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There have been 6 items by pseudechisbutleri (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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#367879 Wtb: Murray Cod

Posted by pseudechisbutleri on 19 February 2021 - 09:53 PM in Classifieds

PASES Aqua in Cockburn currently has 5-7cm juvies for $20 each.

#367906 Pseudomugil Sp. In Full Marine?

Posted by pseudechisbutleri on 24 April 2021 - 08:55 PM in ANGFA WA

They're great fish too. Would probably eat the Pseudomugil tho, there's not much I can put in a tank with predatory fish, except other similar-sized fish.

#367899 Pseudomugil Sp. In Full Marine?

Posted by pseudechisbutleri on 19 April 2021 - 07:25 PM in ANGFA WA

I know P. cyanodorsalis have no problem in full-strength marine and even hypersaline water, but what about other species like P. signifer?

#367904 Pseudomugil Sp. In Full Marine?

Posted by pseudechisbutleri on 23 April 2021 - 07:07 PM in ANGFA WA

The general consensus seems to be yes, after a lot of asking around.


I reckon we don't see enough Australian native fish in marine tanks, especially reef tanks, nor are there any choices in terms of schooling fishes in saltwater that don't get huge, which is why I'd like to try keeping them in a reef tank.


Nitrates shouldn't be a problem, a protein skimmer, some macroalgae and big water changes take care of them.

#367901 Pseudomugil Sp. In Full Marine?

Posted by pseudechisbutleri on 20 April 2021 - 07:34 PM in ANGFA WA

Do they do more poorly in fully marine conditions? I was hoping to have some swimming around in my reef tank, but if they won't do too well, I might just have to find an alternative stocking choice.

#367937 Fs: Mudskippers

Posted by pseudechisbutleri on 14 October 2021 - 10:30 PM in Classifieds

I have available some Silver-lined mudskippers (Periophthalmus argentilineatus), 5-7cm in length. They were wild collected from Carnarvon and already accept frozen bloodworms and live earthworms.


Although they are hardy, please bear in mind the specialised setup mudskippers require. Mud is absolutely essential, while sand, gravel, bare bottom or others will not suffice. They require humid air and a cover over the tank to maintain this, as well as to prevent escapes. They require a mostly terrestrial setup and will drown in a fully aquatic setup. Tidal simulations are ideal and recommended. This species in particular can be very aggressive to each other, and best kept alone or in a very small group, i.e. 1-2 individuals in a 3ft tank, or perhaps 3-5 in a 5-6ft tank, bear in mind just how much mud you'll need if you want a larger setup.


If you're interested, please show me that you have an appropriate setup ready for them, they weren't easy to get and they're not easy to keep either. I want to be sure they're going to a good home.


For more information on mudskippers, feel free to check out this Facebook group: https://www.facebook...93230627570764/


PM if interested.