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Sterilising A Canister Filter?

canister filter

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#1 LexAgate

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 09:33 PM

Hey all,

after the sad deaths of all of my tanganyikans I have decided to see what was causing the problem, because to be fully honest I don't believe you guys...


I was pulling the lid off of the tank and realised that the silicone holding the lid to the tank was white to grey, but the silicone holding the tank together was black... Homemade I thought and from the job that was done with the silicone it sure looked like it!


The wrong silicone leeks chemicals into the water when exposed to moisture, these chemicals slowly kill the fish with no visible reasons and is completely undetectable seems like the problem I had!


So I am removing all grey/white silicone and will be re-sealing the top to the tank, I will also be sterilising the tank with 1 part bleach and 9 parts water and washing, washing and washing... with some materials being able to absorb chemicals that made me think the sand might have the chemicals in it, so we are scrapping it, just incase. But filters absorb nitrates and other nasties so why wouldn't it absorb the bad chemicals what if it were to release the chemicals back in when I start them up?


So that comes to the question on how will I remove those chemicals or would bionood in the filter have absorbed the chemicals? Scrap the bionood or clean it? How?


It has bionood that's the main question

#2 Leichardti

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 09:53 PM

I'm not sure what you mean by the silicone holding the lid to the tank? Do you mean the silicone on the lid holders / rails? Or the silicone on the brace?

#3 Buccal

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 10:04 PM

The problem IS NOT the silicone,,,, hate to break it to you.

#4 Stormfyre


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Posted 27 January 2016 - 10:28 PM

You rushed your tang tank, you cut corners, you didnt listen to advice after asking loads questions, you went on holiday and left them? We told you what the issues were and you are still saying you dont believe an entire forum of expert level advice.


It isnt the silicone in your tank. The fact that you dont even know the difference between biological filtration and chemical filtration is part of the reason it failed. You MUST research Lex.


The noodles are simply there for bacteria to grow on as biological filtration. If you had charcoal pouches in filter, those are there to absorb chemicals. If you did by some awful miracle have chemical issue, you only need to clean everything off thoroughly with water. Some people even use a bit of vinegar in water and rinse a few times after. Throw away charcoal if you had it in there and buy new ones. Start fresh and let the aquarium cycle fully for a good month or so testing it. Use Seachem Seed etc if you need to.


Bleach kills bacteria, not remove chemicals. Bleach IS a chemical and one that you dont want anywhere near your aquarium if you can help it.

#5 Delapool


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Posted 27 January 2016 - 10:46 PM

Interesting question. I know copper can be absorbed by carbonates but have never kept SW tanks. <br /><br />In a canister filter I've never heard of problems with chemicals absorbed/leaching out. <br /><br />The ones I've heard of are where buckets get mixed up between laundry / aquarium. Same for rubber hoses. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Craig.

#6 Buccal

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 02:25 AM

I just think there's confusion and misunderstanding of researched information.
For example....... Carbon once exhausted begins to leech its contents back out, and maybe thought toxins from silicone built up and then released,,,, Not on the money.

I build my tanks with selleys fish safe aquarium silicone,, but many projects I make involving the need of adhesion as well as sealing I use anything that structurally meets the requirements I need (regarded as toxic).
All silicone once dry, especially aged silicone won't directly or visually harm your fish.
But wrong silicones MAY and I'll say it again, "MAY", cause birth or genetic issues,, but never been proved or recorded.

You can't just research up problems for your predicament and force fit it into your situation, diagnosis is a very important procedure and a skill to solve yourself through Google and chatting on forums.
It's usually fish keeping in its entirety that's needed to understand one thing that keeps stemming onto the next thing,,, as it's hardly ever clear cut black and white.
Once you click and obtain a broader spectrum of general knowledge, it's only then the issues left that you'll face into the future will be disease related specific, rather than set up and regime issues, even though these issues also can cause disease.

Sometimes for your first few years of fish keeping, sometimes you just need to accept loss, and your learning, and just start over again.
The more mistakes you make, the faster you'll get there and the wiser you'll be.
Your level of fish keeping has been a standout to most of us on here because of your young aged jammed packed enthusiasm.
And it's been very predictable to most of us, as it's quite a typical thing.

Google up hard, the nitrogen cycle with as many questions you can jot down on paper.
Google up hard, water chemistry for Malawi and tang fish.
Test your water and really understand with what your working with.
With your new start, make sure you have ammonia, nitrite and nitrate test kits, and really get involved with monitoring your tanks progression as it matures to get a understanding of the traveling/evolving cycle till finally complete.
Google up foods/protein types requirements that are specific for Malawi and tangs as they are very specialized in requirements.

Trust me buddy, this is just the tip of the ice berg.
Saying your fish are dead because of some old silicone that's fish safe is a very big cop out on your own behalf.
Please take this all the correct way.

#7 malawiman85

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 08:30 AM


I really admire your patience and diplomacy. You are a champ!


you can lead a horse to water... I share your growing frustration particularly given how tolerant the forum has been with this BS!


Are you having a laugh? Usually a joke is accompanied by a smiley face...

Are you trolling because you are bitter about the experience of losing your tangs and hearing "I told you so"

Have you not had your meds this week?

Im just trying to work out why you would post such drivel! Its an absolute embarrassment to yourself and the forum!

You have been treated with saintly patience on this forum due to your age, etc. but enough is enough. The forum has given you the info you need. All this other crap is just wasting time and the reputation of the PCS Forum.

If you really, desperatly wanted to know what killed your expensive fish you would have had an autopsy performed on one of the dead specimens rather than inventing the most outlandish theories to clear your mind of guilt and to appear less incompetent!
What was it you said when I PM'd you some advice some months ago? Oh thats right, it was (quote): "well I have a tank of $2000 worth of tangs right now and I think I'll be fine".

Yep, well now you dont.

You knew better then and you know better now. How did all us older guys ever keep fish successfully without the wisdom of a 14 year old? Maybe you should try it our way... or not, I dont care. Just please dont buy any more fish until you have at least the first clue about what you are doing. Please. Its not fair on the fish, they're not toys or experiments they are alive and have a right to be treated decently!

Edited by malawiman85, 28 January 2016 - 08:31 AM.

#8 Gav79

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 12:23 PM

I think we're all missing the main point here guys, the real question is... how does a 14 year old have $2000 worth of fish?! I'm 36 years old and struggle to buy an $8 clown loach! What's your secret Lex?


And I agree, it's not the silicone causing the death of your fish, if you have managed to come up with that I am guessing you're really struggling for an answer.


But i do feel for you as I know the feeling when it comes to losing great fish that took ages to acquire and look after... but unfortunately for me my answer was simple... I got lazy and it bit me in the arse!



#9 LexAgate

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 12:40 PM

Guys you gave me the ideas of ammonia spikes and miss treatment but seriously, I may be rusty yes I'm only 14 but I talk to some people with 10+ years of experience, I tested the water 5 times myself and got it tested 3 times by who in my eyes is a professional!

I put filter media full of bacteria in that tank it didn't fail the cycle the water chemistry quote from a test, "no it's perfect" I'm not mistreating the fish why would I do that, they as you know cost me well a s*it load!

I'm going to say it again, I had some boops, as most know these fish are touchy as hell, the water the whole time start to finish was "perfect" but I also had some Cyprichromis they are tougher still a bit fragile, and I had a peppermint bristelnose these fish are tough as maybe not bullet proof but damn well close!

So when my water isn't playing up but my fish start dying in a matter of weeks, and the water is perfect, what else is it, I mixed the sand so no gas could built up, I washed the sand maybe not the best but it was clean, and you guys recommended...

Now you all point out maybe a bit of info I miss, I know bionoods are for bacteria but I'm wondering can the ceramic absorb a chemical?

There is no other way I can explain and if I'm just posting in your eyes BS then I have no idea why I'm on this forum, I have been told by this person that you guys need to pull your head in, I don't know why but this person thinks you guys do....

I'm using bleach to kill everything cleaning the algae out and bacteria, for all I know the algae, bacteria or somthing could have the chemical on it, say I leave it then I put some water then all the fish die....


I will wash everything with 1 part bleach and 9 parts water only using a spray bottle which has only had water in it till now, ! will wash everything out after and then let it air dry and wash it out again!

If I'm seen as the cancer on this forum then ban me remove me but I can't see how you guys are right...

I was told this " Lex you keep you're water great, the fish aren't messy they weren't overfed, so 1 missed water change wouldn't effect them, they are dying all in 2 weeks and the main idea I think would be a low level toxin!"

"No diatoms can't harm fish and are present in most if not all high PH tanks...












I don't know why I'm even here :(  :(  :(  


This has turned to a sh*t fight I was afraid wouldn't happen FML

Edited by LexAgate, 28 January 2016 - 01:13 PM.

#10 LexAgate

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 01:24 PM

Chuck this in your pipes and smoke it!
I'm keeping this persons identity unknown as from
what I have seen they would cop a lot of crap from some of you!


