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Riggers Riding Rant!!

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#1 Riggers

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 09:32 AM

Ok so I hear another politician making waves about bike riders..... This time I'm inclined to agree..

His point was if riders stuck to single file it would be safer.. I think this is a great idea but others have made complaints about the statement..

My stance is " if you're on a road with traffic, follow the same rules everyone else does "

I'm so sick of riders not signalling, not usng a bell (half don't even have one), running reds coz they can and the stupid Lycra with sponsors all over it..... You're not in the Tour de France..... If you're going to use the same roads as vehicles at least stick to the road rules....

Rant over :)

#2 Westie


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 10:00 AM

Bikes have right of way over cars, but it doesn't mean people shold ride their pushy in front of a car which then slows down the flow of traffic. This morning on my drive in to work, someone on their bike decided to ride in front of my car. Took me a good minute to get past her. The annoying thing was she had a bike lane she could have used. Probably worried about getting doored. Statements like "bikes should pay rego" etc. are just dimb, because the govt. should be encouraging things like exercise and healthy habits. But I do get really annoyed with ignorant bike riders.


In saying that, drivers also need to be careful. A car is a lot bigger than a bicycle, and it's easy to hurt or kill someone on their bike by hitting them with a car.

#3 Leigh

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 10:58 AM

Bikes have right of way over cars.....


That is interesting Jason, I am assuming that you are referring to some legislation or is this an opinion?


I am personally quite happy with bike's being registered. It doesn't even have to be a paid scheme. I think we have much bad behaviour in riders because there is no means of identification and thus accountability. Car's are immediately identifiable by their plates and this keeps a vast majority of the population obeying the rules. The spandex army know that unless there is a officer right there and then on the spot who is willing and able to pull them over, there is no recourse to correct stupid and dangerous behaviour.

I haven't considered the intricacies how such a scheme would look and where it would extend to (so don't ask me "duh....so my seven yr old riding a tricycle on a cul-de-sac should be registered?) but think the concept can add value. 

#4 Westie


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 11:20 AM

Hi Leigh,

Feel free to have a look at the Road Traffic Act 1974, Road Traffic Code 2000, and the Road Traffic (Bicycles) Regulations 2002 on the State Law Publisher Website. It's somewhere in that legislation, but not something that I'm interested enough in to look at to be honest. I suppose it's the same thing as "bicycle not causing obstruction to pedestrians". I wouldn't be silly enough to argue with a car about "right of way" if I was on a bike though. Rather get out of the way then possibly get injured.

#5 Leigh

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 12:00 PM

hmmm ... my interest level also doesn't quite justify perusing three such riveting documents.

#6 malawiman85

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 12:40 PM

Bike Vs Car = Car wins.

Bike riders need to stop carrying on about legal rights and do what any half decent motorcyclist does... Dont Ride to the Rules... Ride to Stay Alive!

#7 Stuey

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 02:25 PM

I used to get annoyed by MAMIL's (Middle Aged Men In Lycra) who would cycle 3-4 abreast along curtin avenue, i'd often get stuck behind them coming back from the dog beach.


Now lately, for reason's unknown my German shepherd has taken to barking at pedestrians and passing cars whilst riding in the tray of my ute. This is something I found very annoying and tried my best to discourage until i realised how i could use his evil power for good.


Now when we cruise back from walkies at the dog beach on a Sunday morning and i inevitably get stuck behind the dreaded cyclists i just crawl up nice and gently next to them to overtake and watch the front wheels start to wobble as my dog starts to bark and lunge at them. I've yet to have one completely fall off his bike but we are working on it. 

Edited by Stuey, 12 November 2014 - 02:27 PM.

#8 werdna

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 07:23 PM

I ride my bike to work.

Motorists are assholes. That pisses you off.
I ride in the cycle lane and they still swerve in to just miss you.

They get shitty at you if they have to slow down because the lane is too narrow, yell at you when you are turning at an intersection because they have to give you the same right of way they would a car, the list goes on and on.

Everyone on the road needs to calm down and relax.

Who cares if you lose 20 seconds out of your day because you get stuck behind someone going slower than you? There are more important things in this world to stress about.

