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Shark Killing, Ridiculous

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#21 Leigh

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 08:06 AM

Sorry but how can you be a fish enthusiast and think it's a good idea?

Do you truly understand the ramifications this could have on the ecosystem?

I doubted I'd see anyone on this forum in support of the cull.


I am a dog person, but if my dog attacked and killed someone, then it has to be put down. Fish enthusiast has nothing to do with this. That said, I support the killing of sharks that pose a direct threat versus the idea of indiscriminant cull based soley on size.


The "raminifacation on the ecosystem" at the end of this will be zero. As a keen boater/fisher and an occasional diver, I see on a regular basis just how many sharks are in our waters. Lets say 100 sharks or even 1000 for arguments sake at the end of this are killed. That is an infinitesimally small proportion of the total population out there. Do not get sucked in by the Chicken Little's. 

#22 malawiman85

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 08:15 AM

I wonder what Colin will do when the next shark attack occurs?

#23 werdna

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 10:10 AM


I am a dog person, but if my dog attacked and killed someone, then it has to be put down.

That argument is out of context.


If you are camping in the outback and a dingo steals your baby... do we start baiting and culling adult wild dingos?

If a bird gets sucked into an aircraft engine, causing the plane to crash and kill 200 people... do we start killing all birds?

If someone eats a green potato and dies, do we ban the sale of them?

What if someone snorts too much nutmeg, hallucinates that a giant purple dildo is chasing them with an intention to sodomise them to death, and while looking over their shoulder to see if they are getting away, run head first into a concrete wall. Should we ban the sale of nutmeg?


Since records began in 1791 there have been 217 fatal shark attacks in Australia, that's an average of less than 1 per year.

Now unfortunately, WA has had quite a few deaths (relatively) in the last couple of years, 3 in 2011, 2 in 2012, and 2 in 2013, however lets place this in context.

There are roughly 20 deaths every year from lightning strikes in Australia. Maybe everyone should walk around in a Faraday Cage whenever outside.


However, Colin isn't as stupid as most people think.

The media have pumped this up as it is a story that sells.

It has been sold all over the world.

Colin is worried that we will have tourism issues because of it, as one of our biggest attractions is our beaches.

So, being a typical politician, he has ignored all facts presented to him by researchers and scholars, and has probably jumped to the conclusion presented by some numpty  advisor that probably couldn't spot the difference between a Bala shark and a Grey Nurse.

This is no different to Abbot believing climate change is a fraud because his top climate advisor is a well known and outspoken climate change critic, so any research presented to him is based on a biased viewpoint.

#24 Shane-o88

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 11:15 AM

Haha if my dog attacked and killed someone I'd just let her finish her dinner because I'm sure that person wouldn't be telling anyone, if someone was in my back yard and my dog killed them that's not really my problem, they shouldn't be in my dogs territory.

You are in the sharks territory, if you respect them then you will most likely be fine, it's not their problem your in their territory. That's your problem, in case you didn't know sharks generally only attack wet people.

A big waste of money and a senseless act against nature is all it is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

#25 Leigh

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:03 PM

That argument is out of context.


If you are camping in the outback and a dingo steals your baby... do we start baiting and culling adult wild dingos?

If a bird gets sucked into an aircraft engine, causing the plane to crash and kill 200 people... do we start killing all birds?

If someone eats a green potato and dies, do we ban the sale of them?

What if someone snorts too much nutmeg, hallucinates that a giant purple dildo is chasing them with an intention to sodomise them to death, and while looking over their shoulder to see if they are getting away, run head first into a concrete wall. Should we ban the sale of nutmeg?


Do we eliminate dingo's who start exhibiting dangerous behavious to humans.....yes, we do.




The rest of your argument it out of context. The discussion is the removal of a wild animal that has the ability to attack - the rest of points are simply accidents. However, if that same nutmeg stalks and kills a girls jogging thru Kings Park at 11pm on a Saturday night - then yes we should ban the sale of nutmeg. Even if nutmeg enthusiast bleat that it is just doing what nutmeg does in nature, the nutmeg was in Kings Park first and if we don't want to be killed - we should stay away from King Park which is the "nutmeg's territory".

#26 ice

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:15 PM

You wouldn't run naked through the African Savannah and be surprised when a lion tears your face off....


Your nutmeg/kings park theory is null and void. If there was a natural existing predator that lived in kings park and you ran through there at night then you are an idiot and natural selection has taken place.


These sharks are doing their own thing in their own territory, designated netted swimming areas are very easy to build to ensure complete safety for swimmers. As for surfers they know the risks and they take them. They cant jump up and down and cry when something happens as they know full well the dangers that they put themselves in and continue to do it out of the love of the sport.


Its like Motorsport, you might crash and die but its too much fun to let that risk get in the way. But if you did crash and die you wouldn't ban Motorsport because it was ultimately you that put yourself in that situation to begin with.


People need to take responsibility for their own bloody actions and stop crying to mummy when something negative happens to them, that's life and they need to learn to live with it.

#27 werdna

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:13 PM

So then Leigh using your reasoning we should cull 18 to 30 year old men who drink as they have been the cause of 90 deaths since 2000 due to one-punch kills. Source


At what point do we draw a line?


Why are we allowed to drink, smoke, drive, eat anything we want, walk (accidental falls is the 17th most common cause of death in Australia), exercise as little as we want?

We are talking about AT WORST 3 deaths per year.

There is one birth every 2 minutes in Australia Source

Shark kills aren't even a blip on the radar.


