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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here

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There have been 37 items by Ageofaquariums (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#366127 Nitrifying Bacteria Products For An Established Aquarium

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 27 June 2018 - 02:54 PM in Technical & Equipment

The trick is in the fact that people dont actually know which microbes are flourishing in their filtration :) Lotta guessing going on.

#365744 Gumdrop Coral Crouchers?

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 01 May 2018 - 10:55 AM in Marine Discussion, Photos & Journals

Any xenia is enough xenia XD

#365575 Water Polishing

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 05 April 2018 - 06:39 AM in Technical & Equipment

Chemi pure :) The power of carbon and macropourous resin combined!

#365532 Gumdrop Coral Crouchers?

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 31 March 2018 - 02:36 PM in Marine Discussion, Photos & Journals

Plenty of coral gobies in the hobby :D

#365511 More Nightfish Illnesses :(

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 28 March 2018 - 12:35 PM in Fish Health, Nutrition, Diseases & Pests

Looks like columnaris, so bacterial. Something like wardley fungus-ade should do the trick nicely. Keeping temperature at or below 24degreesC is key to curing it before it kills the fish.

#365256 Who Knows Their Cichlids Inside Out?

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 06 March 2018 - 08:47 AM in Cichlid Discussion

It looks like a spilo :(

#365155 American Flagfish For Gsa Control

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 23 February 2018 - 09:33 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

They will go after most algaes, I had success with what I believe was Cladophora. They dont play nice at all though. Seemed to reach an agreement with paradise fish, but anything less grumpy may be in for a shock.

#365154 Photobucket????

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 23 February 2018 - 09:31 AM in Off The Wall

Another option is to use facebook for image storage. The theory being they are too big to fail :/

#365024 What Is It???

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 13 February 2018 - 08:48 AM in ANGFA WA

Arripis truttaceus? Arius thalassinus? Neoarius midgleyi?

Many species are moving south due to climate change currents :)


#364953 Id Please

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 09 February 2018 - 07:32 AM in Cichlid Discussion

"BLUE ZEBRA' Is about as close to an ID as I would give, pindani kinda expect black dorsal trim.

#364741 Nightfish With A Fungus :(

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 20 January 2018 - 02:33 PM in Fish Health, Nutrition, Diseases & Pests

I'd expect it to be bacterial, flexabacta infections are super common with wild caught fish like this. Its generally related to the increase in temperature from the wild to the aquarium. Very easy for slight handling damage to get infected. Temperature below 24 degrees C is the most important part of treatment IMHO.

#364245 In My Back Yard

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 30 November 2017 - 06:43 AM in Off The Wall

That is so awesome :D

#364239 New Tank Cycling And Stocking Help!

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 29 November 2017 - 06:46 AM in Cichlid Discussion

Why bother with ammonia when its more effective to just use fish food?


*You dont need exact amounts of ammonia to cycle, just feed the tank the amount of fish food you would like to be able to feed your first batch of fish.

*At the end of cycling you then have a container of fish food to use, rather than a useless bottle of ammonia.

*Ammonia comes from protein, so the higher the protein content of fish food the more ammonia it produces.

*Just as important as the ammonia eaters, are the rotters, that break down protein into ammonia. Adding ammonia skips out the rotters, resulting in a less robust biofiltration colony.

*You will be growing microbes that specialise in handling the exact food you are feeding.

*Theres other stuff in there that feeds other microbes, things we dont test for but are also important that we build up microbes for.

#364200 Safe Size To Move Cichlids On?

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 24 November 2017 - 06:35 AM in Cichlid Discussion

For an experienced cichlid breeder, buying 2cm fish is almost no risk at all IF they are netted and transported well. That said the above posts are perhaps the ethical way of looking at it. Many times I have bought 50 little 1cm fry from other breeders to then raise up myself.....  but they would never advertise them for sale at that size and would be horrified if I mentioned their name in this post!

#364137 How To Catch Cichlids

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 14 November 2017 - 02:18 PM in Cichlid Discussion

How big were the ones you line caught?


