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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


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#355572 Hydra Internal Filters - Hydra 40 And 50

Posted by Bostave on 29 September 2016 - 07:27 AM

Ozone is extremely safe and effective disinfectant. I have conducted experiments with ozone and ozone with combination of probiotics. Many marine and finfish hatcheries are switching to ozone.

#355568 Hydra Internal Filters - Hydra 40 And 50

Posted by Bostave on 29 September 2016 - 03:58 AM

In Aquaculture, they use what is called ozone generators,, this is used to alter molecular structures in water for certain instances,, also straight out water purifiers.
This unit what I see is, this process happening happening with inside the box with water passing through getting treated.

The standard methods treating water directly uses electrical currents through the water and is no good for small size fish, and possibly things like catfish and stingrays that have electrical sensory nodes around the nose areas.
I looked into it, but my fry would be effected.

And bought the external one of the one pictured above,,, I wouldn't know if it's working or not lol.

Completely rubbish. I am an aquaculturist and have used ozone generators in hatcheries. The half-life of ozone is extremely small. Something like 5-6 seconds. The ozonated water was used disinfect copepods, artemia, crustacean larvae including phyllosoma and many fish larvae.
Please don't comment on things that you have no experience in.

#355508 Wtb Siamese Algae Eater

Posted by Bostave on 26 September 2016 - 05:44 PM

The one in the photo is otocinclus. It won't eat the black brush but eat the other soft green algae. I have three in my tank.

#355340 Sorted

Posted by Bostave on 15 September 2016 - 07:55 PM

Hi, I have some red ones from my carbon rilis. They are bit small. Free for you. I live in South Guildford.

#355321 Bostave's Ada Mini Garden Aquascape Journal

Posted by Bostave on 14 September 2016 - 05:26 PM





Just an update on my mini garden aquascape.


I introduced two pairs of high grade carbon rili shrimps in the aquascape. Also three Otocinclus were introduced. They cleaned the tanks surfaces, driftwood and the rocks of algae on the first night. 


The Utricularia graminiflora is doing really well and has established to my expectations. Actually all the plants are doing really well. 


I am happy with the layout . The Bolbitis in the middle is spreading nicely with the red plants in the backgrounds. Tonina and Sygnognanthus varietis are in the midground and break the flat layout of the carpet plants in the midground of the tank. 


I will be planting more taller red plants in the background after more powdered ADA substrate  is added in the front and normal ADA substrate is added in the back. 


The plants start pearling within 30 minutes of CO2 injection. 


I also have attached a small clump of Phoenix moss on the driftwood. 


My partner and a few friends who came over have said the the tank looks over-crowded. I cannot see that. So I am looking for your advice/opinions in the comments section.


I may not put any fish in there as I promised my partner to get permission to buy the altum angelfish that I won't buy a fish until we buy a house. Unfortunately, she remembers this.


I was unable to photograph the Otos as they hide behind the driftwood. Thank you for reading.



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#355102 Whitespot

Posted by Bostave on 06 September 2016 - 03:50 AM

Hi bigjohnnofish,
didn't you have a dead fish in one of your auction lot two auctions ago. I spoke to you about it and you said you dropped the fish on the ground but still decided to put it in the bag for the auction. None of the stores do this. Pcs members explained this to the potential buyers and withdrew this lot from you. They gave a you fair go and defended you. So please don't call them un-Australian.
  • sue likes this

#354980 Help! Unhealthy Fish After Water Change

Posted by Bostave on 29 August 2016 - 11:30 AM

There might be few other reasons. Either the new water has higher tds which might have compromised the oxygen absorption. The fish seemed to respond well to additional aeration but return to gulping. That would suggest the although the oxygen concentration is increased there is something else that might be hampering is absorption. Nitrite poisoning comes to mind. Also the new water might have been subjected to excessive pressure than normal which have cause gas bubble disease.

#354836 Bostave's Ada Mini Garden Aquascape Journal

Posted by Bostave on 19 August 2016 - 04:41 PM





Sorry for the delay in naming the plants and uploading the video.


The plants that made into the tank are  Hygrophila corymbosa 'Kompakt', Hygrophila corymbosa 'Anustifolia', Murdannia sp 'red', Persicaria sp ' Sal Paulo', Tonina fluviatilis, Syngnognanthus sp (Belem, Madeira and Manaus), Ludwigia arcuata, Bolbitis heudolitii, Utricularia graminiflora, Blyxa japonica and Alternanthera reineckii.


The video



I am going to wait until the plant grow. The fertilization regime 20mls of Ista water plant fertilizer and 5 mls of seachem trace. CO2 for 3-4 hours and light 8 hours each day.


No shrimps or fish still.


Thank you.



#354793 Bostave's Ada Mini Garden Aquascape Journal

Posted by Bostave on 17 August 2016 - 08:14 PM



Hi All, 

The mini garden aquascape was redone this evening.

