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Miracle Mineral Suppliment

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#1 Den

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 03:58 PM

Hi All

I was wondering if anyone has heard of MMS before?, its basically Chlorine dioxide used in small doses used to treat viruses and infections.

They claim it can cure basically all cancers and every virus from aids to malaria. They also claim that most arthritis is caused by bugs and that it can cure arthritis.

I have been using it on myself and some family members and I have been getting fantastic results from it, however there does not appear to be any long term professional research on taking the product inside the body, however there is some research regarding its use outside the body which indicates that it is a powerful oxidiser that can destroy nearly all pathegens. I have heard various testomonials from chemists who say that it is safe to take in small doses and there are many testominials available on the net from people who have successully used it to treat all sorts of diseases even the real nasty ones like cancer,aids, etc.

My step mother has been taking it for a week and she tells me its the first time in 25years that her knees have stopped hurting, since the second day of treatment nearly all her arthritis pains are gone.

I am also using it to treat a family members bowel cancer while he waits for an operation. Since the first day of treatment he tells me the cancer has stopped hurting and he doesnt feel any discomfort in the area of the cancer any more. Also it seems the cancer has stopped bleeding as he has gained back his complexion, where before treatment he was a ghostly white from the loss of blood.

Last weekend I used it as a gargle and completely cured my tonsilitis and very sore throat within 2 hours.

I also used it 3 days ago on my mother to treat a throat infection and within a day it was completely gone.

I've been getting good results from this product and I though its my duty to share this info, but dont take my word for it, please if you want to use it research it thoroughly yourself and make your own decision.

I also used it in a small dose to treat a very sick, dying fish, it appeared to do alot of help but on the second day I think I overdosed the tank as the fish almost immediately died when I put a large dose in the water. I think it may potentially also be used to treat sick fish but I think the dosage has to be researched.

Here's a link to one of the sites about it:


#2 Cawdor

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 06:00 PM

Thanks for the info Den, though I am a bit sceptical about any treatment with the word "miracle" in it...smile.gif

#3 booze

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 07:37 PM

is it cheaper than HGH lol

#4 Den

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 07:39 PM

Hi Tim

I guess they havent done themselves any favours with a name like that!

Yes I am also very sceptical about any treatment that makes such outrageous claims, however
I am personally seeing great results from it.

The fact that they show you how to make it yourself made me realize the promotors dont seem to
be in it for the money and seem to be genuine about caring about peoples health, unlike the average
GP doctor who seem to have more of an interest in paying off the Merc and 2 storey house on the
water(not saying they are all like this but most that Ive met are).

Treating symptoms is more profitable than a cure, so now with the pharmaceutical Companies basically
running things, GP's have become little more than licensed drug pushers, with poor quality drugs that
dont cure anything, drugs that simply cover the symptoms, that way people stay sick and dependant on
the drugs while the drug Companies and doctors get rich. Sounds like a conspiracy, but its not really, just
a failure of a system that relies on profit to run.

If you dont believe me, let me ask you when did a doctor actually cure you of anything? All they mainly
do is name the problem, possibly give you something to cover it up and then give you a nice big bill, but
they rarely actually cure anything, so I guess it deserves the name miracle as I've seen this product actually
cure things that were incurable by doctors.


#5 cichlid4lyf

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 08:22 PM

am i able to rub it on my eye balls so i dont have to wear glasses anymore???lol
but seriously can i?


#6 Cawdor

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 08:42 PM

QUOTE (Den @ May 1 2008, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you dont believe me, let me ask you when did a doctor actually cure you of anything? All they mainly
do is name the problem, possibly give you something to cover it up and then give you a nice big bill, but
they rarely actually cure anything, so I guess it deserves the name miracle as I've seen this product actually
cure things that were incurable by doctors.

My response was a bit tongue in cheek Den, I didn't mean to imply that I don't believe what you wrote. After all, it's personal experience that will show whether or not something works.
What concerns me are the possible effects something like this can have on the body that are not yet scientifically documented. After all, people used to spray DDT on themselves to ward off mossies. it was all the rage back then. Until they found out about the side effects.

