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i breed b.g.k.s not 12 mths ago

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#1 hemiking

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 11:18 AM

almost 12 mths ago at about 12oclock at nite i went to turn of the lite in the jebo r362. i noticed there was alot of disturbence going on between the 2 bgk,s and the common bristlenoses. the female used to sleep in the log with her tail up against the filter inlet. as she kept backin up whilst fighting 5-6mm babies were coming out and getting sucked up into the filter. i told my wife that was in bed she didnt care so i didnt. couple of months later i put the female in the 7ft tank and the male in the 4ft tank because i just bought 15 pepies for the jebo. months later i decided to sell alot of my tanks to reduce the power bill. not quite 2 mths ago i sold benkie that 18cm female bgk she was already holding a belly full of eggs which i told him and they breed once before. if you guys want to know more about ph, and water hardness etc that i had pm me and i will post tonite

#2 Guest_pleco4me_*

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 11:28 AM

WOW nice work Geoff!

So maybe you were the first to breed bgk.

This is getting all to confusing for me lol.

#3 benckie

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 01:19 PM

Youll find there not the same dude and your full of it cause you never said they where in the same tank your just being silly ! the bgk you sold me where in the wrong water conditions and your fonties you sold me where also miss treated in the wrong water. we have seen you set up and how you treat fish you your self said you didnt bother any more with water chem and amitted you didnt look after your fish you never told me you bred them and i think if you did it would of come up by now your just upset cause i told your friend your a fool and i wouldnt recomend any one to by the crap you had for sale i brought the fish to save them from the 33 degree water you where keeping them in. any you dont even know how to sex a bgk do you ? even my wife recons you full of it cause you never said you bred them and you made a big deal about showing us you tank that have your wifes bgk so i know they both where males !!! im sure if you bred them 12 months ago you would of told some one ? you definatly didnt tell me and if you did me knowing your on this forum why would i bother. i hate people like you who are just out to cause hastle i would like to see proof got any photo,s or any evidence ??? cause breeding bgk is a big deal and you would atlest take a photo or two.

#4 benckie

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 01:20 PM

and i would like to say you have to males so i not sure how you bred them witch we all know you didnt and even if that was true ive got two batches of fry around 5 mm so that means there about 6 t0 8 weeks old and we brought one bgk of you over 4 months ago and i asure every one that the male i brought of you wasnt holding eggs lols ! love shane

#5 Guest_pleco4me_*

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 01:35 PM

lol, after hearing what shane said, i kinda agree with him.

You would have told someone 12 months ago that you bred them, surely you would have!

#6 benckie

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 01:38 PM

Yeah you always brag your a good breeder so why not mention you breed them ??? why wait till now after finding out i sold them for 700 bucks when i brought one of you from $50 bucks witch was a male my little female was the egg layer.

#7 madasa

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 02:14 PM

Im completely 100% with Shane here - its not something you keep quiet as anyone who has some history keeping and breeding fish would know breeding BGKs in an aquarium is rare as hens teeth.

Your reputation is intact with me Shane though I would suggest you edit the 'W' word out.

Hemiking - its not good form to try and cause people problems.

#8 benckie

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 03:37 PM

I spoke Hemiking on the phone and yes its all bull he just wanted to add his bit about bgk,s even though theres no truth or actual real info behind it or prof so for what reason he would bother its any ones guess mabe he just didnt think !!!!!!!!! he amitted to me he doesnt know how to sex the bgk,s and didnt know if it was holding or not or male or female and that he never told me they breed Hemiking sould come on here now and back me up if he is man enough to admit hes wrong over here or just whimped out over the phone we will see

#9 Guest_pleco4me_*

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 03:47 PM

why would he do this? :? :evil:

#10 benckie

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 03:50 PM

good question ??? the mind boggles

#11 Guest_pleco4me_*

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 03:51 PM

Pretty annoying really. I believed you too.

The thing is that after you do something like this, nobody forgets it, and they can no longer trust you :roll: :wink:

#12 benckie

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 04:14 PM

your right there pleco4me !

