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There have been 52 items by LexAgate (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#363044 Sump Recommendations

Posted by LexAgate on 19 August 2017 - 09:35 PM in Technical & Equipment

Hello again everyone!
Quick update:

As of recently I've moved on my 5 foot tank and I'm planning on selling my 4 foot, 140L as well as my 64L fry tank! This is all to make way for if plans go well a 5x3x2, a wide tank may suggest some big fish but you'll have to wait and see!

Now the real post:
I've decided to go with a sump plan in terms of filtration!
So far the sump has been designed to take a course like this,
From tank through a
200 micron filter sock then into a
200G rated media reactor then onwards to a
Small section for bio-balls then pumped back into the tank.

Now in terms of biological filtration I know that bio-balls will provide a fair amount and I was wondering if the sump should be filled with sponge or k1 media?

The tank will be 800 Litres, the media reactor is rated for 757 Litres!

The sump would be about 190 Litres!

And any other tips or recommendations are greatly appreciated!

Yours Lex


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#362160 Lf Malawi Trout Or Buccos

Posted by LexAgate on 11 June 2017 - 07:04 PM in Classifieds

Mainly some to grow out around 15, better if sexed!

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#361576 Lf Cyprochromis

Posted by LexAgate on 06 May 2017 - 05:45 PM in Classifieds

Round 2: Pm me with numbers size and price, thanks!

#361325 Kandeense

Posted by LexAgate on 23 April 2017 - 10:45 AM in Cichlid Discussion

So a little while back things struck me hard and I lost a fair bunch of Tangs plenty of $$$ down the drain.

Unfortunately luck had turned for the worst once again and of my 5 kandeense (2m,4f) 1 male and 3 females were knocked off! But it didn't end there, the last female is to be seen as blind and can barely find food let alone her own eggs when it comes to breeding, I'm looking for anyone who will take these two for a little bit of cash or has fish they are willing to sell to me, any help is the search is greatly appreciated!

Thanks all

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#360510 German Imports

Posted by LexAgate on 19 March 2017 - 08:54 AM in Cichlid Discussion

Ok so I have read all the drama, and so far I know a few fish are likely to be imported but any news on cichlids yet??? Just curious.

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#359593 Need Experienced Ray Keepers Knowledge

Posted by LexAgate on 14 February 2017 - 10:37 PM in Tank Busters, Exotics, Large Predators and Oddballs

Don't mean to be rude of any sort, and I'm not a ray person. But google those questions you'll be amazed with what comes up plenty of info on food etc, I know they like meaty stuff...

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#359083 What Spawned In Your Tank Today???

Posted by LexAgate on 29 January 2017 - 12:39 PM in Cichlid Discussion

I have decided to grow up a little colony of ngara and moved the parents on, just yesterday a female tried some spawning, was pretty hopeless at it too hahaha, I'm assuming she'll pick it up after a couple of goes?

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#359034 Happy Aus Day

Posted by LexAgate on 27 January 2017 - 11:20 PM in Off The Wall

Worst bit most fireworks don't keep to well over time... luckily I don't pay tax yet...

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#358998 Happy Aus Day

Posted by LexAgate on 26 January 2017 - 11:30 PM in Off The Wall

Ofc many heard of the plane tragedy and personally it's very kind to pay respect to the families. Even though some fireworks would have been a show!

Hope everyone had a good and safe day!

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#358433 Do Fish Shops Buy Your Fry?

Posted by LexAgate on 09 January 2017 - 05:24 PM in Cichlid Discussion

And most shops would rather males, colored would be even better, however you can grow up a set of about 2 males and 5+ females or however and sell them as a colony once you get them all harmoniously breeding!

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#358413 Led Rope

Posted by LexAgate on 08 January 2017 - 11:12 PM in Technical & Equipment

Saw this video a while ago, not 100% what you are looking for but not a bad idea at all!

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#358240 Filter Cleans - Should I Do?

Posted by LexAgate on 03 January 2017 - 01:45 AM in Technical & Equipment

Algae of course needs light, however a UV canister might grow some things...
Most algaes aren't really a problem they'll do a little bit of their own filtering, of course you'd probably want to keep it pretty scarce to lower the chances of a bloom.

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#357880 Eba X Ba

Posted by LexAgate on 19 December 2016 - 05:11 PM in Cichlid Discussion

Hybrids is always a tough one simply because everyone has their own opinion, if the fry looked cool sure I'd chuck one in a display, but to pass them on and sell them as hybrids, doesn't mean the next person will sell them as hybrids... that's where the problem is, no matter how hard you try greedy people wanting a quick buck will ruin it for everyone!

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#357851 "black Widow" Frontosa

Posted by LexAgate on 18 December 2016 - 03:21 PM in Cichlid Discussion

I can't decide if it looks good or bad but definitely different, I wouldn't buy or breed them, but I have seen people breed what they like to think are normal fronties and have had these mutations show through in the fry, which is showing that it isn't anything harmful that we know of, still way above the dyeing and injecting ect

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#357710 Hybrids For Sale

Posted by LexAgate on 14 December 2016 - 12:27 PM in Cichlid Discussion

Same place where they though breeding hybrids was a good idea... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

#357664 How To Easy Water Changes Big Tank?

Posted by LexAgate on 12 December 2016 - 12:58 PM in Technical & Equipment

I use a siphon, to start it pump it up and down to get water to flow through it and gravity does the rest! Then place the hose into the clip on the side of my tank then leave it, I'll make sure it's clipped in the right spot so I can guesstimate on the % of water I'm removing, after about 15 mins I'll come back and the siphon would have stopped because of the depth in which it was clipped into my tank! Lastly I turn the filters off get my garden hose fill it up then treat it, filters back on, working perfectly, easy peasy!!!

#357147 Triops Longicaudatus (Dino Shrimp)

Posted by LexAgate on 27 November 2016 - 04:31 PM in Fish Health, Nutrition, Diseases & Pests

I read a fair bit of them being good when they are a bit younger, so I'm thinking once they are half size 3 weeks or so, I'll start feeding them, I'm sure they'll be a good little side hobby and it will be easy to keep them in a tank!

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#357134 Triops Longicaudatus (Dino Shrimp)

Posted by LexAgate on 26 November 2016 - 11:55 PM in Fish Health, Nutrition, Diseases & Pests

Hey all, just posting out of curiosity.

Has anyone here kept Triops longicaudatus also known as Dino shrimp? They're a fresh water crustacean, I was going to see if I could get some breeding and supporting themselves in a 64L tank.

I heard they are perfect food for any fish, so on the side if I'm over run I can watch them get eaten alive like a true psycho or maybe pass some on to others so we can get a good spread of these little guys around!

Any tips, tricks or general experience is greatly appreciated!

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#357132 Lamprichthys Tanganicanus - Tanganyikan Killifish

Posted by LexAgate on 26 November 2016 - 11:47 PM in Photo Album & Photography Discussion

I'm all ears have a 200L tank waiting for something special

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#356837 Cichlid Id

Posted by LexAgate on 14 November 2016 - 06:37 PM in Cichlid Discussion

Sounds like a no...

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#356788 Cichlid Id

Posted by LexAgate on 13 November 2016 - 03:03 PM in Cichlid Discussion

Any idea if these guys are in the hobby?

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#356781 Cichlid Id

Posted by LexAgate on 13 November 2016 - 10:12 AM in Cichlid Discussion

Just curious to find out what this beautiful fish is... I'm led to believe its tanganyikan 746c8a60370e0fd1cd2f5890b22bc9a3.png

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#356759 Any Plans For Another Group Import This Year

Posted by LexAgate on 11 November 2016 - 10:55 PM in Group Buys

Very keen on picking up just about anything if we follow through with this!

Have a colony of "things" I'll need to move on soon enough, I'll make way to spend some $$$ and spice things up!

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#356579 Acrylic 101

Posted by LexAgate on 06 November 2016 - 09:41 AM in DIY

Words can't describe how satisfying this join is!!!

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#356386 Pseudotropheus Livingstonii (Malawi Shell Dwellers)

Posted by LexAgate on 31 October 2016 - 10:25 PM in Journals

Boys, just settle down. Boys because your acting like kids everyone has their opinions and most topics are open for personalised comments. Sure maybe buccal is a bit negative in YOUR opinions but he isn't wrong nor right because it depends on who you ask. Sure a straighten up when someone gets out of hand is good but I think we can keep this arguing and bickering on the low! Well I'm off to snoop the web for some species to breed! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk