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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 02 Oct 2010
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#353585 Id Please

Posted by Buccal on 08 July 2016 - 08:13 AM

Hi Natalie,,, Dongara is a nice little secluded place to do some great fishing, coastal and boat,, that place and Greenhead was like my second homes in my youth for fishing. :)

That fish you have could be a few different types of possible Aulonocara ,, it could even be a throw back from hybridized peacocks like dragon bloods or marble peacocks.
Then again it could be a Aulonocara benga pure,, but there's no telling, so never id a fish like this to add to a colony to breed without complete confirmation of purity.
But if your wanting to know for common knowledge,, then it's a Aulonocara specie, looking in the realms of being a (benga).
Looks nice and healthy there to,, good job,, just remember as a fish slows in growth and becomes bigger, the amount of food they need in ratio to body size is much less,,,,,, as the food isn't needed as much when there's no growing to be done,, and your water quality will stay much better for it,,, Well done and good luck,, hope to see you in future updating on here again. :)

#353436 Koi Herpes Virus

Posted by Buccal on 05 July 2016 - 02:44 AM

You make some good points,,, but I certainly still don't want it here.

#353383 Take A Pot Shot !!

Posted by Buccal on 02 July 2016 - 07:01 AM

So true Alex, use it or lose it,,, since the market for cichlids began dying and my supplies have now ceased,, I'm already getting very, very rusty with scientific names,, I think at the same time, it chips away at passion levels,, the longer you go not selling and not breeding the easier it gets to not care anymore.
The initial step to stop taking fry and telling shops no more,,, was so, so hard, it felt like I was selling my grandmother.
Possibly,,,,, someone could come and take all my fish, I think I'd have mixed emotions, I would be devastated but relieved at the same time.
When everything is running smooth with production and sales,, I feel like I would do this till I was dead,,,, I absolutely loved the feeling of investing my personal time and even everyday feeding,,, and knowing I absolutely love it and it's making me some handy pocket money which I use to re-invest and buy more new exciting stuff.
It's crazy how my for filled passion relies on wether everyone else is into it or not.
When people stop spending and start penny pinching,,, instantly it's the end of me.
Don't get me wrong I'm likely a bit more passionate for the love of each fish,,, but my true passion lies in the husbandry and the engineering of sciences moulded into economics at the same time.
I havnt met any one else in Perth that could safely say they made profit from breeding fish after all expenses,,, I could pull a decent profit,,, enough to pay for a 8k German order every 3 months or so,, and if I didn't do a German order,, it was my money as reward.
I also put bussines decisions that supported the future first,, and always disregarded the moment of now......
Once people start acting on decisions based on now and disregarding their actions impact on tomorrow, next week, month or year,,, everyone becomes just in it for themselves and not contributing to the jevity of the hobby itself.
Most plain Jane people think it's infinite, and disregards people's hard work,,,,
If the threads on Pcs are checked right back in time on here,,, I warned and I warned and warned,,, numerous times I was bought down for being a money hungry pig with no passion,,, lol,,, never seen so many people group together and be wrong,,,, except for election time in 2007 Kevin 07. Lol.
But I'm not saying everyone didn't know this decline in the hobby would occur.

Just like all typical human beings,,, there's nothing wrong until issues appear.
We got intelligence for hiensight and we can prepare to dictate future outcome,,, the onslaught of the new computer people generation are losing these manual thought skills as formulas and thought processes are now not needed as we all now have endowed our lives to the artificial brain.
Who needs to understand concepts when a computer can do it??,, hah well they think the computer does it.
Again no hostility here,, I'm seeing exactly the same thing in the building game.
Grab a scheduler in the office and ask them questions about the products they quantify and order in relation to the job,, they have no understanding what the product is, what it does or what it looks like, but a absolute gun on the computer.
Ask a scheduler back in 1999 they were full bottle, new everything and a quick phone call could resolve a situation fast,,, now, f ck me, send a email, if they decide to look at it, you may get a response in a week if your lucky,, they then ask questions back because they are lost,, and it just keeps going,, so I don't help out builders any more like I use to,,, they can squalor in their own doings....
But hey, what is my index finger tapping briskly on ???, lol, if you can't beat them, join them,,, hah ha.
Bit of a rant,, but I'm sure you all kept reading and now enlightened by a extra 0.001% lol.

Back on it,, well, anyone know the fish above ???? Threads about that,, now that I've learnt the terms and ethics from the older members on here,, I've noticed I've hijacked myself lol.

#353369 Jaguar Shaking Head At Other Fish

Posted by Buccal on 01 July 2016 - 06:57 PM

They like their tank in any way,, these fish are happy always,,,, just a large piece of smooth timber piece or largish stone like rock.
Yeah, you won't get much of a warning with these,,,, you'll come home and all your fish will be gone and its stomach will be packed tight full,,,,,,,,,, once he gets one, for ever there on like this.

#353293 Jaguar Shaking Head At Other Fish

Posted by Buccal on 29 June 2016 - 08:19 PM

thanks buccal i had to laugh at you comment (That thing will grow like the clappers and swallow the hell out of everything before you know it.) im aware off that, he or she has a lge 125gal tank waiting all for themselves i only put the jag in there because it was so young. i have allready noticed how much it has growen in three wks as it has doubled in size as ive been giving lots of clean water and good quality food..cheers mate

Mentioned it just in case :)

#353274 Jaguar Shaking Head At Other Fish

Posted by Buccal on 28 June 2016 - 08:34 PM

Little baby fry there,, your a little wishful saying one day the others will be food, hah ha,,,that thing will grow like the clappers and swallow the hell out of everything before you know it.
Just letting you know,, I'm not being a shitesta.

#353250 Need Advice On Heater

Posted by Buccal on 28 June 2016 - 02:24 AM

Just buy two that is rated to do about three quarters of what you need.
If you only have one in operation,, it'll be weak, but the two will stop their labouring performance and into expected performance.
I believe in many cases, especially with the famous Jäger, is that reputation makes people think they can use a bit smaller one or match it perfectly,,,, my belief is choose them twice the size you need,, much better still, buy the correct size one to suit then buy another to add.
What really floggs these suckers out, is when they are to small, they struggle to hard is that they run 24/7 and burn the crap out of themselves, then a odd water change they may become suspended partially in air also this burns them to,,,,,

First half of my fish keeping years, I burnt out heaters left right and center,,, as soon as I doubled up the needed size I never had a issue again,,,,,,, this advice to me came from big Kev at Malaga aquariums on his first week of opening. :)

#353172 Throwback Thursday

Posted by Buccal on 25 June 2016 - 08:48 PM

Yeah they take ages to grow and present,, mega long for the vivid yellow to deepen.

#353071 Anyone Seen Anything A Bit Different Lately?

Posted by Buccal on 22 June 2016 - 02:57 AM

Omg,, having a eyegasm,, hah ha.
So sweet.

#352996 Perth Koi Show 2016

Posted by Buccal on 19 June 2016 - 05:38 AM

Most people don't realize that,, koi have 10-20k offspring and usually means a handful of the fittest survive naturally.
But these koi are going through absolute intense selective processes,,, so these fish are selected to fit the Japanese made catorgories.
This means that some weaker individuals are bought through in the nurturing selective processes.
Thus is why some indivual koi may seem sooky or weakish.

And, Den, your words, I could be wrong,, sounds like you've spoken to Alan and you've already been primed coached by him.
If you havnt and your serious, call Alan, and lol, I think I may know you more than you know me,, don't ask how, got my ways.
But your similar to me, I mean thinking, not the fact we are Italian decent lol, but call him and he'll invite you to his house and you can see exactly what you just explained with the view panel,, his is massive, like 33+ thousand liters built into a massive alfresco outdoor living area,,,, he can point out every single koi to you with its entire history,,, before you know it, you have to go home because the sun is setting lol.
A few months later your wife will start hating you because of your obsession with $2k koi lol.

When breeding,, lead up to xmas is always very exciting,, the males really torpedo themselves nose first into females fat bellies towards the rear trying to pop the egg tube into distention so the laying/fertilization process can begin.

Ask Alan for the Hiroshima documentary video,, there's koi the size of small Dolphins on there.
If you think your hooked now,,, wait till you watch the video..... :)
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#352995 Jaguar Shaking Head At Other Fish

Posted by Buccal on 19 June 2016 - 05:22 AM

That sounds like it mate yeah...
I've bred them before,,, I can't remember, but, I think the female gets like a very slight purple tinge or hue over the flanks.
The male gets a slight coppery bronze tinge or hue.
Could be other way round. :)

#352977 Jaguar Shaking Head At Other Fish

Posted by Buccal on 18 June 2016 - 06:30 PM

Hah,, ha,, oh yeah,, it's normal,,, he is beginning to mature as they do fairly small.
He is asserting his territory,, which would likely be a nice little sheltered area for fry to safely exist,,,, and your drift wood hollow is perfect. :)

#352972 Who Ya Voting For

Posted by Buccal on 18 June 2016 - 09:09 AM

Yep,,, in this day and age,,, in front of the world, I feel very embaraced about what our country has turned into and most of its leaders.
I've never seen such a circus of clowns losing complete enginuity of our country then turning it into their immature crap fight game.
Australia is disgraced and been in the wrong hands ever since the day our God (Johnny Howard) become defeated by that country destroyer Kevin and again by Julia which I believed from the beginning she had Kevin set up,,, she fought for him strongly to get him in power, and turned against him fast and they're the same party lol,,, thus triggered a new norm of in house fighting that makes it to the media every time because of some little toffee nose leaking out info to serve his own parties interest.

