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availability of catfish

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#1 nasimpson

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Posted 25 February 2004 - 06:17 AM

does anyone have the following please:
Glyptoperichthys anisitsi ( L021a )
Orange Fin Panaque ( LDA22 )
Panaque nigrolieatus ( L027 / L190 )
Pecklotia platyrhyncha ( L135 )
Albino Bristlenose

or any other rare plecs

#2 BT

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 09:36 AM


Ancistrus Claros, Brevifilis, Dolichopterus (formerly Hoplogenys)
in growout period (about 2/3 weeks atm.)

In about a week I will be separating Hypancistrus Zebra fry to grow out... Buggers.

I am likely to try some;
Peckoltia oligospila (Brown Dot - L006)
Peckoltia vittata (Tiger Pleco – L015)
Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus (L101) (I have a pond full atm)
Leporacanthicus triactis (L091)
Panaque nigrolineatus (Royal Panaque – L190)
Pseudacanthicus leopardus (L114)
and my fave the Flash Panaque (L204)
soon enough. I only have one pond which I have dedicated to the larger fish so I will be setting up territories in my 10x4x4.

Will post later on this year regarding any success. Watch this space if anyone is interested...


#3 geemaril

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 09:05 PM

question 1: BT, do you know what plecos are capable of being raised in a non-heated pond?

Question 2: are the new baby zebras gonna be up for sale, if so, how much are they gonna be each and at what size?

Elliot (email= hart[at]wasp.net.au)

Edited by: geemaril at: 2/29/04 1:13 pm

#4 clint8

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 03:16 AM

Hi nasimpson,

Do you have an email address to contact you on???


#5 nasimpson

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 03:42 AM

my email is


look forward to receiving your email

#6 BT

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 04:12 AM


I have only ever heard of H. plecostomus and Sailfin Glypto's ever being bred in a cold pond, however this was in Queensland where the climate probably made up for the lack of heaters. These fish are big when breeding, and likely handle the temperature fluctuations better with their bulk.

This lot of Zebra's is not for sale no. Sorry. I will grow them out and use them for breeding however. I have a second batch now, from different parents so I will have a mix of blood.

With luck, the future will mean Zebra's for anyone interested...



#7 geemaril

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Posted 01 March 2004 - 06:45 AM

may i ask where you managed to get hold of the breeders as i am currently looking for some youngsters.

#8 BT

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 05:23 AM


The 5 Zebra's I have are the survivors of a shipment of 9 from Queensland. They are part of a trial a friend and I are doing.

He and I have traded many fish over the years to see if we can encourage them to breed. This time I got a colony of Zebra's and he took my white Calvus. I will keep the offspring for breeding purposes, as he has and will do. Once we are successful, the fish come home, and get reacclimatised to their own tanks.

Its a good arrangement, and as I touch every peice of wood available to me at the present time, we will continue to do it. Both he and I have lost fish in the process, but we have also managed to breed some that have been considered highly unlikely.

As these fish are his, and as he is not affiliated with the PCS, I will not post his name. What I will do is ask him if he would like his details posted or if he would like me to post details of his fish for sale on the classified section.

He is a stickler for the Quokka though, and is regularly advertising.

It takes a long time for Zebra's to mature, but I have every hope for the 50 odd fry I have atm.


#9 nasimpson

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 05:59 AM


of the other spp you mentioned earlier, have you any to dispose of? pls keep us up to date with how your zebs are doing.


#10 xinguinsis

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Posted 02 March 2004 - 05:09 PM

Hi BT,
Just wondering now that you have 50 put aside for brood stock how long it will be before you have enough and will start making some available to the public.
Regards Chris

#11 BT

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 03:11 AM


I have 47 fry a little over half which are a week old, and the rest are three weeks old.

These fish take a while to grow out from all reports, and I will want to choose a good ratio of male to female. Once I can tell the gender (I have to find out about this yet myself...) then I will likely sell those that we (the owner of the adults and I) are not interested in keeping. (Might be about a year or so...)

The adults go home in about a month, so if I have any more spawns these will likely sell at 3-4cm


#12 semaj

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 04:13 AM

how much would u be askin for them when there ready?just wondering how long i gotta save up4.

#13 xinguinsis

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Posted 03 March 2004 - 04:02 PM

Hi BT Jeez thats really quite exceptional. So how did that pan out did you have 4 females put out about 12 babies each could you dicsern wether you lost any eggs to fungus ?
Regards Chris

#14 BT

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Posted 05 March 2004 - 06:54 AM


Nup, 2 females layed. I am pretty sure that on the first batch one female layed at least twice (possibly a third time), and the second batch another female layed once only.

