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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 04 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2016 05:23 PM

#291867 New Toy

Posted by silverscreen on 12 August 2013 - 08:28 AM

some times you just got to treat yourself

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#291197 The Price Of A Fish

Posted by silverscreen on 05 August 2013 - 09:09 PM

i dont want people to get me wrong...i am not chasing fish for next to nothing...


completly the opposite...i am refering to when selling a fish...


like buccal has said the price can affect the industry from the ground up..


a few weeks ago i was selling longfin bristlenose fry for $5 each...which at the time i thought was a fair price...they sold like hot cakes.


i was spoken to by a few people that i am selling them too cheap and hurting the price and they wont be able to sell theres...at the time i didnt give it much thought.


but now i have and if you think about it...its a difficult thing to put a fair and reasonable price on a fish...so as to not be left with fry which is the whole point to breeding unless trying to improve the breed...different point all together...and to not


bring down the price of the fish...but what i did notice was alot of the buyers were mums and dads setting up a fish tank with the kids for the first time...which if you think about it is what is going to kept the price and hobbie alive.


starts of with a humble bristlenose and ends up with a tank full of exotics.

#290811 The Blue Light

Posted by silverscreen on 31 July 2013 - 10:54 PM

mine also freak out when i turn the light off...i figured it out...well for my tank anyway.

its the sound of the click of the switch .. it travels thru the water and that freaks them out...i hooked a extension lead from another point away from the tank and turned the light of that way and they didnt freak.

#286437 Stop Thief

Posted by silverscreen on 12 June 2013 - 12:17 PM

can i ask you why did you wait till now...if this happened months ago...and yes the person should be named .