Enjoy the drive guys, it's the best road safety message ever written.

#9 sandgroper

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 10:57 PM

Jas, if bike riders think they have the right of way over cars then no wonder so many get killed and injured. Common sense should tell you that pedestrians should give way to bikes, bikes give way to cars, cars give way to buses and trucks, trucks give way to semi trailers, semi trailers give way to prime movers, prime movers give way to spacecrafts, spacecrafts give way to asteroids, and asteroids give way to planets. If not you get obliterated, to late then to say BUT I HAD RIGHT OF WAY.

#10 Westie


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 09:01 AM

Agreed. A lot of accidents with Pedestrians VS Cars where the car is turning at an intersection. Turning Vehicles should give way to pedestrains, but I wouldn't be proving my point by walking in front of a turning car.

#11 Dazzab

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 06:56 PM

A guy at work had someone ride into his car today and he asked the guy to see his Rego he said he didn't have any so he told him to stay the f of the road I found it funny

#12 bigjohnnofish

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Posted 05 December 2014 - 12:29 AM

i wouldnt like to run over a pedestrian or a cyclist (unless they are on my bucket list of course) but realistically you need to give way to the bigger vehicle for your own safety... what are you gonna tell god at the pearly gates... i shouldnt be here because i had right of way - LMAO :) 

driving an effie i am more likely to pull out in front of a car when its a 50/50 decision whether or not theres enough room for me to enter the road... but if it was a big monster truck coming that 50/50 decision soon turns into 100/0 and i'll wait :) 


i dont have too many issues waiting for bike riders but i do have an issue when they wear dark colours that blend into the environment and they become difficult to see.. then they get crabby when they nearly get knocked off their bike and give me finger salute.. thats when i'd like to run them over :)  but catching up at next set of lights and getting out and smacking their helmet on their head telling them why they nearly died feels good too... majority of bike riders are so weedy they crap their pants when you get out of the car and confront them.... because they have no form of identification they think they can get away with whatever they want on the road too....


whats even worse is when they have ipod plugged into their ears and they cant hear jack anyway... 

#13 Frontosaman

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Posted 05 December 2014 - 01:15 PM

They can use the roads when they pay fees to use them like cars do, until then give way I say


#14 Stuey

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Posted 05 December 2014 - 03:28 PM

I don't have a problem with them using the roads I just have a problem when they have a dedicated lane and decide to cycle next to their mate in my lane.


Imagine if I casually drifted into the cycle lane to have a chat to the guy driving behind me, all hell would break loose!


plus what's up with the lycra covered in advertisements? Yes you need to wear lycra to reduce chafing but no you aren't competing in the tour de france nor have you been sponsored by various large conglomerates to ride from Fremantle to Cottesloe on a sunday morning.


Someone needs to explain to them that they just look ridiculous.


Honestly the only people who feel the need to dress up to get attention are cyclists and 16 yr old girls.

#15 malawiman85

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Posted 05 December 2014 - 06:05 PM

I ride a mountain bike to the train stn and back... occasionally to shops and beach. Never felt the need to dress up... boardies, thongs and a t-shirt seems to work fine...
When I was a kid I lived 20+ km from the nearest shop up a fairly serious gravel road over 300 meters above sea level. Lycra would have gotten me shot in a country town like that, whats more boardies, thongs and a t-shirt served me perfectly well for the 40km round trip. There are no excuses for lycra, it simply makes you look like a h*m*

Edited by malawiman85, 05 December 2014 - 06:06 PM.

#16 Shane-o88

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Posted 05 December 2014 - 08:13 PM

I can gladly say I haven't hit a cyclist.... YET! I did abuse the crap out of one that tried to lean on my car at the lights though.


#17 Westie


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Posted 05 December 2014 - 08:45 PM

Not the ford!

#18 Shane-o88

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Posted 05 December 2014 - 10:58 PM

Not my current one, it was actually a old bush basher falcon wagon. But I decided it was time for him to learn to balance while stationary or wear some proper bloody shoes so he could put his feet down like a normal person haha.

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