#13 benckie

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 04:21 PM

And just to clear the air the 18 cm one hemiking sold me was a male (and to me it was a bit bigger then 18cm it was more like an easy 20cm this is a first a fish seller to under-estimate the size of their fish lols) and grew to 25 odd cm on the right food the female i brought from picton produce in bunbury was a 10 cm female i had for ages she grew to 18 cm at the time of selling them.

Hemiking all you had to do was talk to me befor shooting off at the mouth about some thing you know nothing about and then hide.

I wish i never had bgk,s now i wish i didnt like them ! i should of kept my mouth shut ! because it wasn't worth it ! thanks again every one for slowly but surely killing my faith in people and fish. this place just seems to be a way for people to vent their anger and lay crap on people and make up stuff and ragg people out for no reason but i will admit i earnt it for not sharing and i knew ill cop it but i also thought people would understand but i was wrong and maybe didnt think it through. but the one time i achieve some thing worth while mentioning with fish and ok i made a bit of money i get hammered but what about all the people making a killing selling 1000's of fry that they breed for free thats ok cause they share their info, to me its the same thing making money out of the fish they breed for free.

I think back about every time ive brought fish thru here and all the times ive been screwed cause of lying and or my own stupidity and this one thing made up for it. and kept me going for another day. and i tell you i did really need the money ! more then you guys will ever know. i should stop typing cause im annoyed, upset and disapointed at the same time and thats not the best place to be at when typing.

Cheers shane

#14 Casanova

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Posted 04 May 2007 - 10:13 PM

They were your fish, to do with as you please Benckie... And your choice to reveal your secrets, or not.... No probs with you making a bit of money off of them... The world will still go on peoples....

#15 NewCichlidPerson

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 01:23 AM

ok so maybe you did breed them but evryone cant accuse Hemiking of lying why would he. And it doesnt matter if you are annoyed or whatever you shouldnt go around saying people mistreat there fish and they had crap fish for sale. That damages a person's reputation as a fish keeper, breeder and seller. And no one deserves that no matter what they say. I dont even know you and i dont know how you keep your fish or what quality they are. I have never heard a bad thing about Hemiking's fish. Until you brought this up. Any way that is just my two cents worth because this has turned into a witch hunt just to give a bad reputation to Hemikings name.

Thnx NCP

#16 benckie

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 02:04 AM

And what do you think hemiking was doing to my reputation, telling every one he sold me a female holding, 2 months ago when in fact he sold me a male 4 months ago? Trying to make me out to be a fool and look like im ripping people off and selling breeding pairs that aren't breeders. The 18 cm bgk he says was the one he sold me was my female ive had for 7 months.

He admitted to me and to others that he was mistreating his fish ffs 33 is a high temp to keep fish in i thought and you couldnt even see the frontosa in the tank cause the glass was black ffs and were near blind and in poor conditon.

He never told me or my wife he bred them, he never said he had his two males in the same tank and the male i brought was never holding eggs he has come on here guessing they were the same, made up a story with no proof which he has admitted to being very unsure of and basicly saying i never bred them when i have two batches of fry from the pair i had and he admitted to me that he cant sex them so how would he know it was a female and how would he know it was holding?

I knew it was a male as soon as i seen it thats why i brought it ! And you go on about its damaging to him well what do you think it would do to me? I breed them i have proof and i sold them. What do you think the person who brought them would think? what you think people would think about me breeding them when some one has come on here making stuff up and they dont even know what they are talking about?

He admitted he didnt know what one's i sold was his if it was his at all he admitted he didnt know if it was a male or not he admitted he couldnt look after the fish so a couple of us went to bail him out cause we love fish, i know he does too but hey i wouldnt let it go too far, and you ask anyone who has seen my fish i have nice good quality fish that are well looked after, nice clean tanks. Im big on good clean water i even put an aircon in to help the tanks in the heat and cold and when i knew i wasn't going to have as much time cause of work and family i sold things off before things got out of hand!

I did breed them and i have proof like fry and photos anyone is welcome to check that out, i like to back myself up with proof and dont like to have my reputation damaged so here it is.

