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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 15 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2021 09:48 AM

#365993 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 01 June 2018 - 09:47 PM

Mike - lights are the last piece of the puzzle. Either going with the Illumagic Blaze X series or Ecotech Radion Gen 4 pro's.

#365981 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 31 May 2018 - 12:38 PM

Seems like every week there are multiple packages arriving in the mail, which is like the adults version of Christmas!
The postman brought me a new Red Sea Refractometer and another Ecotech MP40.
Did get some bad news today though, the ETA on my skimmer has been pushed back to the 18th of June which is a bit of a bummer, but it does give me a chance to really pull my finger out and get all the odd jobs done. 

#365968 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 30 May 2018 - 10:25 AM

Quarantine cycling - will add some bacteria in a bottle in the next couple of days to speed the process up. 


Hopefully get the display painted this weekend and the mixing station plumbed.



#365958 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 28 May 2018 - 11:12 AM

Yes, it is wooden flooring. 


This is the first time I have ever set up a tank on wooden flooring and will need to be diligent with cleaning up any spills. It is also part of the reason i went a bean animal overflow, that extra pipe for redundancy gives me at least some assurance that I am not going to flood the house. 


With the wooden flooring something to consider is what kind of wood is used - laminate, engineered or hardwood? Mine are hardwood ('Black But') and varnished which gives some level of protection. Not sure if I'd set up a tank on laminate or engineered wood, as they are a lot less resilient to water damage.


Also to be considered is -  how are the boards installed? This is on the ground floor of the house, and have been laid on the slab. There are generally two ways of installing on a slab either on battens or on marine ply base. Battens are exactly as it sounds battens that run under the floor boards and suspend the floorboards off the concrete. Batten installed floorboards will have a bit of a hollow sound to them like the 'old school' homes when walked on, and be 'springy/more forgiving' underfoot. My floorboards have been laid on a base of plywood so there is no void under the boards. Again, not sure I'd have  a tank this size on batten installed floorboards, unless I could be certain where the battens have been laid and design my stand to have the legs resting on the battens. 


So in my case, I have hardwood floors installed on plywood, which is my opinion/research is the ideal situation. I also had the stand made with 10 legs rather than 8 like my previous 8' stand. Just to try spread the load a little bit more again. 


I considered running a length of metal along the floor instead of having individual legs of the stand (if that makes sense), but figured it'd just end up as a good place to have water trapped and ruin my floors. i am also considering running a bead of black silicone around each leg on the boards to avoid any water getting in.

#365954 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 28 May 2018 - 08:23 AM

Jules - thanks mate. Been quite a long time in the making, good to start seeing some progress. 


Attached the RODI system to the wall. This RODI system has a duel inbuilt TDS meter (TDS of pretreated and treated water), actually surprised to see the TDS of my tap water around the 400ppm mark. The treated water coming out is at 0ppm, so working nicely. Still need to fix the tubing to the wall to make it a bit neater. I have started filling the QT tank with RODI, then it's time to add salt and start the cycle. 
I am quite impressed with how the Carib Sea Life Rock looks when wet under lights. Some nice purple/pink without being over powering, I think Carib Sea have done a great job with the finish of this rock. 

#365941 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 27 May 2018 - 11:08 AM


After along lay off from having a reef tank, I made the hard to decision to sell all of my freshwater stingrays and set up a new reef tank!
The tank is in our front lounge room that backs onto our double car garage. I picked this room of the house, as it was easy to drill through the brick wall and turn half the garage into my 'equipment' room. 
The tank itself is a 8x3x2' (LxWxH) glass, black silicone and starfire/low iron front and sides (made by Ocean Reefs). The stand I had professionally welded by a local fabricator, and powder coated 'satin' black. I picked a Satin finish (low gloss) as it gives a bit more of a 3D feel rather than matt black that very much looks 2D. I used Sheffield Metal Fabricators in Welshpool for the stand, if anyone wants a stand knocked up Adam and Sheffield is a great guy to deal with.
The stand is all open and won't be cladded with anything. I think the height and sleekness of the stand being open gives the tank an illusion of being taller than it is at only 60cm/24". Also having a bracket made and finished the same as the stand that will go over the tank for the lighting to hang from.
The tank was also drilled for a Synergy Ghost Overflow, and has been plumbed as a bean animal system to reduce noise as much as possible. 
The idea is that no plumbing will be seen from the front when viewing the tank and the pipe work will go through the wall and all that will be seen is an open stand with the wall and back of the tank also painted black. The idea is to black everything out; back glass, stand and wall and try get as much focus on the colours of the fish and corals.
The quarantine tank also sits in the garage in the equipment room. The QT tank is bigger than what most people would use, but I had it from one of my FW set ups and the tank was pretty much brand new. QT is 4'x2.5'x1.5' approx' 400L/100Gal - and will be filters by an Aqua One Nautilus 2700. I also like the idea of being able to quarantine decent amounts of fish at a time. The rock in the display is Carib Sea Life Rock, a combination of 'shelf' and 'shapes'. Ordered online to try it out and see if I'd use it on the display. 
Sump - 4'x2.5'x1.5' and is approx' 400L/100Gal. I have already bought my skimmer, ended up going with the Nyos Quantum 300. I got this skimmer as it had some very good reviews, came recommended and seemed to be reasonable value for money. 
I will keep this thread updated as things, change and things should come along pretty quickly. Next up is to get the back of the tank painted and the wall drilled and painted to get the tank moved back onto the wall!

