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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here

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There have been 45 items by Delapool (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#367914 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 31 May 2021 - 07:53 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Really can’t recommend the tunz CO2 diffuser. The only good thing for me is that it’s all in tank and no cutting of filter pipes.

Put a twist tie on the old one to keep plastic tube and powerhead from popping apart. That night it developed a death rattle so had to pull it apart. Another 20 minutes gone fiddling around with it and getting lights off/on.

Thinking of throwing the old quad t5ho out and ramping up the LED. Would be much easier to just take the led light off/on.

#367911 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 18 May 2021 - 02:42 PM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Tank has been pretty quiet. Plants growing although slowly. Some of the val has a bit of height.

Swapped out the tunze CO2 diffuser with the spare one. Hoping this one doesn’t play up as much.

Also found out my torch is water-proof to at least a depth of two and a half feet :)

#367898 Drift Wood

Posted by Delapool on 10 April 2021 - 10:34 AM in Technical & Equipment

Old driftwood hasn’t changed ph for me, especially if no colour change in water. Plus I guess I do weekly water changes.

Just a thought though - I’m assuming this isn’t cut timber which I don’t know if treated with pesticides (even just spiders).

#367895 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 04 April 2021 - 10:34 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

One of the Cryptoheros Septemfasciatus (apparently, another auction impulse buy) channelled his inner yoyo loach and managed to escape the tank somehow. All covers on and plastic around pipes/cords (but only escape area possible).

Picked up to bin and surprised to find still alive after 2 metre fall. Into tank and disappeared into plants so seemed ok. Fingers crossed.

#367894 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 23 March 2021 - 09:09 PM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Finally replaced the large bottle of CO2 yay. Will let the small one keep running until empty.

Replanted the val and repositioned the diffuser to be more vertical. All working! Then I noticed one of the leaves from the val was over diffuser intake but somehow it all works great. Soooo crossed fingers and tip-toed away.

#367890 Converted Red Sea Max 130

Posted by Delapool on 16 March 2021 - 07:07 PM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Nice score on new tank! :)

#367889 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 16 March 2021 - 07:05 PM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Yeah the only thing I like about the tunz diffuser is completely inside tank so no chance of leaks :)

Sometimes just putting in a few fancy goldfish and swapping to cold water tank is tempting...

#367886 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 14 March 2021 - 10:19 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Added 8 pots of val up back of tank to replace ambulia and hoping it does well (but not too well and spreads quickly haha). It did cross my mind that I ditched about a bucket of the stuff a few years ago and here I was buying more :)

Have been unable to replace the CO2 bottle so have hooked up the small one which generally lasts several months. The tunz diffuser I removed the impeller cover off is going well - in fact a little too well and bubbles are getting blown out the bottom before getting chopped up sigh. Will see how it goes and maybe put cover back on (soon as I find it).

Water leak detectors connected to wifi. Cheap ones - they work but I need to ask someone to set them off and see if I get a message outside house at shops or something. Placed one near tank and one in kitchen.


#367885 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 04 March 2021 - 08:25 PM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

The ambulia is sadly just about all shredded and thinking of replacing with val at back of tank. Swords are starting to get a going over as well [emoji20] Convinced it’s the fish but yet to see a culprit in action.

In other news the CO2 bottle did usual trick of finishing on a Monday so hope to replace bottle on weekend coming. [emoji4]

#367884 Tuesday March 9Th - Lake Tanganyika Talk.

Posted by Delapool on 04 March 2021 - 08:00 PM in Monthly Meetings - Next Meeting Info

See PCS FB announcements for photos, etc.

Put it in your diary folks.. Tuesday March 9th 2021 from 7pm-10pm@ Atwell College.
Mattia Matarrese - Lake Tanganyika Tour Talk.

Covid-19 blocking your International Guest list or trip to Lake Tanganyika?

Then don't fear. Mattia Matarrese will take you on a journey to Lake Tanganyika with his tales, photography and video footage from his most recent trip to Lake Tanganyika.

See footage of a newly discovered species, marvel at the wonders of the deep with special deep drone footage, soak in the sights and sounds of Lake Tanganyika right from our air-conditioned club rooms.

You've seen his photo's in Ad Konings' latest Tanganyika Bible, you've read his article in Cichlid News magazine about his new discovery, you've probably even seen him working with fish in the store. Well, come and meet him and ask questions and drool over the photos and tales of a trip of a life time.

He loves eating cichlids in Lake Malawi, he loves breast feeding Lake Tanganyika Otters, he even hangs around Aquotix Aquariums doing as little as possible. Come say hello on Tuesday 9th March..

PCS Raffle table on the night. Loads of items.
PCS Show Table - Lake Tanganyika Special - Judged by Mattia Matarrese - loads prizes, bring a Tanganyikan Cichlid and win.
PCS Library open to members on night. Grab a book, magazine or DVD about cichlids to borrow.
Pizza will be served as food on night in the kitchen. $2 a slice.
Cold drinks, snacks and tea/coffee available.
Lift access, air conditioned, plenty of toilets and hand sanitizers ;-)

Atwell College - 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell, 6164.