Up to 30cm :D

#364079 How To Catch Cichlids

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 11 November 2017 - 10:39 AM in Cichlid Discussion

Earthworms for bait is how we were getting them at Clarrie hall dam on the east side :)

#364078 Help Me All My Fish Are Dying

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 11 November 2017 - 09:57 AM in Fish Health, Nutrition, Diseases & Pests

Primes main duty is to remove the chlorine. I never do more than a 50% change as a sorta insurance to insulate me from throwing out chemistry too much.


Dont let this ruin the hobby for you.

Sometimes the cookie crumbles in a really sucky way :(

#364047 Help Me All My Fish Are Dying

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 09 November 2017 - 06:47 AM in Fish Health, Nutrition, Diseases & Pests

As above a nitrite spike can do damage in the time it takes the biofiltration to convert it away. Its the perfect crime. Theres not much you can do, other than wait for the fishes body to excrete it. The problem is now not the nitrite in the aquariums water, but the nitrite in the fishes blood.


Testing the tapwater before you start on water changes can save the day here, likely this was the source of the nitrite spike. 


Adding salt slows nitrite getting into the fish, but does not get it out of the fish.


Nitrite poisoning symptoms ~ lethargy, gasping, bright colours.


While its just attacking the blood, once clots start forming propper you get random death spirals as they stroke out.


:( Its a terrible thing to watch :(

#364046 Boring As Bat

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 09 November 2017 - 06:26 AM in Off The Wall

Could visit the fam while we are there, Busselton expat here XD


#364020 Help Me All My Fish Are Dying

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 08 November 2017 - 06:24 AM in Fish Health, Nutrition, Diseases & Pests

Thats a nitrite spike. I dont know where you got the 0ppm nitrite reading you posted, but its wrong.


99% sure

#364002 Help Me All My Fish Are Dying

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 07 November 2017 - 03:26 PM in Fish Health, Nutrition, Diseases & Pests

Get the filter outlets rippling the water surface as much as possible. Sounds like you have refilled high and dont have the same water agitation you had before the water change.


You added dechlorinator chemical yea?


If so, get some water agitation going! Even if you have to drop some water out.

#363995 Boring As Bat

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 07 November 2017 - 12:13 PM in Off The Wall

You know in the trade, the "f word" is actually "fine".


As in

"have you tested your water?"

"yes its fine"


Which translates to ammonia 4ppm and nitrite 6ppm, pH 4.2, nitrates 890000900ppm



Still though, if the flowerhorn keeping savages can organise a BBQ, surely distinguished connoisseur's such as PCS can :)

#363989 Boring As Bat

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 07 November 2017 - 08:07 AM in Off The Wall

Thing is, this hobby is as much about people as it is about fish.


You meet good people in fish world online, in lfs, on gumtree, on ebay, at the jeti, in the dentist waiting room and even through magazines or books.



If you luck on a great fish dude/chick at a lfs then happy days!

If you meet a breeder who you can chat with and tour a fishroom over a few beers, THEN AWESOME.

If you have a mate or family who are "experts" to guide you then thats amazing.

Maybe you managed to join and active club.

Otherwise its forums and facebook.


people want the social side of the hobby, not just the fish side of it all.


On Saturday I went to a flowerhorn facebook group BBQ and it was great.

Awesome smoked meat, fresh chilli from his aquaponics and I got to meet a whole heap of fish people.

Was just....  just like the old days in fish world, before everyone thought buyers were going to rob them....


Any org that can capture the social aspect, will capture the hearts of hobbyists.

Also BBQ's are awesome!

One or 2 a year could be difference between a dead forum and a thriving group of online friends who also keep fish :)

#363931 Eheim 2080 Intake Mod

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 03 November 2017 - 07:54 AM in Technical & Equipment

No kidding on the high end wave maker! Vortech is in the house :D


Also have to approve of your placement, both outlets going same direction as the wavemaker AND intakes beneath outlets to take advantage of uplift effect.

Maybe try lifting it up just a little bit? I realise will mean you have to turn it off during water changes if you do....  but might help increase uplift even more.

Overall tho kudos

#363925 Id And Advice Please

Posted by Ageofaquariums on 02 November 2017 - 06:37 AM in Catfish & Loaches

The one on left with less dots looks like a synodontis ocellifer.