#365877 Fs - 2 Tier 6X2X2.5'

Posted by Peckoltia on 14 May 2018 - 01:26 PM



One tank sold, so whole set up is no longer available. 


6x2x2.5' less than 6 months use (in excellent condition) 12mm glass, black silicone. The tank is also drilled with an overflow with dual 40mm holes. $500, Price dropped to $400 can throw in a 300watt heater as a sweetener.


Pond One 8000 air pump (less than 6 months use) $100




Up for sale is a 2 tier 6x2x2.5 (LxWxH). 


This is a near on brand new set up. The top tank has never even seen water! The bottom tank probably got 6 months of use but presents as brand new. The stand is pallet racking (the industrial orange and blue), that I had professionally sprayed black. 


Both tanks are drilled with 40mm over flow with combs attached. 


Comes with my 'home made' k1 filter - made from a 220L food grade drum (bought as new not reconditioned), 100L of K1 media and Pond One 8000 air pump that I was using to circulate the media. All filter components are 6months old and present as new. The filter works a treat, I had 6 rays being fed multiple times a day and didn't skip a beat. 


The way the set up with designed was with the overflows on apposing sides to let the top tank flow into the bottom then into the filter and then pumped back to the top. So the filter will effectively filter both tanks. 


Will also throw in a 300watt heater (6months old). All you need is a return pump and she is good to go.


$1400 firm $1200 firm for the set up. Like i said it presents as new because it pretty much is. My loss is someone's gain on this. 


Please PM


Apologies about the orientation of the photos, couldn't seem to fix it.

Attached Files

#365822 Another One For The Collection......

Posted by Peckoltia on 07 May 2018 - 12:53 PM

Awesome fish, best of luck with him. 


Life of mealworms and crickets seems to have agreed with him getting to such an impressive size. Best of luck getting him onto prepared foods. Must have cost the previous owner a fortune to feed. 

#365813 Fs - 3 Way Female Stingray

Posted by Peckoltia on 07 May 2018 - 08:58 AM


#365682 Fish Lost In Balls

Posted by Peckoltia on 18 April 2018 - 01:59 PM

Many years ago, I saw an electric yellow that was about 5-6cm that had grown up in the bottom of a filter that had adapted to swimming on its side due to a life in confinement. 

#365681 How Far Can Fish See?

Posted by Peckoltia on 18 April 2018 - 01:57 PM

My fish room has frosted glass doors on it. My fish could see me through the closed frosted door (semi-transparent) while I was in my living room 4 or 5 meters away. I'd say their vision is pretty awesome considering they rely so heavily on it.

#365480 Large Jump In Food Consumption For A Leichardi

Posted by Peckoltia on 26 March 2018 - 10:49 AM

It could just be that turning point - where the fish has gained some strength from the food and settled in and now 100% knows that the pellets are food. The chewing is a dead give away that the fish is still unsure about the pellet/feed. See it all the time with tank busters and particularly rays, can really pin point when they turn the corner and will go from strength to strength with feeding response and growth. 

#365289 Exotics For Sale?

Posted by Peckoltia on 08 March 2018 - 09:34 AM

Heaps of rays always for sale on gumtree. 

#365198 Fs - Bass, Rays And Sharks

Posted by Peckoltia on 01 March 2018 - 11:09 AM

Benno -  Been keeping rays and exotics for a very long time now and have decided to pack it, I am also a reptile keeper and have decided to sell up all my reptiles also. 


I have a young family now and have decided rather than having multiple tanks and snakes etc. I would sell everything and instead set up a large reef tank that the family can enjoy (and myself). At a point in my life I guess that i would rather one amazing tank as a bit of a focal point in my house rather than do a lot of different things. While I love the rays. I think that a reef tank full of colour and vibrancy would be more interective for young children and could be used as a good learning tool. 


Guess the other thing is I've become a bit bored and stale myself. A new challenge of going all out on a reef tank really interests me with all the gadgets and new things to learn (or relearn in some cases).


All the rays and fish have gone to really good homes and people. The first couple rays I will admit was hard.

#365102 Fs - Bass, Rays And Sharks

Posted by Peckoltia on 20 February 2018 - 07:13 AM



Shutting down my tanks and still have a few fish and rays left.




7x Silver Sharks ~12-16cm $100 the lot  Sold




3 way stingray (male), was keeping this guy for future breeding. $500 approximate 20cm across the disk 




5x Peacock Bass. Females $100each Big male is $150 or all 5 for $500  2x Females left $100ea   SOLD  




Male 3 way stingray - has fathered many pups ~ 30cm across the disk $500 (sold pending pick up) SOLD


Please PM if interested.