#367882 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 25 February 2021 - 09:39 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

I might have to put some more plants back into large fish tank sigh.

The Hygrophila pinnatifida has been cleaned out except for the bit I rescued and put in another tank. That piece is getting some new growth albeit slowly as low light.

The ambulia is also slowly getting cleaned out. The swords, crypts, anubias, ferns are all fine.

Thinking it’s either the two mystery snails added recently or just so few plants in there now after rescape. Or they are just ganging up [emoji35]

Also have been looking at getting a wifi water leak detector. Just in case tank ever cracked or left a tap on.

Looks good are they cardinal tetras?

If so are they a little more hardy than the neons?

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I think cardinal tetras are meant to be more hardy but I confess I never do really well with tetras. A pair of kribs and a young catfish in there was well.

#367876 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 13 February 2021 - 07:12 PM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Couple of photos of tetra tank.



#367874 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 31 January 2021 - 07:10 PM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Ok will do.

Couple of tank photos below. Cleared up more today although filter intakes need a clean. Bought some driftwood (and sold some driftwood at swap mart as you do) so planning to add that on weekend and just let it all hopefully settle in. Feels a bit weird looking at gravel :)



#367872 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 30 January 2021 - 12:23 PM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Couple of years growth there I think. Was a decent size when it went in and I only pruned for algae and when it spread to along glass (which algae loved again grrr).

Tiger barbs - whoop, all this extra room and I can see my barb mates whoot

2 seconds later - squabble, squabble, squabble ...

#367870 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 30 January 2021 - 02:11 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion


Bucket of Anubias pulled out of tank for trim. I guess brace is about a foot wide and two feet deep for an idea on size.

#367869 Pcs Swap Meet - Sellers Needed

Posted by Delapool on 28 January 2021 - 09:38 PM in Monthly Meetings - Next Meeting Info



Swap mart still on for 31st and seems a fair bit of interest on facebook.


I’ve included a map – we’re using the front carpark off Brenchley Drive and it’s upstairs in the building just left of arrow (we’ll have signs out but FYI).


Looking forward to seeing everyone. Cheers Craig.

Map of Atwell College


#367864 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 23 January 2021 - 03:08 PM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Drove down south today. Stopped at Aquotix on way and they had them there so grabbed four. Presently sitting in a small tank. Score :)

Really need to do a plant re-scape to find room but later.

#367863 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 23 January 2021 - 07:26 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Got the hygrophyllia yet?

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Sadly the order got canceled [emoji27] (sob). Probably for the best in this heat I guess but geez, a little disappointed.

#367859 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 17 January 2021 - 07:27 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Gosh, I wish fish tanks were easier to transport. Just looking at a nice deal of an 8ft tank with plumbed 7ft tank sump tank under stand. Just need a teleporter thingy...

#367858 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 16 January 2021 - 08:27 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Ooooh yeah nice work!!

Tank shot once ya have it please!

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[emoji106] will do.
Couple of quick snaps of pearling Anubias flower before getting photo-bombed [emoji3]




#367856 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 14 January 2021 - 09:18 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Ordered off eQuaria to try out. Hopefully makes it (fingers crossed).

#367855 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 13 January 2021 - 05:38 PM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Tempting, very tempting!! Be nice to try. [emoji106]

#367852 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 10 January 2021 - 09:36 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Few tank shots. The Java fern has been pruned back. The bolbitis fern has melted yet again on high micro ferts, liquid carbon or possibly just the flipping dog next door barking. Does ok in low tech tank but has never liked this setup. Annoying as it does well for 3 months and no algae then something upsets it. Runners have spread over most of tank so I’ll keep it and maybe do low tech discus one day....




#367847 Converted Red Sea Max 130

Posted by Delapool on 08 January 2021 - 05:57 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Looking nice! I like the layering in plants.

#367846 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Delapool on 08 January 2021 - 05:41 AM in Community and Planted Tank Discussion

Looks good man!

Is that a tunze CO2 reactor I see? Are they worth it?

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They are :) one either tank side now to distribute CO2 better.

I like the idea of keeping seperate compared to in-line on canister return (also less chance of hose leaks for me) but do find them fiddly. About once every month and a half, one of them will play up after a tank clean (too much gas buildup stops impeller restarting or tube pops off - held with rubber bands still). Still running though after say 4 years.

This is for another thread but is the shrimp tank led light taped off to control light intensity. Mostly taped off now but still quite bright with light around edges / through tape lighting tank fine. Java fern growing as well as (sadly) brown algae near eg filter inlet which is hard to wipe off and some green spot algae making a determined run. Originally taped just blue LEDs but had to tape more. Example of algae control with light duration, spectrum and intensity.