#7 viid

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 10:19 PM

hehe yer we do live in highly skeptical times but like the DDT example suggests, not without reason!:P ... I'm sure its a good well-balanced product but i have to admit when i read it i thought it was going to be an AMWAY kind of thing... in a few posts time it'll be "yer we have some extra, why dont u grab some for only $29.95ea" tongue.gif hehe

#8 Den

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 11:00 PM

Hi Tim

Its ok, I appreciate and I am glad that you've shown interest. Whether this product is good or bad will depend on wider interest, research and discussion.

The DDT is a good reference as this backs my statements as it was created and endorsed by the early pharmaceutical industry, lets not forget doctors getting paid for recommending tobacco in the earlier 20th century, now they get paid to back garbage like lipitor, the 21st century tobacco, the fact that doctors use and recommend crap like lipitor really causes me great disrespect for them, I know people with high cholesterol while still taking lipitor and I've reduced their cholesterol in half just through simple dietry changes, doctors dont make maximum money telling people to eat right, they make more money selling crappy drugs even if they dont work properly and have bad side effects. If its not about the money good doctors can get brainwashed by the pharamaceutical propaganda that crawls across their desk every day. biggrin.gif

Tim are you are doctor? because I don't mean to offend doctors, but I certainly do mean to challenge them. I think they've become an ineffective puppet in a money machine. I'm talking about GPs and not surgeons, surgeons are a differnet kettle of fish, these crafty sick butchers that love the sniff of blood are for another discussion, sorry but when you talk straight(over drinks) to heart surgeons and nurses you hear many nasty secrets of the industry. biggrin.gif


#9 Cawdor

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 11:17 PM

QUOTE (Den @ May 1 2008, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lets not forget doctors getting paid for recommending tobacco in the earlier 20th century

And cocaine I think too. Mindblowing.

QUOTE (Den @ May 1 2008, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tim are you are doctor?

I am not a doctor but I am a qualified scientist (Bach of Science in Biology). So I know that unless this product is independently, scientifically tested and papers are written and peer reviewed, it's all anecdotal evidence. Please do not misunderstand me, I'm not trying to talk it down. I am just simply applying a factual point of view. If it works like you report then that's fantastic and should warrant more research. I agree with the points you made about some doctors being pharmaceutical peddlers, no question about it. It's a sad fact that money talks and the pharma industry has a lot of it. If a cure was found for all disease, you can bet your life that it would never see the light of day. It's just not in the interest of the industry. They exist to make money, not cure people.
Ending my rant now smile.gif

#10 Den

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 11:29 PM

Tim we are somewhat on the same page, sometimes you have to rant, who cares, its off the wall!. biggrin.gif

I found its working well for many different conditions, I'm really hoping to find someone who will seriously challenge it - to keep me on my toes. My mother tried to challenge it, but when it cured her long lingering throat virus she's become a quiet and still somewhat sceptical convert - due to her fear of side effects, but if its a product that has countless claims of curing cancer, what worse side effects should we worry about?, I guess it could harm vital organs , but surley we would have heard of it by now?

Anyway hoping to hear more rants biggrin.gif

#11 Poncho


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Posted 02 May 2008 - 12:38 AM

I think very similarly in terms of the motives behind the pharmaceutical industry and GP's but not convinced that this is the answer Den nor that the company pushing this would have all that different a motive other than profit.

Some questions I would ask regarding the claim that chlorine dioxide is a miracle cure is that how a disinfecting agent is able to selectively target non-beneficial bacteria or other pathogens in your body from beneficial and even essential bacteria.

I'd also wonder how stable the compound is once inside the body given all the different enzymes and other chemical reactions, substances and equilibriums occurring in the body at any given time. Also how is the chloride ion prevented from reacting to form other chloride based compounds that are quite harmful to the body. They explain how this occurs by describing a basic oxidation-reduction process in their example but anyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry could poke a multitude of holes or unaccounted for factors in that example.

The other thing that strikes me as odd is the mention of oxidants as beneficial when nearly all other health based products, professionals or snake-oil merchants claim antioxidants to be beneficial. This strikes me as marketing creating a point of difference to help their product stand out from the rest and the old cliche comes to mind - a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous!

I'm sure it healed your sore throat as powerful oxidisers would make short work of the pathogens irritating you but as for curing aids and cancer - come on! My uncle died of cancer two years ago. He was 56 and spent a not so small fortune buying all manner of products and treatments claiming to be the next penicillin. IMO the money would have been better spent on living it up in the last remainding days he had left or perhaps saving it for his family he left behind to help provide some comfort for them. It's easy to understand that kind of desperation and i don't begrudge him for buying any of those products but - and here is my rant now - how low is an individual or company who profiteers on people at their most desperate who are looking for hope and are at their most vulnerable? Personally I think they rank even below the soul-less drug company who indirectly promotes these self-sustaining illnesses just to line their pockets. I really don't like to rant but this is a topic that gets under my skin and touches a bit of a raw nerve.

I hope you're not selling the stuff Den and I reckon you should probably look a bit deeper into it before making your mind up. The positive results your family have experienced doesn't necessarily mean that the product is curing the ailments - it could just as likely be a placebo effect or addition of a masking agent as well.

#12 Den

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Posted 02 May 2008 - 01:56 AM

Hi Poncho

LOL NO!, I am not selling these products, but I am certainly using them and asking people to look at, investigate and question it, I have been forced to use them due to the lack of available cures, doctors only seem to be good at providing bills, no cures, they are completely useless IMO unless you wish to lighten the weight of your wallet, and like I have said this product has been working for me in many cases.

It thought they expained your concerns regarding the targeting of pathogens, however I guess it needs further questioning? what is the difference between a pathogen and an essential bacteria in the way this chemical attacks? they explain that pathogens are acidic and good germs are alkaline and that Clhorine Dioxide attacks acidic pathogens only.

I am sorry about your uncle, but I think you cannot judge this product based on other products your uncle used. Like I said, I am treating a cancer patient with it with positive results, if you go to the website you can meet many terminal ill cancer patients that claim to have been cured from using this product. My cousin in Melbourne recently visited a cured terminal cancer sufferer who used this product.

The problem is that doctors still use 100 year old pathetic treatments to treat cancer, they havent opened their minds at all. There are many books about true stories of people who have beaten terminal cancer, the problem is that doctors ignor this evidence and advice, they like to stick with 100 year old chemotherapy and crappy drugs.

A quick fact: My Family members GP who was treating him for cancer, I visited him and showed him the MMS book and chemical Chlorine Dioxide and explained I was starting treatment and wanted any feedback from him, well he quickly pointed out that he was also a professor in chemistry and that he teached chemistry at the local UNI and he told me that Chlorine Dioxide does not exist, he said its not posssible. Well it seems he is wrong, what hope have we got if this is what is out there trained to heal us? After his comments I felt very lost and after thourough investigation I found he was completely incorrect. This GP had been keeping my family members in a sick state for many years and charging them a hefty price for it!

#13 Edelia

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Posted 02 May 2008 - 08:10 AM

It is very interesting information Den. It reminds me of a similar situation in the automobile industry - one often reads of people inventing cheap forms of fuel, or gadgets that save on the amount of fuel used and naturally these inventions never see the light of day due to the powerful fuel industry.

Surely there must be some alturistic chemists/doctors whatever out there who could do some proper research on what seems such a simple solution to many medical issues.

#14 Poncho


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Posted 02 May 2008 - 08:59 AM


Here are some of the negative effects of chlorine dioxide taken from credible sources ie. conducted through long-term research using scientific methodology. I'm not judging this product based on others - I am judging this product on poor science, the need for fancy marketing to sell it and the fact that the active ingredient they are stating is toxic!

I visited a GP once who couldn't even understand basic english - how the hell could he possibly be able to treat me? I understand how when family members are critically ill you feel determined to do something to remedy the situation. But you shouldn't let your disillusionment with the medical industry drive you into poisoning already sick members of your family or providing yourself and them with false hope.