Main problem now is Australia's people,,, everyone now is in a mode of chop change,,, no prime minister is ever going to be good enough now,,,,, I don't think there's one Australian out there that ever gives a thought to that different sectors of the population all need different things and not everyone can be happy,, but it's the matter of having the least amount disgruntled people.

It seems now Australians don't know what's good for Australia where as a singular primeminister like Johnny new how to run the beast smoothly,, hell, he never cared at all being accused about children over board,, he was never interested in making the media or or idiot type citizens happy, he just new what oz needed.
Now it's pretty clear,,,, oz people are retards (likely because most are immigrants now and the same fall apart process is in motion along the same lines as what's happened in the UK).
See government and bussiness these days always chase short term gain,,,, myself and oldschool ways always chase long term gain which is the future,, our government just says they chase long term but BOLIX.

It's also apparent now that Australians choose the car salesman instead of the mechanic out of the car sales yard to fix their car,,, silly Australians and I'm not not feeling to proud at all.

Oh and just to add,, for the first time ever,, I'll be donkey voting.

#352963 Perth Koi Show 2016

Posted by Buccal on 17 June 2016 - 07:57 PM

Just know that,, when researching pond depths, that the European and other places that freeze over in winter, suggest a particular depth that leaves the bottom 400mm unfrozen for fish to live.
600mm deep would be my preferable minimum depth,,, my pond now is 800mm at shallow end and 1000mm at other end,,,, really pay attention to your KH,,,, if my KH falls under 6 or less,, all my koi start breaching the surface like a whale with the odd flash on the bottom.
Sodium bicarbonate and calcium chloride makes my koi happy and play with each other and Definetely deepens their colors.

I've got contacts in Mandurah that have killed awesome koi also, likely the best if you need their details from me,,, but I'd check with them first,,,,, many good lines here are descendants from prize winners in Hiroshima.

Producing good quality of ten fish out of ten thousand is incredible hard work,,, and the way our Perth climate is,, it always pans out that the heaviest culling sessions always coincide with heat waves lol.
Majestic fish,,, absolute poetry seeing all my mates stand around with beers in their hands at my ponds edges just staring at the 18 or so monsters cruzing around with amazing color and pattern variances,,,,, and at least 70% of my stock fit into proper categorization,, like Showa, Sanki, Utsuri, Hi-utsuri, Kahaku, ogon and so on.

And Den,, those Clark rubber kids pools are the bomb for cheap effective breeding pens and growout pens.
Ask Alan about the bleaching method used on koi eggs to stop the forever fungal issues.
Really good fun selective breeding them.
Koi are Definetely a must for me,,, when they are kept correctly,, they are not those scared twitchy skinny crappy things you see in most people's ponds.
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#352943 Perth Koi Show 2016

Posted by Buccal on 17 June 2016 - 03:15 AM

Ha ha, good to see Alan Bennett still super passionate about his koi,,, his family are extremely lucky he still puts them first and not his koi lol,,,,, he is fully submersed in his passion.
I have a few bloodlines I paid pretty pennies for from him,,, he breeds breathtaking quality,, as do a few others from the club.

All those guys go to a lot of effort for those shows and club meetings,,, setting up all those holding pens and carting around their prides of joy show winning koi.

Also good to see Cons face again on there,,, he's a Pcs member (garlic shrimp), top bloke and great koi,, putting a lot of effort into it.

The reality of the virus is seen differently between fishos and scientists without fish passion,,, why in all of this, is it always the most effected, that is the least heard.

We need a Nelson Mandella of the fish world to voice our opinions lol.
It would be horrible to lose my koi, to a system that boils my blood,,,, that's a very big problem of today's world,,, there are many people always acting in their best interests,,, there's always someone rubbing their hands together picking up a contract to make big dollars,,,, and doing so with total disregard for those effected,,,, it seems if government can't make money out of these things then there's no help and even more disgusting, the lack of any consideration or hearing at all.
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