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Fishless Cycle Doing My Head In...would Love Some Help Please

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#1 selandian

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 01:43 PM

Hi everyone,


Been a lurker on here for a little while now but this is my first post... and I really need some help, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if I'm on the right track.  I've been struggling but now I've gotten to the point where I need some pointers.    :brickwall:   


I'm up to day 30 of a fishless cycle in our 14 x 18 x 48 inch tank.  It's got an Aqua One 1250 canister filter in it, I've got the temp set at 28 and I'm  de-chlorinating the water with Prime. I decided to use "Black and Gold Cloudy Ammonia" as the ammonia source ... and I know ... I probably shouldn't be using it, but before I started I spent days and days searching the net and from what I could find, this brand seemed to be successful so I thought I'd give it a crack.  Besides, I wasn't game to spend any more money on the tank without the risk of divorce!


I'm using an API master test kit and seeded the tank with some gravel from another established tank.  So I guess I'll just put all the readings up and show exactly what's been going on.  Fingers crossed someone can give me some help or advice :)


Day 1        pH 8.2        Ammonia  1.0    

Day 2             8.4                          2.0

Day 3             8.0                          2.0  (then dosed to 3.0)            Nitrite  0.5

Day 4             8.1                          1.5  (then dosed to 3.0)                        3.0                      Nitrate  20

Day 5             8.0                          1.5  (then dosed to 3.0)                        4.0                                   40

Day 6             8.0                          1.0  (then dosed to 4.0)                        5.0                                   60

Day 7              7.8                         1.0  (then dosed to 2.0)                        5.0                                   120

Day 8              7.8                         1.0  (then dosed to 3.0)                        5.0                                   120

Day 9              8.0                         0.25 (then dosed to 4.0)                       5.0                                   150

Day 10         didn't test at all

Day 11            8.0                         0.0   (then dosed to 3.0)                       5.0                                    150

Day 12            7.9                         1.5                                                        5.0                                    160


at this point I decided the readings for nitrites were off the scale (they'd been turning bright purple INSTANTLY for days!) so did a 30% water change and took more readings afterwards


after w/c     pH  7.8                       1.0                                                        5.0                                     100

Day 13             7.9                        0.0   (then dosed to 1.0)                       5.0                                     100

Day 14             didn't test at all but chucked in a tablespoon of ammonia

Day 15             7.8                        0.0                                                        5.0                                      150

Day 16             didn't test at all but put a tablespoon of ammonia in

Day 17             7.9                        0.0                                                        5.0                                      150


again, the reading were so high I did another water change to bring the nitrites down, this time 90%, chucked in a tblspn of ammonia and took more readings


after w/c          7.4                       1.0                                                         3.0                                       40

Day 18            7.9                        0.0 (then dosed to 1.0)                         3.0                                       40

Day 19            7.9                        0.0 (then dosed to 1.0)                         3.0                                       30

Day 20            7.9                        0.1                                                        3.0                                       40


another 90% water change to bring the nitrites down again and dosed with ammonia to 2.0


after w/c         7.9                        2.0                                                         0.25                                     5

Day 21           7.9                        0.0 (no ammonia added)                      2.0                                      40

Day 22           7.9                        0.0 (no ammonia added)                      1.5                                      30

Day 23           8.0                        0.0  (then dosed to 0.5)                        0.0                                      10

Day 24           8.0                        0.0  (then dosed to 1.0)                        0.0                                      10 - 15

Day 25           7.8                        0.0 (no ammonia added)                      2.0                                      40

Day 26           7.9                        0.0 (then dosed to 1.0)                         0.0                                      30

Day 27           8.0                        0.0 (then dosed to 1.0)                         0.25                                    40

Day 28           7.9                        0.0  (then dosed to 1.0)                        0.25                                    40

Day 29           7.9                        0.0  (no ammonia added)                     2.0                                      40

Day 30           7.9                        0.0  (dosed to 1.0)                                0.0                                      40




And today is Day 30 ... geez, as the days have progressed I've gotten more and more confused.  So ... hit me with it .... where have I buggered up or am I on the right track and just need more patience ... lol! 


The kids are rolling their eyes at me and our empty tank!  :D








#2 Anka

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 01:53 PM

Hi mate,


I recommend calling Aquotix and asking to speak to Ollie.


He will be able to walk you through the process (if he isn't busy).


When I do fishless cycles I always use Aquotix's home brand ammonia. I'd always be cautious of buying chemicals intended for cleaning as they may contain other nasties.


From memory, I think you can tell that the tank is cycled when you put in enough ammonia to bring it to 2.0ppm and then within 24 hours there is no ammonia or nitrite.


I don't recommend doing more than a 50% water change. You kill the bacteria and essentially undo your progress when you do such a large WC.


Good luck




P.S. for future reference this is what you want: http://www.aquariumo...m-chloride-20g/


Aquarium Online Store is operated by Aquotix. They ship as well.


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Posted 16 August 2013 - 02:03 PM

whats wrong with the tank now, looks good enough now doesnt it??

i agree with Anka no more than 50% water change, cause it does kill of the bacteria

you should be right to put a couple of fish in, then in a week or 2 put a few more in and do 30% water change weekly and dont over feed

#4 malawiman85

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 02:03 PM

Why fishless??? What do you wanna keep in the tank?


