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Shark Killing, Ridiculous

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#81 Shane-o88

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 07:33 PM

Make the ocean safe?? Dont swim in the bloody thing!! More things out there than sharks that kill people... Why not just poison all the oceans so " the beaches are safe" ??

#82 malawiman85

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 07:53 PM


Do your powers of comprehension completly elude you? I dont want shark culled, must i state that again, will it help, will it make you understand that my point isnt that I want sharks killed?

blah blah same old rhetoric!

Wish I was brave like you Sport! :Rofl_3f:

Im amazed that I can say that I want to swim in the beach and have beaches protected and have you get so fired up about it...

I didnt say keep the ocean safe i said high density beaches... Perhaps you missed that bit too.

#83 Bombshocked

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 08:28 PM

people are scum and deserve to be eaten from the sharks tbh i dont care about the kids that got eaten




we could do with alot more shark attacks

Edited by Sir_Anubias, 14 February 2014 - 08:30 PM.

#84 Shane-o88

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 08:32 PM

I don't care much for people that get eaten in the water at dawn or dusk because everyone knows when it's time for breakfast and dinner, animals included.

Sometimes common sense ( if they had some) would save these idiots ( shark shit x7 over 3 years). Who really cares to lose a few people. Too many idiots populating the planet, a few less won't hurt.

#85 Bombshocked

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 09:08 PM

100% agree with u there mate

#86 Westie


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Posted 14 February 2014 - 10:21 PM

Poison all the oceans?
Leave that to the Japs with the Fukishima reactor leak

#87 sandgroper

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 10:52 PM

Make the ocean safe?? Dont swim in the bloody thing!! More things out there than sharks that kill people... Why not just poison all the oceans so " the beaches are safe" ??

The Japs are already on to this with their leaking nuclear power plant

#88 Den

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 01:57 AM

Don't know where some of you guys get your info from, Iv'e heard reports that shark populations on the East coast are growing not shrinking, also WA fisheries department have released a statement that the WA shark plan will have no negative measurable effect on shark populations.


There's a lot of brain washing that comes from the extremists so I just want to remind those people who keep saying the ocean doesn't belong to us people - humans can swim, that means anything within swimming distance is part of our habitat from a scientific stand point. The extremists against the cull are not willing to give their fellow human beings the same treatment or consideration they would give to an animal. They don't draw their same apartheid Nazi line in the sand for seals and other animals that use both land and water environments, why do they do it to humans? People are entitled to protect themselves from potential harm and use local waterways in safety.


What shocks me the most is so many of the anti cull protesters freely admit that they value an animals life equal to or above a humans life, but I bet they don't value their own lives or people they care about the same way!

#89 Leigh

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 06:08 AM

The logic applied to sharks here is faulty as we do not take such drastic measures against things that are way more likely to kill us.To spend this effort and money on something of which the risk is near infinitesimal, is just dumb and a stunt designed to appeal to the left hand side of the IQ curve.




Hehe - read the last 20 post. My experience is that the "left hand side of the IQ curve" is more pronounced in those opposing the cull.


I enjoy debate and am willing to have my view changed by sound evidence and argument. Too often though - this discussion is pushed into bleating, lowest common denominator rhetoric.


Reminds me of below:


"They took our sharks".


Edit: link added

Edited by Leigh, 15 February 2014 - 06:14 AM.

#90 Kleinz

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 06:46 AM

My point remains. On average one point something humans are killed by sharks in Australia each year. About 220 drown. Forty something die batting off with a belt round their necks. Twenty are killed by horses, ten by bees. Two by snakes. Cows likely kill a few. Dogs certainly do. And way more die driving to the beach than are killed by sharks at the beach.

This is a quest for vengeance and to feel safe against shadows in the dark and the nightmares that brush your leg when you swim a bit further out at dusk. The world must be made harmless. It is our toy to do with as we will. I don't like being scared.
You are  spending my money on something very expensive, useless, wasteful and wrongheaded.
You are unswayed by evidence or argument, so do not pretend you might be; it is disingenuous.
To paraphrase your earlier argument "they take our kids" Actually they don't, but never let the facts get in the way of an emotive appeal.


As for Den's post, it is beneath my contempt

#91 Den

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 01:55 PM

As for Den's post, it is beneath my contempt 


You find contention in my view that a persons life is more important than an animals?


My point remains. On average one point something humans are killed by sharks in Australia each year. About 220 drown. Forty something die batting off with a belt round their necks. Twenty are killed by horses, ten by bees. Two by snakes. Cows likely kill a few. Dogs certainly do. And way more die driving to the beach than are killed by sharks at the beach.



