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Drivers In The Right Hand Lane

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#1 bigjohnnofish

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 02:09 AM

drivers who sit in the right hand lane on the hwy and fwy and refuse to move over really peev me off... 


got told yesterday i shouldnt undertake another vehicle - which i assumed he meant go past in the left hand lane  because its dangerous... well i said not as dangerous as not moving out of the right hand lane.... next time i will drive through the offending vehicle... the copper looked at me as if i was joking.... i said to him its about time to start booking people failing to keep left then isnt it ? 

he told me not to overtake/undertake on left hand lane.... then told me there is no rule for keeping left in WA...  so i asked how the @#$% do i pass a slower vehicle in right hand lane on a dual carriage way ?  the copper looked at me and said good question... so i replied i can ram him off the road then? no thats probably not a good idea either.... shall i beep my horn and flash my lights ? no thats not allowed..... i know i put a blue/red light on my car hahahaha.... well thats what we do :)

anyway this all happened in front bar of the pub...  quite funny really.... 

he said to us do you know the owner of the white f100 out front ? whys that? cause theres someone asleep in the back of the ute... dont worry about him... just make sure hes not in the back when the ute leaves... i said to him what time do you guys knock off?... bout half an hour... i said thats cool we have time for another 4-5 beers before i jump in the f100 and chuck some doughnuts on the footy oval and throw that guy out the back before we drive home !!! he smiled at me again shaking his head before he left.... 


anyway just googled some road rules 




looks like that police officer needs to relearn his road rules :)

#2 Buccal

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 09:57 AM

The culture of slow drivers in the right lane is definitely increasing, and I'm getting more pissed.

#3 werdna

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 10:15 AM

You forgot to mention the extreme emergency you were in that explained why losing 30 seconds out of your life was so important.


Otherwise why would you waste 10 times the amount of time lost stuck behind the car bitching on here?


People need to learn to calm down and ask themselves how they are truly affected by being slowed down by 5kph. 

In the grand scheme of things,the high blood pressure and stress you cause yourself bitching and moaning about it is doing more damage than the inconsiderate driver.

#4 DFishkeeper

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 10:40 AM

Just as another point of view guys, why should somebody who is driving at the speed limit in any lane on a highway have to move over to allow somebody who wants to exceed the speed limit to pass them.


What is more dangerous and who is the driver putting others lives at risk?


I agree that people should not be sitting in the right hand lane unless they are driving at the legal speed limit and would see no problem with a ticket being issued for this offence, say if the person is doing less than 5-10kmh under the legal speed limit.


However, in my 43 years of driving, the only thing that annoys me more than a tailgater, is somebody determined to exceed the speed limit on a highway who tailgates me at highway speeds because I am either sitting right on the legal speed limit or maybe "only" 1-2 kmh over it.

#5 Buccal

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 11:48 AM

I think it's more so 5-15 clicks under the speed limit in the right lane that's the issue.
I personally don't feel enraged at one seldom slowy to pass.
But it's more so of, it only takes one or two of these to cause a whole slowing of traffic for a few hours or more.

A line of people doing the speed limit or 5 clicks less in the left lane with a added 10 click below the limit in the right lane is terrible.

I couldn't see Johnno bitching about slow drivers though,, I think it was more the point how rediculous that a copa told him he couldn't pass in the left lane.

Side note,,, when your running a stressful pressure some bussines/bussinesses, the stress is always at a level without driving issues.
To see people on the road with no obvious duty of responsibilities going on in their lives and slowing down those that are hard at work and even contributing to the thriving economy to a stronger extent,,,, it's only natural to get heaved.
5 minutes waisted is never just 5 minutes, and sometimes its just that 5 minutes plus all the other 5 minutes is what can make the difference in a day or the week.
Not everyone leads the same lives. Time is perceived differently.
Compare mental modes of a self employed person with a wage group tax certificate collector,,,, comparing them shows a big difference in valuating time.

I don't want to speed,,,,, I just want to go the speed limit. :)

#6 Labcat

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 11:58 AM

Its tough being impatient. All that angst and energy spent railing against the rest of us. Ducking and weaving to get in front. And at the end of 15km of freewway you're only 90 seconds ahead the 'slow coaches'. Damn.

#7 shayne

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 12:43 PM

didnt realize we had so many saints on here, i do subscribe to the Take a deep breath and go with the flow argument. However i do believe that the behaviour being discussed is indicitive of incompetence,inability or just plain arrogance! All serious contributors to our high rate of vehicle incidents. I use the word incidents because except for an act of some fictitious god or maybe situations involving animals there are no! accidents there are only incidents caused by one or more of those affected making bad decisions or lacking the necessary skills.

#8 malawiman85

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 10:03 PM

Sitting in the right hand lane on the freeway is a bit different, it makes sense. No jackasses merging all over the place. Really, sitting in the left hand lane of a freeway is triple the risk and generally a shit experience...

Plenty of other crap behaviours I see that piss me off worse than slow drivers:
- Speeding drivers
- Pissy drivers
- Texting drivers
- Volvo drivers

#9 sandgroper

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 12:32 AM

And know it all drivers.

#10 bigjohnnofish

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 02:06 AM


People need to learn to calm down and ask themselves how they are truly affected by being slowed down by 5kph. 

