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Red Hump Bloating

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#1 Pchmb

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Posted 02 June 2016 - 10:52 AM

Hi all,

Need some advice, sorry I understand that this question would come up a lot, but after all my research and experience I am still unsure what to do. My male Red Hump Geophagus is quite bloated this morning, yesterday I did feed him some frozen blood worms mixed in with his veggie flakes... and he may have over indulged.

So what I have done is added 10g of Epson salts to 1L of tank water (see pic) and left him in there for half an hour. He is now back in his tank, that has received a 30% water change. I will not fed for the next few days.


I have been told using Epson salt baths is for treating skin infections but I also have been told Epson salts mixed with table salt should be used.

Please tell me if I have done the wrong thing and therefore what I should be doing. I have lost discus in the past with a similar problem (occurring when I've fed live blood worms) so I should be an expert in treating fish with this problem, but I AM NOT!!!!

Appreciate any advice,


#2 dicky7

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Posted 02 June 2016 - 11:53 AM

Soft Shelled Peas

#3 Pchmb

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Posted 02 June 2016 - 01:26 PM

Soft Shelled Peas

Thanks dicky7, I have read this could work but did not have peas on hand this morning. I will try later today to see if he feeds. He is now even more bloated so feel it may be too late.

I think the amount of salt I used and time in bath was not a sound recommendation I followed. I believe that if I left the fish alone today, he may be in a better situation.

#4 Michael the fish fanatic

Michael the fish fanatic

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Posted 02 June 2016 - 03:40 PM

He could be bloated because of the bloodworms as bloodworms have little a little hook which could of got caught on his stomach or intestine and is blocking it. Best this to do is feed some peas as dicky said and maybe try massage his belly gently to try help his wast from coming unstuck. Also try doing and epsom salt dip, i did this with my greedy ranchu which i once fed too much too him at once and it worked along side with the peas and massaging. What you do for the dip is add 1 tablespoon of epsom salt per 4 litres and leave the fish in the soloution for about 20-30min and maksure to keep and eye on him if he's realy taking it badley take him out early and try a slightly lower dosage. try doing a dip a day until he gets better. Hope this help fix him

#5 Pchmb

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Posted 02 June 2016 - 10:44 PM

Thanks Michael, my guess was the blood worms too, but I haven't had this occur when using frozen ones before. I have now tried peas but he isn't eating. I will try again in the morning. I also gave him a slight tummy rub.

I have heard so many variations on the Epson salt baths, and even mixing the Epson salt in with the food. I will give your specs a try tomorrow, if he makes it through the night. Cheers for your help

#6 Buccal

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Posted 03 June 2016 - 04:38 PM

Bloody blood worms,, horrible stuff.

Magnesium Sulphate (Epson salt),, is good for treating a lot of things,, but every time with fish keeping,,, always search for perspective first.
A few positive words found on a Google search or forum can send a person the wrong way.
Perspective = high powered shot gun blowing away half your hip !!!!,,, Ok, let's grab the table cloth and wrap firmly as any things better than nothing, it helps, but it's not a rectifying solution.
So the Epson is a waiste of time if only intended as a direct treatment,, but if you use it just google up pond koi Epson dosing then reduce dose by 30%.

The indirect advantage that magnesium sulphate gives is that it loosens the bowel and retention becomes somewhat weakened.
So it acts and serves in very similar ways to laxatives,,,, now problem with peas is usually fish aren't use to, little loan sick,, peas are usually something administered into a regime of feeding which the fish would get use to, also the fish becomes very behind in nutrition.

Try magnesium sulphate,, very importantly is a solid strong 27-28'c,,,, to keep metabolism up to full speed to achieve a flushing detox.

If you really love your fish (note that this species "hardiness", I would be inclined to say that it would take a long time to succumb to death when compared to others),,, make calls to your local vets first,,, tell them a fish pro, could be anyone, but hey I'm one lol, said that you need to give two full treatments of antibiotics (metronidazole). So 3 days with treatment in water then water change, wait 4 days and treat again 3 days.
Likely come in tablet form, rock a stiff knife on it to crush to powder, then mix in cup of warm water till disolved.
Increase airation.
Be good if you had two filters already running, leave smallest one in, transfer biggest filter to running in a bucket filled with tank water.
This way once finished treatments, you can put filter back in tank ,,,, why?, antibiotics hurt your beneficial bacteria a bit, but they survive,,,, no feeding.

This will Definetely work,,, but you must transport fish with you to vet for them to see so they can legally administer pills to you.
Plenty of bigger late open ones around.

Post up a add for someone to private message you if they have some metro to help you out with.
If the fish is still eating, sprinkle onto the fishes favorite food. Not those bloody little things lols.

#7 Buccal

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Posted 03 June 2016 - 04:45 PM

Unless you ask the vet if pics or a video recording will suffice for prescription supply
BTW,,, if you try discus again,, search up using Kusuri as a regime treatment. :)

#8 Pchmb

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Posted 05 June 2016 - 07:11 AM

Bloody blood worms,, horrible stuff.

If you really love your fish (note that this species "hardiness", I would be inclined to say that it would take a long time to succumb to death when compared to others)

Buccal thank you for your wise words. I went to my local vet after reading your advice, and of course the vet I use only caters for dogs and cats. So no luck on the antibiotics. However I did get a contact that would help... Just that by the time I arrived home, the male had "succumbed to death". You were spot on with that point.

At least I know what needs to be done in future. And blood worms are to be banished from my freezer! Thanks again!

#9 Buccal

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Posted 05 June 2016 - 10:45 AM

If you read back here,,,, just be aware that fish usually don't need as much food as one thinks.
Also one day a week of no feeding serves a reward of cleaner water and allows fish to empty it's passages (detox), and restart every week. :)

#10 Westie


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Posted 05 June 2016 - 03:56 PM

I don't feed my fish every Wednesday and Sunday. Been doing that since I was told by someone on this forum (probably Buccal) to do this after I had a Malawi cop bloat when I changed foods. Never had a problem with bloat since then
Oh, and sorry to hear your fish passed away :(

#11 Buccal

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Posted 05 June 2016 - 08:48 PM

Lol yes.
I miss Wednesday's and Monday's and occasionally a Friday.
You just need to get the frequency of feeding correct on the actual feed days....

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