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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 02 Feb 2016
Offline Last Active May 31 2021 04:45 AM

#360990 Water Changes/gravel Vacuum Show Me Your Setups

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 09 April 2017 - 08:54 AM

I love it. Interesting placement of the spongebob ornaments ;)

The pineapple actually makes a pretty good love cave for the tropheus and i always put sponge bob near the outlet so poop accumulates on him, the kids can't figure out why the fish keep pooping on him.

#360978 Water Changes/gravel Vacuum Show Me Your Setups

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 08 April 2017 - 10:39 PM

My tank is in at home now, I should of taken some pics of the plumbing before it was set up however did not.  Wanted an easy water change system and I think the end result is pretty easy, the guys at aquatix have done a great set up for us again and squeezed as much as is possible into a cabinet again  :)  The tank in our office is set up pretty similar but the plumbing isn't as compressed and hidden so I'll put pics up next week.


Summary is it has a sump and a grow out tank.  It has plumbing to feed the sump and a quick drain that takes 2/3 of the main tank.  It has a filler on a float valve to stop over flow.















#360890 Water Changes/gravel Vacuum Show Me Your Setups

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 05 April 2017 - 10:53 AM



Doing the bucket thing in units, one would think it's good for business hey Chris? "Ow my back!"


Quoting your message so I can like it a second time.

#360846 Water Changes/gravel Vacuum Show Me Your Setups

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 02 April 2017 - 03:37 PM

Right with all the garden hose fittings.



You sir are a genius :) 


My mother is in a unit and is doing the bucket thing so I'll try and set up a better option before she is back from holidays.


I'll post some pics this week of our set ups.  Aquotix interpreted our requests for our tanks to be as easy as flushing a toilet and delivered, half flush and floats.

#360594 Perth Cichlid Society - Photo Competition 2017.

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 22 March 2017 - 12:31 PM

My camera skills are terrible, I'm that guy selling a stainless kettle on eBay with no pants on :) 

#360039 Vitalis - Cichlid Grazer

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 03 March 2017 - 08:55 AM

The grazers are the bomb :)  I find although the tropheus are quick they don't get a good go at the flakes unless I turn off my pump to stop them ending up in the sump.  It's also a good time to take a picture of them and try and count how many you have.

#359675 Electric Bicycle Kit

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 16 February 2017 - 02:47 PM

The max legal on the road is 200W but alot of kits sell around 500W.  


Have a chat to the store about their take on staying legal versus just getting a good power unit.  Skate boards aren't the same I know however I'm tempted always just to go the bigger motor (my first skate board was 350W, current is a 3000W with twin motors :)  I've hurt my self initially using the power now its nice just as roll on reserve and makes for a cruiser ride and means if i really slow down for pedestrians I have heaps of power to speed right up again quickly rather than on the slower board i was tempted to keep momentum and speed high as it didn't accelerate as well meaning I was passing people faster on the slower board if that makes any sense.


As long as the police aren't pulling you to check your kW and you aren't riding like a crazy I think I'd go for a bigger motor and a hub drive not a crank/mid drive unit as they are simpler to maintain and possible to set up yourself.  I like the look of the rear hub better and it keeps the front light, shocks doing their normal thing (and lets you do wheelies on the power rather than pulling you).  Also if you take your front wheel off to lock it up the front hub would be a pain in the back.  If you aren't a wheelie type and don't need to lock your bike up outside maybe go for a front hub due to easy install.




Alternatively you could get a rear hub AND a front hub giving you 1000W of pulling power.


This is the guy to talk to in perth but the looks of it.  He has USA sites who recommend the americans only buy off him :) 




In freo

#359671 Diy Aquarium (Tempered Glass Build)

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 16 February 2017 - 01:42 PM

We've a few tanks from small to medium sized and a patient who owns a glass factory offered to temper the glass for free in building the biggest of our tanks.  Asking about it was recommended from the LFS for tanks not to temper the glass.  


Watching some videos I think i understand, a crack would allow you some time to sort the problem out, tempered glass would be a sensational fail if it did fail.



I think what you need is chemical strengthening 


#358358 Pop Ups And Automatic Web Page Opening

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 07 January 2017 - 12:53 PM

more likely to be from the porn in the background

#358114 Gumtree Ad

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 28 December 2016 - 11:30 PM


We need a "where is he now" type post.  What happened to Barry :(


"When Sarah and Tom first went to the property to inspect Barry, Barry thought it was a day like every other, visitors who would pass quickly but today was different...."

#357444 Hybrids For Sale

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 06 December 2016 - 08:09 AM

if zoo's were to line breed say an all black or all white panda bear. It would not be right, even though it would have the same latin name.


An all black and all white panda would be awesome.

#355882 Fish Prices And Importing - Kigoma.

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 13 October 2016 - 10:18 PM

I'm lost here... I don't understand who is talking about price for each and who about price for the lot

Retail value of Kigomas that size would be $150-$200 each, maybe $500 for the trio... that is if they are in good conditions and if you're lucky

But since you're a private selling, take 20-30% off that

A good friend of mine got a big colony of Mobas, all adults and one huge one, some WC, and he paid less than $100 each...


Thats what he told his wife :) 



#355476 Some Excitement In Our Mixed Tank

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 24 September 2016 - 08:57 PM

You weren't kidding when you say mixed tank ;). Tangs, vics,Malawi and community Bala shark all together never seen all them together peacefully.

Look forward to following this tank setup


Ha, peacefully is what it was with Malawi and sharks.  It's funny how things evolve however.


The victorian is okay with any one as long as it is the only Astatotilapia in the tank.  She was bought as she was sad and solo in the fish shop, even though its temperamental she is a staff favorite.


The Tangs however most think are lazy moochers in a tank however they serve a godly role, they are the enforcers of natural selection :D .

Seriously though, aggression is infrequent and low key unless some one is struggling health wise and the Astatotilapia used to be the angry mongrel in the tank but the addition of the big Fronties have adequately put every one in their place in the food chain.

#354812 Custom Designs 3D Printing

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 18 August 2016 - 06:49 PM

Has any one had a play with 3D printing for their aquariums.  OMG, could so add some funky stuff to my sponge bob biotope.




#354609 My Moba Tank :)

Posted by chrishaigh82 on 10 August 2016 - 11:06 PM

Very cool, I love seeing them so active - slow moving but active for a fronty. I could drink my morning coffee in front of that tank every day of the year


Always slow moving until you try and put a fish net into the tank.

I don't get sick of watching them.  The auto timer for the light doesn't turn on early enough for me to watch them before work and I would probably be late for work all the time if I did lol. 


What is your time between the first and last videos?  They've grown really well.