This is an over reaction to a subject too clouded in emotion

#28 BristledOne

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:42 PM


Do we eliminate dingo's who start exhibiting dangerous behavious to humans.....yes, we do.




The rest of your argument it out of context. The discussion is the removal of a wild animal that has the ability to attack - the rest of points are simply accidents. However, if that same nutmeg stalks and kills a girls jogging thru Kings Park at 11pm on a Saturday night - then yes we should ban the sale of nutmeg. Even if nutmeg enthusiast bleat that it is just doing what nutmeg does in nature, the nutmeg was in Kings Park first and if we don't want to be killed - we should stay away from King Park which is the "nutmeg's territory".


Just a quick thought, but with their being more deaths per year from electrical causes (not including the recent bushfires caused by faulty power lines) Maybe we should disconnect Leigh's power for her own safety. I mean, if you don't want to chance the risk of a shark attack then you sure wont want to risk being killed by an electrical fault would you?

While we're at it, tear up your drivers license because driving isn't safe... And you better stop eating any foods that could cause salmonella, then we can empty your fishtank to prevent drowning incidences and line your walls with bubble wrap to prevent any boo-boo's

Honestly, this seemed to all stir up after the idiot American Tourist got attacked a while back and all of a sudden there was this desire to find and kill THE shark that caused it. I still feel this is a distinctly American way of handling things, shoot first and ask questions later. 

#29 Leigh

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:57 PM

I support the killing of sharks that pose a direct threat versus the idea of indiscriminant cull based soley on size.


As I have already outlined, I do not support a wholesale cull based on size and/or location. Perhaps a better way to explain my opinion is that I support the removal of the threat. 

The means of that removal will obviously vary on the situation. For 25 year old men who 'one punch kill' - it is probably the removal from society and putting the man in question in jail until he is rehabilitated (effectiveness of this for another thread).

For a shark, unfortunatly the only feasible means is that he/she is put to death. If tomorrow, AQWA (for example) was to put up there hand and say we will take these sharks, thus removing the threat - I couldn't be happier with that solution. Obviously this is unlikely.



You wouldn't run naked through the African Savannah and be surprised when a lion tears your face off....


Ice - your example is just a repeat of Andrew's dingo example. Likewise my response is much the same. In Africa, a lion that encroaches on inhabited area's and is perceived as a threat is removed. If it is lucky it is captured and relocated to Kruger or similar (obviously preferable option). If it is not - it is shot.

#30 Leigh

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 02:05 PM


Just a quick thought, but with their being more deaths per year from electrical causes (not including the recent bushfires caused by faulty power lines) Maybe we should disconnect Leigh's power for her own safety. I mean, if you don't want to chance the risk of a shark attack then you sure wont want to risk being killed by an electrical fault would you?



"Just a quick thought...." - I never would have guessed. Why not devote a few more minutes of consideration before typing. You can use the time to read previous posts properly.


Like I said before "The rest of your argument it out of context. The discussion is the removal of a wild animal that has the ability to attack - the rest of points are simply accidents."

#31 werdna

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 02:43 PM

Sorry Leigh
I didn't see this post

I support the killing of sharks that pose a direct threat versus the idea of indiscriminant cull based soley on size.

However, how do we know what shark attacked the victim unless it is killed and stomach contents checked first?

Then, what if the shark only bit and let go, however caused fatal injuries, there is no evidence that the correct shark has been killed.

Then a second shark could feed on the dead body, causing the wrong shark to be killed

#32 Leigh

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 03:15 PM

Absolutley no idea......would be so much easier if we just had a problem with lions instead of sharks. Easy to catch / relocate and everyone wants them.

#33 malawiman85

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 03:56 PM

Kill 'em All /,,/

#34 kamalau

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 04:01 PM

I am a dog person, but if my dog attacked and killed someone, then it has to be put down. Fish enthusiast has nothing to do with this. That said, I support the killing of sharks that pose a direct threat versus the idea of indiscriminant cull based soley on size.
The "raminifacation on the ecosystem" at the end of this will be zero. As a keen boater/fisher and an occasional diver, I see on a regular basis just how many sharks are in our waters. Lets say 100 sharks or even 1000 for arguments sake at the end of this are killed. That is an infinitesimally small proportion of the total population out there. Do not get sucked in by the Chicken Little's. 

As far as I'm aware the great white shark population worldwide is under 4000
The wa population isn't only found in wa they travel all over the world some of the ones tagged in port Lincoln have been tracked to South Africa and back
So yes killing 100 or 1000 will make a differance
Big time

#35 malawiman85

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 04:05 PM

In fairness Leigh is not saying 100 or 1000 White Sharks... Your point is a little wide of the mark.

#36 kamalau

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 04:10 PM

I get that but they will be the main species to suffer them and tiger sharks
Bull sharks under 3m have killed people
Correct me if I'm wrong but grey nurse sharks havnt had fatal attacks?
We should probably kill all wale sharks since they are over 3meters?

#37 malawiman85

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 04:14 PM

Doubt it, there is only 4000 of them odds are against whites getting caught.

0% of sharks caught are Whites caught to date... Yeah, Yeah I know only one has been caught.

FYI I dont support shark culling... Just bored at work trying to pass time.


Kill whale sharks??? Cool, why not... Good idea. Ill email Colin.

Edited by malawiman85, 29 January 2014 - 04:17 PM.

#38 Bombshocked

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 06:13 PM

The Lowlife Scab Who Took The Contract Should Be Shot

#39 jeffblack

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 06:18 PM

Bet he being paid very very very well

#40 JackMack

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 06:29 PM

$5k a day Jeff...

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