The Cryptocoryne species were removed and replaced with stem plants. I wanted to adopt the Dutch style of aquascaping.


The plants came from a tank that had snails in it. Hence the plants were rinsed and soaked in water to which snail-rid was added.



Prior to planting

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Plant rinse and snail-rid station

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Plants during the rinse

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Rinsed plants after planting in the mini garden

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Final layout

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I will add the names of the plants in this post tomorrow and attach a video as well.


30 mls of Ista water pant fertilizer was added along with CO2. 


Thank you for reading, Cheers


A special thanks to Mattia for bringing my CO2  cylinder to the meeting.

Attached Files

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#354762 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Bostave on 16 August 2016 - 03:36 PM

The flower stalk doesn't need light.

#354454 Bostave's Ada Mini Garden Aquascape Journal

Posted by Bostave on 04 August 2016 - 03:34 PM




Just a update of my tank, the cryptocoryne plants melted after four days. I waited for few days for the melt to cease and then removed the dead plant tissues. 

So this is what it looked this morning,

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I should have limited the number of crypts in the tank but since I just love them I went a bit far. So, I decided to get some stem plants namely, Syngonanthus sp belem, S. sp manaus, S. sp madeira, Tonina fluviatlis, Rotala sp.colourata, Ludigia arcuata and a few more which I will name if they make it into the aquascape. I also finally got Utricularia graminiflora (UG).Attached File  4 (Large).JPG   28.06KB   9 downloads


UG was removed from the mesh, segregated and then planted in smaller groups in the front and sides of the tank.

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Later 30 ml of the Ista water plant fertiliser and 10 mls of the Seachem trace were pored into the tank. This was followed by 500 ml of carbonated water. I will be adding  fertilisers and CO2  more frequently until UG gets established. After that the stem plants mentioned in this post will be added to the aquascape. The plants have been selected on the intensities of green colours, shapes and a few to add red colour to the aquascape.


 Thank you for reading and looking forward for comments.

#354399 August Meeting - Auction & Agm - New Venue

Posted by Bostave on 03 August 2016 - 07:45 AM

Glad to be on the PCS committee and thank you PCS committee for accepting my nomination. Great night! Nice to catch with fellow fish guys. Made a fortune at the auction and may be more as my inbox has few more interests from people wanting to buy more shrimps.

#354238 Delapool's 150 Gallon Tank

Posted by Bostave on 29 July 2016 - 11:12 PM


#353971 Bostave's Ada Mini Garden Aquascape Journal

Posted by Bostave on 19 July 2016 - 07:14 PM




The tank cleared nicely this morning. Attached File  1 (Custom).JPG   67.78KB   9 downloadsAttached File  2 (Custom).JPG   66.98KB   9 downloads


I commenced planting this afternoon.The plants were washed, old leaves and roots were removed. Photographs of the plants prior to planting.Attached File  a (Custom).JPG   125.49KB   10 downloadsAttached File  b (Custom).JPG   92.91KB   9 downloadsAttached File  c (Custom).JPG   90.1KB   10 downloadsAttached File  d (Custom).JPG   109.3KB   9 downloads


The photograph below show the final lay-out of the planted aquascape.

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Once I was satisfied with the lay-out, I added 20 ml of Ista water plant fertilizer, 10 ml of seachem trace and 500 ml of carbonated water.


I will wait for a few weeks for the plants to established themselves and then I may change or add a few more plants.


I have been looking at nano canister filters this morning and once I have the funds for it, I will plant more plants in the location of current filter.


A short video


Please comment on my aquascape in the comment threads so I can improve on my aquascape.


Thank you.

#353959 Bostave's Ada Mini Garden Aquascape Journal

Posted by Bostave on 18 July 2016 - 07:27 PM



Hi again,


So as per the previous entry of this journal, I have installed a 25 watt Eheim heater and Tetra whisper 10i filter. The filter was bought from US and hence required a step-down transformer to be used with it. The heater and the filter were switched on this evening and hopefully the water will be crystal clear with a few hours. 


The photographs attached below show the installed heater and filter as well as illuminated tank. The last photograph shows the filter in operation. I am considering buying a ADA canister filter and lily pipes. 


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I will be using Ista water plant fertilizer which I won at the recent PCS raffle. Urea, Magnesium sulphate,  Ammonium sulphate, Monoammonium phosphate, Monopotassium phosphate are the ingredients in this product and will provide the the tank with the necessary N-P-K requirements while Seachem trace will provide the trace nutrients.


The carbon dioxide will be added through the addition of carbonated water until I get my hands on some Utricularia  graminiflora. After which, I will install a nano CO2 unit. The reason being the crypts and ferns are slow growing plants with low or no nutrient and CO2 requirement.


I am now reconsidering the shrimps in the tank and might keep blue velvet shrimps as they are more hardy than the crystal shrimps especially in summer months.


I will add the crypts tomorrow


Thank you.