Sent Today, 04:40 AM

"Hi, I agree with some toxicity and I think it's from the silicon more likely than aerosols. Even though Catfish are resilient they are more prone to toxicity due to nature of their skin and lack of mucous coating. I would advise that you empty the tank, scrape the silicon and wash the tank thoroughly. If you have any fish still alive from the tank and if they recover in a spare tank or bucket that would confirm toxicity. Hope this helps. Thanks, Regards, *****"


Sent Today, 05:02 AM

"Seems like you are doing the right thing.Hope your tank issues are resolved soon.Thanks"
Have a good one guys, I'm taking a break from this stuff!

Edited by LexAgate, 28 January 2016 - 01:32 PM.

#11 chocky

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 01:47 PM

why dont you actually post your water parameters?

Ammonia / Nitrite / Nitrate / pH / Temp / gH / kH 

saying its 'fine' or 'perfect' doenst really say much. 


(nevermind iwas reading the other posts and if you did only post tests after a big water change, kinda pointless )


but i have heard that the wrong type of silicon can cause problems.. 


i also will use bleach & water mixture to clean and disinfect things once in a while. so there's no problem using that. just make sure you rinse, let it dry completely and rinse again. make sure you cant smell any bleach. make sure its PURE bleach. 

Edited by chocky, 28 January 2016 - 01:53 PM.

#12 Delapool


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Posted 28 January 2016 - 03:11 PM

Did ph sink at all? Out of interest looking at it. Personally in my tank, any bit of stress plus summer temps is high noon for a bacterial infection. <br /><br />So I'm mainly looking at copper again. This is just for my interest as you would need to think about what went into the tank, does your water conditioner detoxify metals anyway, then what could the media absorb, then how would it leach back out (hence the ph question).<br /><br />For my planted tank I dose micro ferts (copper, iron, etc) and have ph swing from say 7.2 to 6.6 with co2 injection. <br /><br />I've had snails in the tank and they have been fine (although shell loss from acidic water). <br /><br />I mean I'm interested as I'm just looking at ceramic media and QTs but I'm just not seeing a smoking gun there. <br /><br /><br />Craig.

#13 dicky7

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 03:16 PM

such attitude from some one 14 years old, with all those years of experience ... how can it be his fault come on guys give him a break .. you know you all shouldn't mislead a young bloke just starting out :rolleyes:

#14 benno87

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 03:16 PM

Lol you are a twisted spoilt little brat with absolutely no idea. Please go away and don't ever come back. Will be great not to read your annoying posts.

#15 Delapool


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Posted 28 January 2016 - 03:49 PM

Chuck this in your pipes and smoke it!<br />I'm keeping this persons identity unknown as from<br />what I have seen they would cop a lot of crap from some of you!<br /> <br />Sent Today, 04:40 AM<br />"Hi, I agree with some toxicity and I think it's from the silicon more likely than aerosols. Even though Catfish are resilient they are more prone to toxicity due to nature of their skin and lack of mucous coating. I would advise that you empty the tank, scrape the silicon and wash the tank thoroughly. If you have any fish still alive from the tank and if they recover in a spare tank or bucket that would confirm toxicity. Hope this helps. Thanks, Regards, *****"<br /> <br />Sent Today, 05:02 AM<br />"Seems like you are doing the right thing.Hope your tank issues are resolved soon.Thanks"<br /> <br />Have a good one guys, I'm taking a break from this stuff!

<br /><br />Problems would of had to have started after filter was connected I assume. <br /><br />Question would then be looking at nitrifying bacteria population (not only fish). Ammonia readings might tell. <br /><br /><br />Craig.

#16 LexAgate

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 03:51 PM

No the tank was running for a month, but I'm not talking any chances

#17 benno87

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 03:53 PM

Here's an idea give up fishkeeping and stick to water poolo lol

#18 LexAgate

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 04:11 PM



fish keeping is my love as well as water polo, now if you are here to be rude and flame me so be it, I'll ignore the comments like you guys would ignore my references to silicone being the problem.


Secondly I have done countless hours of research when my fish died, if you haven't realised loosing $2000 is bad. At my age it is like your life!


If you are really going to come on and just try to explain how much of a brat I am and then talk about why my posts are bad, why the hell are you reading and commenting this chat?



So seeing as you don't think it is silicone here is what I found.The guy who previously owned the tank said the silicone was bad so he never filled it to the silicone because the water turned bad...


So if you can all agree that the silicone seems like the most possible reason and a 14 year old was right with 2 years experience......

#19 benno87

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 04:19 PM

Lol haha this keeps getting better. as long as you've convinced yoursel that you are right that's all that matters mate. I thought you were taking a break from here?

#20 Leichardti

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 04:23 PM

Never filled it to the silicone? What?  :blink: Replace your silicone if that reassures you but I doubt it will make a difference. If it does, it's probably because you cycled your tank properly the 2nd time.

Edited by Leichardti, 28 January 2016 - 04:26 PM.

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