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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 10 Mar 2007
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#337626 Whats A Good Depth

Posted by werdna on 15 April 2015 - 05:40 PM

MLB, he asked for growbeds, not ponds. :)

#337395 Parachromis Dovii (Wolf Cichlid)

Posted by werdna on 10 April 2015 - 09:50 PM

My fav fish.
Feed it some crickets, they go mental for them.
Then sit there for an hour patrolling the tank looking for more.

#337383 What's The Best Perth Fish Forum?

Posted by werdna on 10 April 2015 - 11:16 AM

i love pcs and been a member for a while now but being a discus keeper i would have loved to see a section for discus on this forum and have hinted about this a few times only to deaf ears so im not as active on here as i used to be. but either way i guess this is the best perth forum at the moment. 

Just so you know your request is not falling on deaf ears.

It's just that excessive sub forums makes forum navigation difficult and looks messy.

And having one solely dedicated to discus doesn't really work.

We don't have sub forums dedicated to African cichlid's by lake, or even separating cichlid's by continent, so having one for one particular species seems like a waste to me.


I am happy to create a sub forum if there is a sound argument for one, or if enough members on here request it.

But I don't like the idea personally, you could argue that more people keep electric yellows than any other species so they should get their own sub forum too. 

#336558 Ngara Breeding Help!!!!!!!

Posted by werdna on 19 March 2015 - 06:42 PM

Why tumble?

Let them hold full term.

Once the skin under the females chin turns a dark colour they have hatched.

Then strip or separate and let her raise.


Just leave them be

#336236 Basically (Why Are They Not Breeding?)

Posted by werdna on 10 March 2015 - 07:09 AM

they aren't adults yet they are only 10cm

Ummm that could be a reason too. Maybe you just need some patience. (Or move to Mandurah :) )

Why do they need to breed?

#336211 New Info On Port Arthur

Posted by werdna on 09 March 2015 - 07:28 PM

And obviously my thoughts about knifings was incorrect.

If they weren't I probably wouldn't have posted a reply :P

#336104 New Info On Port Arthur

Posted by werdna on 06 March 2015 - 11:29 AM

Why do I have to google?!
Aren't you perfectly capable of trying to research a new point you are trying to prove?
Attached File  knives.jpg   38.22KB   3 downloads
So, any increase is not really in proportion to the drop in gun crime.
Here are other arguments:
1) Join a gun club, you still have access to firearms, just not ones specifically designed to kill people. If someone wants to get a gun and kill someone they still can.
2) A gun is a very impersonal way to murder someone. You simply aim and press a trigger. A knife is different, you have to physically force it into someone up close and personal, while defending yourself, and feel the damage being done. It takes a very different type of person.
Its not as simple as just "a knife can kill so people should be allowed weapons".
Ask yourself: If Martin Bryant (or whoever some noddy conspiracy theorist thinks it may be) walked into Port Arthur carrying only knives do you think 35 people would have died?

#336098 New Info On Port Arthur

Posted by werdna on 06 March 2015 - 09:46 AM

anyway good to see johnny howards gun control working ->


I agree with you 100%, it is great to see it working:





I don't see why anyone needs a semi auto assault rifle. These weapons are built to kill people.

Why would you need that?

#335165 Phenochilus Tanzania

Posted by werdna on 16 February 2015 - 04:43 PM

Just gave mine to Poncho...



Poncho has wanted these for about 10 years... bet he kills them! :rolleyes:

#334077 Recent Purchase

Posted by werdna on 27 January 2015 - 02:06 PM


#333582 Final Comp

Posted by werdna on 16 January 2015 - 01:51 PM

Bahaha, how funny. Michael getting disqualified in the decider. From 1st to no place in 4 posts! :P

#333564 Where To Buy Black Bream?

Posted by werdna on 16 January 2015 - 11:28 AM

Size restrictions still apply if you are catching Black Bream to take home, so I would recommend against keeping little ones.


Expect an average of 1cm/year growth from them

#333259 Robs Aquarium

Posted by werdna on 08 January 2015 - 10:30 PM

Hmmm, it seems to have gone back to its old settings.


Try now

#333094 Robs Aquarium

Posted by werdna on 05 January 2015 - 01:38 PM

Try now.

I didn't set it up right :blush:

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#332874 Wtb-Ammonia

Posted by werdna on 28 December 2014 - 11:32 PM

You could always pee in the tank