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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 09 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2016 03:47 PM

#324209 Marine Again?

Posted by shayne on 11 August 2014 - 10:24 PM

beautiful fish,not familiar with that one,more northen indo pacific waters i guess.MM check out the museums guide to marine and esturinefishes of the sw. You know im a luddite and cant do the link thing,i describe the local ones as sort of like a mini wobbegong, another amazing animal to meet whilst diving,usualy sleeping you really have to be checking out the caves/grottos

#319361 Australian Native Tank

Posted by shayne on 25 June 2014 - 12:18 PM

your welcome to 1 MM, you have to know their not weaned and not realy habituated with people, I have 2 in a split 4ft on the busiest part of the patio and they still ignore me. they have been there since day one 2 more are living in separate eskies and never see people and the little guy in the shed [my 1st real effort at weaning ] is sulking. will pm you soon

#316449 What To Add To The Tank?

Posted by shayne on 26 May 2014 - 06:22 PM

im still a rookie but angels [which i love] and neons? yum yum burp

#310731 Memberships - Issues, Queries Etc

Posted by shayne on 12 March 2014 - 01:05 PM

Photos please or you're lieing... :)

ha ha you got me mate half lieing grew the beard chopped of the long hair. last centuries man havent had a camera since my childhood 126 instamatic. when i step into the 21st century and learn how to use this bloody machine and get a camera or phone upgrade i will get some tank/fish shots and do a proper intro

#310589 Memberships - Issues, Queries Etc

Posted by shayne on 10 March 2014 - 11:02 PM

i grew long hair and a beard while i waited for my card

#310084 Vandal In The Fish Shed

Posted by shayne on 06 March 2014 - 08:56 AM

unintentionaly locked a bandicoot in the shed last night, little bugger has shredded the foam on the sliding door.bit of mess no real harm done if i could trust people to lock up their bloody cats i would install a flap for them

#308907 My New Buddy- Photo Update

Posted by shayne on 21 February 2014 - 10:41 AM

this bird eats better than i do, well done on a good standard of care

#308720 Bigger Shark Bites The Big Shark!!!

Posted by shayne on 19 February 2014 - 02:47 PM

have always had trouble with the idea that hammerheads are maneaters, i have caught and eaten approx 120 of these over the years. great fght, very strong and fast but they fumble the bait and take 2 bites at least out of a bait any whaler or tiger whoud swallow all the way to its as@@##. having said that i have never dealt with one over 2meters  and some men on the rigs claim they have seen them strike dummies during demonstrations

#306049 Extreme Optimism Or Forward Planning

Posted by shayne on 24 January 2014 - 04:37 PM

gday all. recently got some murray cod. [thanks malawiman ] have 5 juvies in a 4x18 and there pumping. have a 6x18 and 2 ibc"s { previously grew barra to a kilo and ahalf before i swore never to keep a outdoor pond warm again } waiting for them. but today i agreed to buy 2 3000 ltr aquaponics ponds. 2nd hand and a good price i think. the missuss is furious!!!!  {14 tanks in the shed  5 on the patio and im not allowed any inside } i will be trawling the forums and possibly asking some dumb questions  but hey thats how you learn.  so what do                          you reckon people??  optimism? forward planning or a looming divorce case??





might be the wrong thread but i would like to thank a couple of forum members i dealt with this week. thanks kane the grandkids are rapt with the great wall,and im pretty happy with the bumblebee!!                    sutester i hope you see this. you showed me,  great beauty, great knowledge and much kindness thank you all :ThanxSmiley:

#302574 Sedge Seedlings Free

Posted by shayne on 19 December 2013 - 09:42 AM

gday johno, just googled them myself didnt realise how many varieties there is!! no photos at the moment [ no camera and no experience uploading/downloading pics ] all mature plants still being kept  so if i get any visitors with camera and computer skills will try to get some up.nothing extraordinary here just couldnt bear to weed/kill them without offering them up first

#300478 Officer "not Guilty"??

Posted by shayne on 19 November 2013 - 07:45 PM

shane 088 i was being rhetorical not literal. klienz were you posting without paying due care and attention??? doing 25 is evidence of nothing except doing 25.  she could have been accelerating decelerating or just  woken up from the average idiots stupor by a blast on the horn,putting down her phone/lippy/coffee etc [ back to accelerating but also due care and attention ] love your last line.. pure gold couldnt agree more. fuggers i wasnt focussing on the officer but agree with the rest wholeheartedly..  

#300464 Officer "not Guilty"??

Posted by shayne on 19 November 2013 - 05:25 PM

complicated issue, i thought from the very begining she should be charged with [ driving without due care and attention ] the evidence she was driving at approx 25km didnt seem to be contested. what was she doing ? talking,txting,makeup,or paying attention to passenger not the road?? more and more people claim they dont hear emergency vehicle sirens, turn down your music.put down your phone and pay attention!!!

#299444 Mole Crickets

Posted by shayne on 07 November 2013 - 06:37 PM

gday waxy, sorry mate not much to add. friends suggested you email sabrina hahn. a local garden guru but a little less commercial than most. im not computer literate enough to find links and stuff [1 finger pecker, last centuries man ]  she has a column in saturdays west but they suggest you find the address for her radio slot, twice weekly on 720 abc they think that has a quicker turnaround on queries. frogs alone  wont do the job i have huge numbers of them and i realy dont think they help much. but dont step between a bandicoot ,a mole cricket ,cochroach or a chicken bone