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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 03 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2020 08:05 PM

#327557 Fish Breeding

Posted by Bombshocked on 19 September 2014 - 11:52 AM

my comment wasnt made to offend people, ive earnt everything ive got and if u dont like it dont give a fairy.... ive been working since i was 15 years old never got a hand out from no one i deserve everything ive got.



the reason i was outside smoking so much at the last auction... the room was so full i couldn't even stand it and the freaking ammount of sick people there i was hoping if i filtered all the air i ingest whilst around the germs through the burning cigarette tip it would be sanitary to breathe


I am not here to offend anyone but you smoke $360 in a week, well I'm too embarrassed to tell you what I spend on holidays, fishing, dinner etc


this is the point im trying to make, keeping fish isnt a dick measuring contest


It's a bit rude saying stuff like that considering some people might think it's a lot of money


well these people need to wake up because if u aint got 360$ how the hell are u gonna buy a house or support your self

#327544 Fish Breeding

Posted by Bombshocked on 19 September 2014 - 09:37 AM

lol i like it how u all claim like 360$ is alot of money, i smoke that in a week

#327350 Fish Breeding

Posted by Bombshocked on 16 September 2014 - 12:04 PM

Posting that there is crap ones being sold and ruining the hobby but not saying who's selling them seems pretty pointless to me, in my opinion


agreed atleast if you were purchasing some africans (i dont like them so i wont be) anyways you could be like, hey did you get the parent stock off so and so and if they said yes you would avoid them like the plague


and as for paying for quality yea its great theres a handfull of guys around who pay for what they want i class myself as one of them...but majority of people getting into the hobby just get some Bns and elec yellows maybe some tetras and after a few years they move on,

#327294 Favourite Tank?

Posted by Bombshocked on 15 September 2014 - 08:41 PM



just a slap together low tech job

#327195 Fish Breeding

Posted by Bombshocked on 15 September 2014 - 12:26 AM

lol if you want quick cash, better get a job this isnt a money making game,

if you keep fish tanks you will quickly be racking up the 1000$ of dollars spent to buy/maintain/stock your tank/tanks


breeding fish for me is about watching the parental nature of dwarf cichlids and i also like the general increased need for me to be playing with my tanks (increased water changes and feeding) watching the fish grow and colour up is the best reward


if your breeding fish, dont just go to the LFS and get 2 fish from the same batch because there more then likely related ask the owner buy your fish from REPUTABLE dealers..... Research your fish species then source the best quality breeding stock, sometimes it might be a year or 2 before you find a nice specimen but if you really want to help the hobby evolve, dont breed/sell hybrids or subquality/deformed fish to others get a big fish and use them as feeders or whatever.....


IF you want to start breeding fish you have to be prepared to cull(KILL) deformed/sub quality fish AND have the tank space to seperate the breeding pairs if it is nessecary due to lack of demand on the market or lack of tank space for raising fry.


just my 2 cents lol

#327154 While I Was Raiding The Seachem At Vebas.

Posted by Bombshocked on 14 September 2014 - 06:38 PM

i got a soft spot for black angels.....

#326359 Fisheries Laws On Fish Trade-Ins/sales To Lfs

Posted by Bombshocked on 05 September 2014 - 01:03 PM

. If the species of finfish is NOT on the Federal Live Import List and not on the WA noxious fish list (and are not WA native or endemic)
Aquariums and businesses already selling the fish species surrendered are able to accept and resell the fish as long as they are already widespread in the aquarium trade in Western Australia and you can meet the requirements set out in Regulation 64*.



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#325766 What Is This?

Posted by Bombshocked on 27 August 2014 - 06:29 AM

if only it was a cheapo tin shed, its got full ceiling brick walls and it still smells like a burnt peice of wood, hopefully it goes away soon,

#325472 What Is This?

Posted by Bombshocked on 22 August 2014 - 04:47 PM

ok here is what happend since i made that post,


put wood on to boil


do some wc  ,moss some wood , mix ferts, leave fish tanks ( shed ) ,browse ebay, eat, watch movie, come back on pcs check out my comment about flamethrowering said wood


Then i remembered, Holy Sh*t i put wood on to boil about 3 hrs ago flew into the shed opened rollerdoor and it was thick white haze had to emergency shut down air pump and crank up the industrial fan, you couldn't see 2ft infront of you...... when i tryed to stop the wood from being onfire inside the pot, i put it under the tap and the bottom of the freakin pot fell off


smoked out the neighbour hood but luckily i checked this post because it reminded me about the wood haha :Rofl_3f:

#325448 What Is This?

Posted by Bombshocked on 22 August 2014 - 09:19 AM

it can be removed via flame thrower/weed burner :Rofl_3f:

#324794 September Meeting: Richmond Loh -The Fish Vet

Posted by Bombshocked on 16 August 2014 - 02:31 AM

I want to know how to cure dropsy


#323480 August Meeting: Auction And Agm

Posted by Bombshocked on 06 August 2014 - 11:10 AM

whats the go with bidding on your own lots..........pushing them higher and higher i was bidding against a certain seller on his own items, effectively shill bidding me, got home and felt pretty deceived/pissed

#323091 Agressive Male Bristlenose Catfish

Posted by Bombshocked on 02 August 2014 - 02:48 PM

i bet they were fighting over that sweet clay pot plant tilted on its side, probably just establishing territorys pecking order etc

#321748 Play Sand Substrate Pictures

Posted by Bombshocked on 20 July 2014 - 04:32 PM

even tho it says washed make sure u wash it

#321604 Good Led Light For My 4Ft Tank?

Posted by Bombshocked on 17 July 2014 - 09:14 PM

just a tip, if you get the flood lights they may be cheap but if you wire them yourself and your house burns down don't expect insurance to give you a cent