Personally I would start again. Just use water conditioner, stock light build up slow and do small water changes regularly until you get up and running...

Also I never have any problems doing + 50% water changes when required but unless things are really bad 50% + shouldnt be required.

I never add chemicals and in truth I havent even tested my water in over a year on any of my tanks... Get in a good routine dont overstock and dont get to adventurous.

But I must say your current readings indicate you are cycling ok.

Edited by malawiman85, 16 August 2013 - 02:04 PM.

#5 selandian

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 02:40 PM

We're only planning on putting one Oscar in the tank ... didn't think it was big enough for any tank buddies.  I was concerned that its taking a bit longer than 24hrs to clear out the nitrites, probably around the 36hr mark? 


I didn't put any ammonia in yesterday so todays readings are 0.0 nitrites. 


Hmmm, do you think it'd be ok to put our Oscar in?  He's around 6 1/2 inches long and a gorgeous little fella, didn't want to move him from a cycled and "safe" tank to one that isn't completely ready yet.

#6 Bowdy

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 03:11 PM

You only want one Oscar then your wasting your time doing a fishless cycle. Get an Oscar throw it in feed every 2 days and water change twice a week for two weeks then 40% every week after. Increase feeding after 4 weeks and your done.

#7 Anka

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 03:19 PM

Bowdy is right. If it's only one Oscar then pop him in the tank and just monitor the water parametres each day. If ammonia starts going up then put a bit of prime in and do a small water change. Putting in a few tspns of aquarium salt would help detoxify the nitrite.

#8 malawiman85

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 03:27 PM

No need to pre cycle... Just go get an oscar and throw it in there... Will be ok.

With one oscar the ammonia is bloody unlikely to go up.

#9 MrLeifBeaver

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 03:30 PM

From the way you have noted everything and know exactly what happening everyday. I am wondering if you are being a little too cautious?


I think that Oscars are pretty hardy fish (from photos of seeing them in very murky yucky tanks - not on here).

So if you put them in now doing the correct bag/water technique and slowly getting them accustomed to your water conditions, then thy will be fine.

And anyway once the fish are in, the tanks conditions will change again anyway due to the fish, feeding, fish feces, etc.


However, I think Anka's suggestion seems the best. Good luck!

#10 selandian

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 03:33 PM

Ok ... that sounds great to me!!  I reckon that's our job for tomorrow ... move him into his new tank!  Might do a little water change this arvo, drop the temperature down a touch and get it ready to go




Thanks so much!! 

#11 Anka

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 03:34 PM

No worries mate.


Goodluck with everyone. Let us know how when he is settled and remember to take some pictures and put them up :)

#12 selandian

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 03:44 PM

Thanks so much again!  My 12 y.o has got a grin from ear to ear now that his fish can go into the "big tank" 


I'll definitely take some pics and put them up on here ... the tank looks all pretty at the moment but I'm sure the Oscar will destroy/rearrange it fairly quickly.  :P

#13 werdna

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 05:18 PM

Tank looks cycled to me

#14 Jeff

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 06:10 PM

I agree with Werdna.  From the readings I'd say you're there.  The only thing that seemed strange to me was the last few days where the nitrates didn't go up even though ammonia and nitrites were being processed?? 


Nice work with the fishless cycle :)

#15 Buccal

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 09:26 PM

I agree with all of the above advice.
Your tank was ready ages ago.
Your filter can only house a certain amount of beneficial bacteria.
It maxed out ages ago, now your artificially ramming and overloading the ammonia beyond the point that the tank would not encounter any way.

#16 selandian

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 09:43 PM

so just out of curiosity ... at what point would you have considered the tank cycled? 


Geez I wish I'd asked for advice earlier instead of struggling along!  :rolleyes:

Edited by selandian, 16 August 2013 - 09:44 PM.

#17 Buccal

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 09:54 PM

I'd say somewhere between day 5 and 7.
The idea of fishless cycle impregnating with ammo is to fast track it.

For example,,,, a shops quarantine tank banks will be empty with a huge amount of fish coming in the next day.
Ammo will be used to get the cycle up to speed for sudden stock influx.

#18 selandian

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 10:07 PM

Really?  :blink:  


Well I never expected that answer .... 

#19 bigjohnnofish

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Posted 17 August 2013 - 01:23 AM

you got plenty of advice so need to elaborate...


i would have put 2 goldfish in the tank from day 1 and cycled it with them.... feed as normal and if ammonia got over 2ppm i'd water change... and if nitrates get over 80ppm i'd waterchange also at 50%.... 


after 4-6 weeks your ammonia should be close on zero as the nitrite should be too...... add oscar... he has 2 buddies to eat now :)

#20 Jeff

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Posted 17 August 2013 - 10:46 AM

so just out of curiosity ... at what point would you have considered the tank cycled? 


Geez I wish I'd asked for advice earlier instead of struggling along!  :rolleyes:


In my opinion your tank was probably cycled properly at day 23.  This was when the nitrites had come down to zero.

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