Hemiking should of talked to me before mouthing off and making stuff up then this wouldnt of happened.

Its hemiking you should be having a word to !!!! ive tryed to sort it out over the phone he has admitted to every thing i have said but wont come on here and say he messed up and jumped the gun. I feel i have to defend my reputation and my breeding pair of bgk (with proof). Im very sorry if you dont like the truth !

cheers shane

#17 benckie

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 05:34 AM

Common people think about it

On Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:28 pm i posted i bred bgk,s

Then on the Fri May 04, 2007 11:18 am 8 days later hemiking post he bred the bgk first them sold me a female holding which is bull dust.

Which sort of knowing Geoff that gave him enought time to think crap up what if it was a female what if it was holding what if i bred one by its self in the tank ?

Not relizing he had mixed up ? witch one was which and how long ive had them for ? and proberly didnt know i could tell them apart ? i have photo,s of the one i brought of hemiking and i have photo,s of the one i brought from picton here in bunbury i also have photo,s of them together.

I even made a post sortly after buy a male bgk of him about it missing some of its tail, so you can tell what bgk is what, so you can tell its not the way he thinks it is.

When i rang him and informed him that his post couldnt be true the one i got of him was male and ive had them longer then 2 months and have got two small baches out of them, he agreed he didnt know what was what or how to sex them he told me it was my thing.

He asked me why did i sell them cause i could of made money of them selling fry, when i asked him if you realy did bred them why did you sell me one ? Why didnt you sell them as a breeding pair ? and i also asked why didnt you tell me ? Why did you say you told me ? Why lie ?

He changed the subject and started talk about some thing else my sailfins and he told me he told a mate that ive been breeding them witch i havnt im going to try but it will take a few years, i did tell this to hemiking but hes memory seams to be worse them mine. so mabe he forgot or mixed up the details ? all the more reasons to talk to me first befor posting.

If you think about it he thats the way he thinks why would he sell them or better yet sell one if you where going to sell a rare as breeding bgk wouldnt you sell them as a pair ? wouldnt he of kept them ? would he of kept breeding them ? wouldnt they of bred more then once ? (my old bgk have bred 3 time in 4 months that i know of ) wouldnt you tell some one ? why would you take a pic or make a post ? Why wait 8 months sell one wait 4 months then wait another 8 days then post ?

I Wonder if it has any thing to do with me having a go at him about the his fish or about me having a go ! at him to one of his friends ? Or the fact that i payed $50 for a 20 odd cm bgk (with some of its tail missing witch is a good price to me.)

Or me buying some fronties he couldnt breed fixing them up feeding them the corect food giving the the right water chem and mixing them with mine and breeding them and then selling them ?

When you think about it that means i payed him $50 for his bgk then i bred it then sold if for $350 making the pair go for $700 all up, i wonder would that have any thing to do with the story ???

And for the record im not trying to damages Geoff's (hemiking) reputation, he will tell you the same stuff as ive told you about the water conditions and temp and not looking after the fish so well he knows it and others know it, im not going behind he back he knows what i think !

But what realy gets me ive tryed to sort this out over pm and the phone and he agree,s to all this on the phone to me but hasnt made a post saying so.

Common people do the math its not hard imo

#18 Dramat1c

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 10:52 AM

Don't worry benckie. It's nothing big really. tongue.gif I mean people don't really care about this do they? tongue.gif

#19 benckie

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 11:17 AM

Yeah true but i do !

#20 hemiking

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Posted 05 May 2007 - 11:34 AM

benkie i posted a knew topic on my experience to share not on your good fortune which you worked so hard for. i wanted to share my beleives from the time they bred to the time you got the fish as some of us ar beginers on the bgn,s and no i cant sex them and yes they bred once if you got the male i still got the female which your welcome to buy aswell. and you know at the time you came round i was workin so hard with my buisness i was battlin to spend time with my fish. thats why i sold them. thanks for taking them off my hands i could shut down another 3 tanks.out of this post i wanted nothing but i got a dump truck full of shit which im trying to unload

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