The first spawn may have around one third of the total from the second female. I saw both females in question active at the time though I missed the actual laying of the first clutch of the first spawn.

This leaves one female to do something. The males have returned to their caves...

I lost 2 fry, no eggs in the first lot. Not sure what happened, probably from moving them. All are looking well, are free swimming, and the first batch are changing colour.

When I moved the fry, it was about 3 days after they had hatched. I put them into a separate tank (3') filled with the parents aquarium water. I change the water twice daily, with the parents aquarium water.

The current is strong. Though it is broken up plenty by the rocks in the tank... I feed the fry on Daphnia, and they seem to chew on the rocks, suggesting something is living there (its not algae...) There is also plenty of air. The pH is about 7 (no CO2) and steady. Temperature is at 28C.

I have heard some really bad reports about people losing so many of the fry each day. Touching every bit of wood I can find again, this hasnt happened to me yet. I think that the first lot are going to make it ok. Another month and they will go back into the parents tank (10') to grow out. The second lot are not as active as the first lot were at their age. This may be because of the first lots presence. Not too sure.

As for how I am going to sell them, Im not sure. Top of my list is taking them to the PCS auction...

Or swap, ie different linage (of L046).

I will swap them for 2 or 3 L098 females to go with my male (now or once grown out.) He is in need of some company if you get my meaning. The spawns from this fish would be more important to me than the Zebra's. (Thats 10 zebs per L098.)

Maybe I should use the money to buy a digi camera instead of using it on my other hobby (Astronomy.)



#15 nasimpson

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Posted 05 March 2004 - 08:39 PM

BT, please let me know if you have any L190 (gold-lines), L191(broken-lines), or L027b. i have odd males of each and would like females or more pairs. maybe someone could help me with extra blue-eyes also. L114 is on your possible list to breed, do you have many? are they as aggressive as some literature state. have you any odd loricariidae that you want to dispose of now? pls email me as above.

#16 BT

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Posted 06 March 2004 - 05:16 AM


L190: 2f and 1m. I have a suspected L191 juvenile which I believe is male. I have kept L027x in Perth, but not for a while.

L114: 3f and 2m. These guys are kept in partitioned 6' tanks. They are every bit as aggressive as documented when they reach maturity. They learn to be territorial from a very young age.

It is the males that are the worry, though the females grow a lot bulkier than the males. As long as they are the only nocturnals in the tank however, they are generally fine.
In a 6' they are grown pretty quickly.

The only time I sell single, adult fish is if I come across a colony of the same first. Sorry, but I like them too.


#17 Kimbo

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Posted 06 March 2004 - 09:21 PM

Are all your catfish kept in species tanks or do you other fish in with them?

#18 BT

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 07:44 AM


Yeap, most of the catties I keep are in species tanks (6'x2'x2'). If they are a breeding colony or overly territorial then it is a separate tank, and in some cases even the tanks are partitioned.

Thats just to say that the catfish are kept by species. As they are bottom feeders and nocturnal they tend to bitch at each other, so... I do keep Aequedens Pulcher (Blue Acara) and Cichlasoma Meeki (Firemouth) in the tanks. Depending on the size of the cichlids...

Needless to say, those that are not overly aggressive, or territorial, and those that are not paired (mating or species) are in my 10'. There are exceptions to this. I have some colonies in the big tank.


#19 Kimbo

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 03:22 PM

Do you leave fry with the parents or do you seperate them to grow out?

#20 BT

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 06:31 AM


If they are in their own tank (ie bristlenoses each have their own tank (one for brevifilis, one for claros, one for dolichopterus, one for temminkii) then they get left there unless there is some reason for pulling them out (ie the parents wont spawn again quickly, or there is a high mortality.)

If the tank is co-inhabited with cichlids then I invariably try to get the eggs / fry out. Depends on the catfish. Fish like Glypto's and multi's or hypostomus I will leave alone as the parents are capable of being maternal - though more than likely this happens in a pond with no other species anyway.

Anything smaller, that gets picked off easily (or puts the parents in trouble with other fish (usually catfish rather than cichlids) I will pull out also.

Anything that has a peculiar laying habit will get its own tank to start with. ie bubble nest builders, scatterers etc.



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