If we took your sides attitude towards shark attacks across the board, then its the same as saying if you have a massive bee hive on your property its illegal to remove it because a few people are going to die anyway, we will let horses run freely with no fences where ever they want, if a snake comes in your backyard its illegal to touch it you must leave it there where your kids play, lets not make laws that force people to lock their dogs up and let pitbulls and mastiffs run around biting people, you or anyone in our society doesnt have that attitude about these animals, but you have it with sharks on our beaches! 


Drowning. We have swimming lessons at all levels of schooling to prevent risk of drowning.


Horses can be dangerous, thats why they are fenced in and people can at their own choice interact with them, also if you knew anything about the bush you would know that aggressive horses are usually sent to the glue factory! Imagine a horse fence being like a shark net, you get a choice if you want to take the risk to interact with them or not!


Bees - what do people do when a bee or wasp nest is on their property? they call an exterminator!


Snakes- most people kill them when they come onto their property and pose a threat, personally I would never kill a snake because unlike sharks, snakes can be easily caught and permanently relocated.


Dogs, well its illegal to allow your dog to wander the streets, those people interacting with dogs do it by choice, but you might have a good point there, because I dont think the laws are strong enough for handling irresponsible dog owners, and I think there should be serious jail time for the idiots who through their incompetence allow their dogs to hurt or kill people.


The classic example from your side is the drink driver vs shark attack argument, but you all fail to realise we have laws and police efforts to prevent drink driving, we dont throw our hands up in the air and say well a few people are going to drink drive anyway so lets just do nothing about it! and thats exactly what your side wants to do about the massively growing shark risk, you want to let that death toll rise higher before something is done, your side sir has blood on its hands and the views from your side are naive and in many cases border on evil.

#92 jeffblack

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 02:56 PM

Have they actually caught one white yet?

#93 JackMack

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 03:55 PM

People are animals Den, pull your head out.

#94 Bombshocked

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 04:15 PM

the people who swim in the ocean are stupid, i am in more danger driving around in my car every day, but hey do we stop driving... im a smoker i know theres a chance i can catch a disease and die but i don't care i beleive that im the big horse and it takes more then a few durrys to stop this beast if i for say catch cancer of the anus and die from it will i cry about how unfair it is.. no i wont say shit ill understand that i enjoyed living dangerously and got killed from my own choices, everyones going to die anyways so whats the big deal when it is...


i vote we just kill everything scary because im a little bitch LOL nice way to live


go ahead and kill all those bee hives

It was Maurice Maeterlinck who said: “Remove the bee from the earth and at the same stroke you remove at least one hundred thousand plants that will not survive.”

Edited by Sir_Anubias, 15 February 2014 - 04:20 PM.

#95 werdna

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 04:30 PM

I have no issues with a shark net to protect swimmers, that is perfectly reasonable IMO.

I swim at Coogee beach, I love the shark net, people swim in there leaving the rest of the beach relatively free :)


But baiting sharks is entrapment, and not fair.

Its like whacking a dog constantly with a stick, then accusing it of being aggressive when it fights back.

Or leaving a hungry cat in a bird cage then getting pissed off it ate your birds.


There is a reasonable way to counter a problem (no matter how small it is) and an unreasonable way.

Drum lines are unreasonable

#96 Leigh

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 06:07 PM

Kleniz's - I am unsure if your post is directed to me or not. It reads as though it may be - but the content suggests I support things I have clearly stated I do not.


The above point entrapment when using drunlines in a great one and well articulated. My main problem with drumlines is that it is a broad sword approach to a scenario that requires a scapel.

#97 jeffblack

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 06:23 PM

Pisspot non event in the big scheme of things, if you want to have a debate about the worst, and without doubt the dumbest ds current PM in the history of Australian politics Leigh, I eagerly await your challenge . If you like a bit of spirited debate =)

Edited by jeffblack, 15 February 2014 - 06:25 PM.

#98 sandgroper

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 10:55 PM

It seems sharks and humans aren't that dissimilar after all, neither can be trusted, you whip them up into a frenzy and they turn on one another. For the sake of humanity i think we need to set up some drum lines on here. It's the right thing to do and if we catch any over 6ft 2in ( i'm just under ) pump four holes in their head.

Edited by sandgroper, 15 February 2014 - 10:56 PM.

#99 jeffblack

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 11:04 PM

Anka's determined to see my sequel fail it seems, look guy's I completely understand shark culling, we have established ourselves as apex predator on land, how did this title on water slip by us for so long?

#100 Anka

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 11:42 PM

This thread was restored before you made your sequel, you nutter :D

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