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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 20 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 11 2020 03:40 PM

#298105 G'day Fellow Fish Fanatics

Posted by Clownz!! on 22 October 2013 - 09:56 AM

I have always wanted one like the one at Morely Aquariums!! Even if its not a red tail, and as ugly as... a Giant Gourami... yea, + its pretty hard to find, let alone buy one of these buties b4 they reach over 300+ dollars. I did find the minimum specifications on one site specifically state no smaller than 750 litres... but i don't want to stress the fish at all. Thanx for your reply though any other sugestions would be gr8ly appreciated!! 

#298068 G'day Fellow Fish Fanatics

Posted by Clownz!! on 21 October 2013 - 08:57 PM

Hey thanx for the likes!! and requests... I had a bit of spare time so I made a video of the black ghost knife for you guys!  http://youtu.be/Mvu2mGMIJJ4 sorry but not sure how to use the BB code for videos  :unsure:

#298055 G'day Fellow Fish Fanatics

Posted by Clownz!! on 21 October 2013 - 06:26 PM

Hey everyone semi~long time stalker of the forum and finally decided to join!


...anyways the names clownz!! im 17, I have been keeping fish for the last 2 years but majorly in the last year and a half. I am currently obsessed with the asian theme fish tanks and LOVE clown loaches which are 1+1/2 years , LOVE my 1 year old 20+ cm BGK. Although I don't have major amounts of experience I do hope I will be able to contribute to this extremely well put together forum with ALLOT of already helpful contributors!!


My first tank is a 750l river tank 6 x 1'8 x 2'6 asian theme with some nice pieces of drift wood... the tank has;

4 Clowns

2 Ballas

3 Clown barbs

1 Moss Barb


running a FX5


Attached File  IMAG0774.jpg   147.2KB   0 downloads


My second tank is a 200l 4ft with a BJK and a convict running a Classic 2213 + a Pickup


My third tank is a 90l (Aqua one AR620) with a breeding pair of convicts


Thanx 4 ur time!! :D I will upload more photos If there is interest... but each file is ~ 1.5mb so... indiviual photos per post  :wacko: