreed so not sure if that will really have any effect.


Also want to find a couple of cleaners that won't get killed by the cichlids, had some goldspot plecos in there but they were getting huge, stirring it up and claiming the caves I built for the cichlids...any suggestions?

#325173 Texas Spawns...

Posted by Jarrod90 on 20 August 2014 - 09:47 AM in Cichlid Discussion

Might be interested in this, my male carpintis needs to be moved to a new home since he's formed a breeding pair with my female jag :\


Still thinking about whether to put him in a display tank with my male JD or get a new lady friend for him haha, will keep an eye out and let you know