I don't want to attack your claims of things working using this product - I can't prove they are not - I highly doubt it though.
I've met you a few times and you strike me as an intelligent kind of guy so I'm wondering why you can't see why most of these claims just don't make sense.

For example

Cancer is not a pathogen - it is a mutation of the bodies cells. It doesn't rely on any pathogens to spread or take effect either. How does oxidising bacteria control cancer?

Chlorine dioxide is a bleaching agent linked to ill health effects at fairly low levels - 1mg/L is the maximum acceptable level in drinking water as stated in the link at the top of the post. Where is the manufacurers research that shows that these levels and the studies behind them are inaccurate and that their levels are beneficial?

The chloride ion is highly reactive and can form a huge range of potentially nasty compounds after the product has bombed a pathogen. How do they know exactly what reaction the chloride ion will take part in next?

I wouldn't be sampling this product unless i had clear answers and transparent evidence relating to the questions above. The perception of well being in your's and your family members cases isn't enough to prove that this product works. That doesn't mean I think you are lying about feeling better, it means I am wondering whether you actually are better.

#15 Den

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Posted 02 May 2008 - 11:37 AM

Hi Poncho

It 100% definitely cured my tonsilitis and the statements above about the personal positive effects I have experienced are 100% true.

All your questions are good and they are similar to the ones that I was asking when I first looked into it and if you look into it further you will find the answers to your questions which will completely surprise you. I have also read throught the Government website you listed before using it.

If you want to put toxic substances into perspective consider that we have many poisonous/toxic chemicals used such as Flouride and Chlorine which is put in our drinking water to kill pathogens. Doctors also use things like ozone to treat some patients which as you may know is a toxic and unstable gas, many poisions are used in medicine, even nitro glycerine is used to treat certain blood conditions. People are researching animal venoms to use as medicines and some venoms are already being used in medicine, many of us carry a false perception of what is a poison, as its the dose that counts that differentiates between poison or cure with almost every medicine.

Regarding Cancer I've been reading and hearing new evidence that is indicating that some and possibly most Cancers are caused by viruses and bacteria, pathogens create an acidic and anaerobic pocket in the body where they can grow and their activities and the toxic environment they create cause cells to mutate. By destroying the pathogens you allow the body to clean up the toxic area and restore oxygen and allow the body to heal itself. You have to also remember that your body removes millions of faulty and mutated cells every single day, when the pathogens move into an area the body is prevented from removing these faulty cells from this toxic/acidic area and they are allowed to grow and prosper.

But like I said if you are interested please dont just take my word for it research it further as I am sure you will find that my claims above regarding the positive effects I have had from this product are true and correct.

Hi Lyn

Development of new drugs rely on Companies wanting to make a profit, no Company is interested to research this product as firstly they cannot patent it, secondly its made from cheap readily available ingredients, each dose costs less than 1cent, and like my tonsilitis it only took one dose to cure it, so there is simply no profit in it.


#16 Poncho


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Posted 02 May 2008 - 01:20 PM

Mmmmm... I can get the e-book part 1 by providing my email address - no thanks I can do without excess spam. However if I want more detailed info (Yes i want to see the scientific experimentation that proves it is not harmful at their recommended doses) then i need to pay a small fee that goes towards the humanitarian effort in Africa and they will send me e-book part two.

C'mon Den can they put it on any thicker? This is half clever marketing designed to put skeptics at bay by making it less than desirable for them to access their proof and hence creating a false atmosphere that their skeptics are ignorant as they have not read their research. I'm not that interested in proving it is full of tripe so I'll keep the US$9.95 in my pocket.

Your argument about poisons being used for other medicines does little to win me over. Following that logic it would be fair to say we should start administering small traces of anthrax to cancer patients to see if it helps. But really it has nothing to do with the chemical and toxicological properties of chlorine dioxide anyway so I can't see a point debating the use of other substances. Where did you get that info from? E-book part 1 or 2?

