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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 08 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2016 01:03 PM

#345457 Mrleifs' Discus - Not Bad At All

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 09 October 2015 - 05:34 PM

Hey all,


Haven't posted about my Discus for ages.......

So here it is.



Yeah?! pretty good.




#344168 Gumtree Ad

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 05 September 2015 - 11:24 PM


Ummmm... Please Explain?

What was it?? Ad is unavailable

#343810 Fs: Canon 350D Camera Sold

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 28 August 2015 - 12:46 PM

Az do you know if they make a underwater case for this?<br />Could be a nice toy for my next year trip


You might be able to find one on EBay but the model is reasonably old. I just gave my 350D to my dad, as I bought my brothers 70D.

It is an excellent camera.

#343502 Friday Funny

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 20 August 2015 - 11:19 AM

how dare you repeat that "joke" in the same thread MLB......


:agreed: ^^^


MLB you're fired!


OH NO :blush:  I thought I saw that joke else where! Lol!

#342940 Gday

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 06 August 2015 - 09:13 AM

Agreed MM, get the fish so YOU can be happy.
The only happy place in my household is right infront of the tank. Everything the wife says after i hit my seat is all a blur.


Note: If you let her choose 'one fish' for the tank, which makes her slightly involved you can then get away with much much more.


"Yes, we need a CO2 system for the tank, as it will make your Blue Ram look even prettier as the plants will help enhance its colours".

#342937 Gumtree Ad

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 06 August 2015 - 09:05 AM


Dude, you already get a 10% discount @ Vebas.

Oh, and you got some brown on your nose


:P Yeah I liked Vebas before I became a member. They really do look after you if you're a regular.

#342870 Gumtree Ad

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 05 August 2015 - 03:41 PM

Sorry - a bit off-topic, but sort of related.  What are people's thoughts on shops advertising fish they have in stock using photos from the net without declaring the source of the photo?  I've even seen shops using photos of variants we don't even have in Australia.


Short version: No, Shouldn't be done. You should always have your own photos.


I used to work at Signman and the biggest offenders were Massage/Aromatherapy customers wanting signage with nice pictures of massages that they can do.

Trying to take photos of your own customers in the dark at those spas are impossible as well as hard to get approval to take a shot. Normally you needed a model. So they always supplied me images.


Here is one classic that they all loved to use.



Do a general seach on Google and you could find every photo that they use.

The more intellegent ones would purchase their images from a stock photography website instead.

But usaully they were always trying to do everything on th cheap.


Interestingly, I used to have to search for sample images while the customers were sitting next to me.

Never search for 'Facials' with 'safe search turned off' while a customer is sitting next to you. :wacko:


Oh yeah: About 9 years ago, I got to do Vebas Signage, looking a little tatty now but looked awesome back then. They supplied me great photos for their windows :) from their own tanks. Thanks Pacco.

#342491 Collection Of Live Rock From Beaches

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 29 July 2015 - 11:58 AM

That forum post is a 10 years old. Like they said in it, check with fisheries before you go do it, as I think their rules would be different now.


Maybe go have a look at the place they have been harvesting the live rock and look at the impact it has made?

If your trying to save money on liverock then maybe you can't really afford a Marine tank anyway?

I imagine the cost of live rock is due to the weight of sending it around, as well as quality of it.

#342357 Gumtree Ad

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 27 July 2015 - 12:48 PM


I'm only willing to pay $10 max for 60 fish, k thx bye

#342052 Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis - Blue Neon

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 21 July 2015 - 03:18 PM

you need to use the [ media ] youtube link [ /media ] to embed the video, I believe there is a 'how to' on it too (not mine).

#341739 Aqua-Pics Flake Food

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 15 July 2015 - 03:34 PM

Had a sniff when I took the lid off, and it smelt nice. How weird!


I think you should eat some.

#341443 Rescape

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 09 July 2015 - 01:03 PM

Very nice! Very simple.

#340669 My Pleco

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 19 June 2015 - 06:31 PM

Massive! Can you please show us a photo of him eating a whole zuchini please. For size comparison (you could use banana for scale too)

#340025 Type Of Fishes For An Office Display Tank

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 05 June 2015 - 10:26 AM

To reduce algae issues, only have the lights set to turn on during 6 hours of the day, 10am to 4pm or something, basically only have them on when people see the tank the most often.

I recommend very hardy plants and comunitee fish that are fun and people will like. Clown Fish are great and a big group of Neon Tetras.

#339890 Smooth Marron And Hairy Marron Youtube Videos

Posted by MrLeifBeaver on 02 June 2015 - 12:29 PM

Cool vids!

I have a soft spot for our freshwater crays.


My stomach has a soft spot for marron too :)