In the grand scheme of things,the high blood pressure and stress you cause yourself bitching and moaning about it is doing more damage than the inconsiderate driver.


if only it was 5km... in peak hour up gt eastern hwy average motorist is doing approx 90k in 80k zone... and it takes one idiot to be doing 70k in right hand lane to slow kilometres of traffic and cause congestion... and we know how prevalent meth/ice use is in WA and the chances of a crack addict committing road rage increases 10 fold... not to mention stressed workers trying to get home who only need one more little issue in their day and road rage will explode... so for your own safety and the safety of fellow road users it pays to either go the same speed as everybody else is or get in the left lane... i have seen some pretty angry drivers as late and it will only be a matter of time before someone dies.... so it pays not to anger your fellow drivers and do the right thing.... 


yeah im the same as you buccal one slowie isnt a problem but its multiple slowies that cause issues... and the biggest offenders i find are women in the 30-50 ish bracket - and probably texting or talking on their phone... 


one day i got cranky and although i wasnt in a rush i finally got round this slowie and pulled in front of her and then foot off the gas pedal and let it slow down to a crawl... she still wouldnt move - i was so tempted to stop and give her a serve... but i thought better of it...  i wanna get a led display on my back window and have it hooked up to a keyboard and tell people what i think of them lol...  when someone moves out of the way - display "thankyou for moving over have a nice day" and when someone is being a wonka in the right lane display "a hand with middle finger extended" or "try getting out of the right hand lane have a nice day @#$%^^^& "

#11 Buccal

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 08:46 AM

Ha ha lol, the led display sign at the back,, I've thought of that to lol.
That would be a funny thing.

#12 Poncho


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 10:04 AM

Another observation - you see less and less Volvo's on the road these days because those drivers are trading them in for Jeeps!!!

#13 jjm66smokey

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 02:26 PM

Drivers in the right hand lane need to remember there's a huge variation in the accuracy of speedos under Australian Design Regs.

Just cos they THINK they're doing 100 doesn't mean they are.

For instance, a Nissan Patrol that thinks it's doing 100 might only be doing 89, a Landcruiser only 92 and a Toyota Kluger 94.

So move over please if there's nothing beside you and someone behind you.

It's called common courtesy.


If Police enforced the keep left rule on roads over 90kph they could really raise some serious revenue.

Also if they enforced correct merging procedure... by "pinging" the idiots that speed up in their lane to get slightly ahead of the car in the other lane.


Perhaps we could become really civilised on the roads by implementing a rule where commercial vehicles aren't allowed to travel in the right hand lane, only to overtake or turn... especially those previously mentioned Patrols and Landcruisers with overloaded work trailers on the back, that can't take off at the lights with any speed, or have to brake more heavily when they slow/stop, adding to traffic congestion :(

#14 sandgroper

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Posted 30 June 2015 - 12:00 AM

Another observation - you see less and less Volvo's on the road these days because those drivers are trading them in for Jeeps!!!

What colour did you get?

#15 bigjohnnofish

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Posted 30 June 2015 - 01:56 AM

Another observation - you see less and less Volvo's on the road these days because those drivers are trading them in for Jeeps!!!

plenty of moron jeep drivers about these days as they are cheap as chips... assembly plants are mainly in mexico - where theres very little in rules and regulations etc regarding fair pay for a fair days work...  so the work quality just isnt there... i knew a few jeep owners... they didnt stay jeep owners for long... repairs and bills to make you cry... best one was the auto shift gear lever - the clip that you lift to get out of park broke... part to fix it $800 and 3 hours labour... super glue and a quick trade in was the result.... 


when your on the hwy late at night and your in the right hand lane and a set of headlights comes up behind you - you better move out the way as it could be me in the f100 and if theres no-one else about i may just push you off the road :)

#16 Buccal

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Posted 30 June 2015 - 03:15 AM

^^^^. Lol look out grandmas.

I think my next car will be a F truck,, 2008 - 2012 model. 7.2 liter turbo charged V8 deisel.
These things are serious machines.

As mentioned above "tradesman with heavy trailers",,, that's me, but I have a 4.8 liter petrol patrol it tows my super heavy work trailer well,,,,,, but yes, hard to pull up at lights (no upgraded brake system bloody expensive).
I can take off fast enough, but I don't usually, sucks back to much juice then.
Big f--- off F truck will solve all that. They look and sound great to,,, just need to upgrade tyre size.
I think most people would move and make room to let one of those roaring vicious beasts through lol.

#17 Westie


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Posted 30 June 2015 - 11:58 AM

The Ford F150 Raptor looks like a beast

Not my cup of tea though


#18 Buccal

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Posted 30 June 2015 - 08:47 PM

Definetely my thing.
It's like drinking a cup of tea with half a mongrel. Ha haah.

#19 bigjohnnofish

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Posted 01 July 2015 - 01:56 AM

if money was no object 



sorry peeps not working grrrrr 

Edited by bigjohnnofish, 01 July 2015 - 02:03 AM.

#20 Riggers

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Posted 06 July 2015 - 02:10 PM

I hate Perth driving... There's always a few people out there with their special driver helmets on.... Sadly our public transport is lame so I have to stick to the car for now :)

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