I have read scientific papers based on experiments using scientific methodology, which means that assumptions aren't made and if they are they are called as such. Not only has it been proven that chlorine dioxide is harmful to your health but that chlorine itself is a carcinogen. Sure we add it to our drinking water to kill pathogens but that is because it is the lesser of two evils. I would rather die of cancer at 70 years old than die at 35 through water borne diseases. But why add a known carcinogen to your body to treat cancer. Until the manufacturers of this product can produce credible scientific evidence that it works and provide it free of charge (doesn't cost $10 to email a document) then I think you would be pretty foolish to start using this product.

Ask yourself this - if you really had the cure for cancer, aids, herpes (are they claiming to cure down syndrome?) would you market it on the internet for $29.95 a bottle or would you develop a patent or even approach medical instituitions and try and receive recognition for the discovery. If the claims are true the next nobel prize is a given! Alternatively, if you had a poisonous substance that you wanted people to buy from you - would you market it on the interent where there is almost no accountability yet huge exposure or would you distribute it through supermarkets, chemists etc. where scrutiny and accountability are a lot higher?

#17 Den

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Posted 02 May 2008 - 02:12 PM

Hi Brett

I am very suprised by your comments,

I'm interested in finding and hearing both positive and negative comments but if you want to knock it please put some substance behind your comments.

There are many other ways to get information on chlorine dioxide without paying for it, there are many free videos and testomonials across the net discussing it.
Last time I went to a doctor he charged me so whats the difference?, these guys put their fee towards a good cause, not towards a new Merc.

To my knowledge they do not claim to cure Down syndrome or any other genetical condition, I feel silly to even answer that sarcastic comment.

I am a person who owns a patent and I understand the patenting process having worked through it. This is a chemical that cannot be patented as it has already been commercially used and discovered over 80 years ago.

No-one is claiming that the research is finished, in fact I believe its just begun. There are alot of questions to be asked and answered regarding this product, although I've experienced many positive results from it I'm neither for or against this product - I'm trying to be open minded about it and explore it further. Judging from your questions and comments you've unfairly judged, critisized and closed a door on this treatment before you've even taken a proper look at it.


#18 Den

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Posted 02 May 2008 - 03:30 PM

For the sceptics:

Below is a site that provides plenty of references to scientists and doctors names and will allow you to track
down scientific research on the use of Chlorine Dioxide.

If you scroll down you can also see Jim Humbles answers to a critic / sceptic.



#19 blitzy

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Posted 02 May 2008 - 04:05 PM

Hi Den,
Saying "I am treating a cancer patient" reeks of arrogance and foolishness to say the least but I guess if the patient is willing to let someone unqualified to treat them then perhaps they are not in possession of their right mind anyway (we may even see you on A Current Affair for taking advantage of someone for their will).

To successfully cure a once terminally ill cancer sufferer can only be determined as cured once they have lived to the age of 90 odd and not died from cancer.

To say the things you do about surgeons and doctors is incredible stupid and shortsighted, some of the greatest minds and curers of this world have been medics and to dismiss these is arrogance personified.

If you believe Chlorine Dioxide can cure all, good luck to you but at least have the decency not to bring foolish comments such as yours into a discussion.



P.S. If you can find me 10 doctors and scientists who have not got internet qualifications who say that Chlorine Dioxide cures cancer then I will believe you.

#20 FishGal

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Posted 02 May 2008 - 04:46 PM

QUOTE (Den @ May 2 2008, 01:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Like I said, I am treating a cancer patient with it with positive results, if you go to the website you can meet many terminal ill cancer patients that have been cured from using this product. My cousin in Melbourne recently visited a cured terminal cancer sufferer who used this product.

Don't you think that if there was a product/medication/concoction that had cured people of terminal cancer that we would have heard about it by now? There would be millions to be made out of it and I don't think people would be in a hurry to keep it all quiet. Telling people who have terminal cancer that x product has cured others in their position, does nothing but build up false hope and thats just wrong.

QUOTE (Den @ May 2 2008, 01:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This GP had been keeping my family members in a sick state for many years and charging them a hefty price for it!

If thats the case, you'd think you're family members would have found alternative Dr's by now no? I know our family Dr actually does his utmost TO cure us and tells us every time we see him, that he hopes he doesn't see us again anytime soon and because he's good at what he does, he usually doesn't.

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