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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Will accept donations of fish or equipment - govt school!

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#21 Matthew

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Posted 25 July 2006 - 07:48 AM

Hey johnnie,

Glad things are going well..looking forward to that snag laugh.gif


#22 johnnie7au

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Posted 25 July 2006 - 03:23 PM

looking forward to that snag

You will be most welcome when they set a date ... possibly late this term or sometime next term.

Today I looked at the fish in the classroom. All survived the ordeal. (only just). I am thinking I may have to set up a display tank in a classroom where they will be cared for in the holidays.

I left instructions that were ignored! I was not happy this morning! If the fish were more delicate I think that we would have lost them.

Will keep you posted.

#23 Terry


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Posted 25 July 2006 - 09:02 PM

Hi Johnnie
I'm very concerned that you left the fish unattended over the school holidays, if you can't look after them properly please return them to me.

#24 topline

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Posted 25 July 2006 - 09:24 PM

Hi Johnnie

Good to hear your fish made it through the holidays.

I am a little concerned about the welfare of your fish. I realise that it is a difficult situation if you are not able to personally oversee the care of the beauties in your care, but it is obvious that merely issuing instructions to people who might not have the dedication and passion that you have, is not sufficient.

Keeping our charges in good health, never mind trying to breed them, involves a level of dedication that perhaps those you have put in charge of the fish, don’t possess.

I'm not sure what the solution to the problem could be, but perhaps the operation at school needs to be scaled down, or kept at the same level, until you have people you can rely on. I think that your fish were lucky this time. It was only a 2 week holiday. What will happen over December when the temperature is in the high 30's and evaporation is far higher than it is at the moment?

I applaud your enthusiasm and hope that you are able to continue with this project in a way that encourages responsibility in our younger generation and that specifically exposes kids to our fascinating hobby whilst promoting responsible animal husbandry.


#25 johnnie7au

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Posted 25 July 2006 - 09:57 PM

Thanks Brian and Terry.

As you can imagine .. I was not very happy with the situation at all. I was assured that the fish would be properly looked after and simply took the person concerned at their word. A mistake on my part. I issued written instructions, gave my phone number so that I could respond to problems.

It is very difficult to initiate and bring to fruition new ideas that will benefit the students if the support of those who have a responsibility to take care of the animals during the holiday period failed to carry out their job properly. A mistake I will not make again!

Over the long holiday period I planned to take care of the fish at home and re-establish tanks in term 1 next year.

I will be taking the fish home during each break from now on.

#26 johnnie7au

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Posted 29 August 2006 - 09:27 PM


Thank you and your wife so much for the recent tank donation.

I have situated it in one of the biology labs.

I holds yabbies, Axolotyl and goldfish.

This freed up a tank for some robust ciclids, and ... a third tank will house some of the fish that I have been caring for at home. 8)

At the farm I have installed a yabbie tank, a tlapia tanks and also a goldie tank.

I have also recieved three large tanks that are now in storage for next year, when we get our new building finished. (Too big for our current classrooms).

I have plans for some goldie ponds for next year ... and have hopes on a designated fish display area... aquaponics area too!

Thanks once again for all of you who have been so kind...

These things take time, but despite a few probs and frustrations I feel I am getting somewhere ... and the students will benefit.

So far the students in the biology classroom have not mistreated the fish. They really do appreciate your kindness.

(Anyone got a few electric yellows or any excess fry of any species to spare? .. lemme know!) laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Thanks again ... and if I can help any of you .. anytime ..

I have red worms ... free to you you guys and gals ...

Will contact you all regards the term 4 year 8 barbie ...

Oh .. photos soon!..

#27 johnnie7au

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Posted 22 September 2006 - 07:52 PM

Here is some video footage of your kind donations.

More coming soon .. (I had a major computer prob ... so this is a first attempt ...)

I will contact you all personally soon!

Here are a few videos ... I will add as and when I can ...




BBQ at school when the weather gets good for sure!

Many thanks!

8) 8)

#28 shelldrake4

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 06:29 AM

Hi there Johnny,
I will have some spare Labidochromis sp. ''hongi'' fry available shortly if you are interested. These fish are hardy and prolific breeders once mature. I live in Kwinana - phone is 0417569141.

#29 johnnie7au

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 08:23 AM

Thanks John

I will give you a ring tomorrow.


#30 johnnie7au

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Posted 04 October 2006 - 07:19 PM

Lovely chatting...

look forward t meeting you!


#31 shelldrake4

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Posted 14 October 2006 - 08:48 AM

Hi there John,
How are the fish going mate? I hope they travelled OK.
John (Leda)

#32 johnnie7au

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Posted 14 October 2006 - 09:13 AM

Exellent John. Thanks again.

Eating well and growing pretty fast!

I will take some pics when they are a bit bigger!

I will have to let them grow up a little before I take them to school but the students will be stoked.

Thanks once again my friend.


#33 shelldrake4

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Posted 17 October 2006 - 07:59 AM

Hi John,
Since you were here, I transfered the females holding fry to the small tank. There's now around 100 baby Hongi swimming around with one female hongi still holding, one Red Zebra and One Maingano still holding. Now I find one of my Electric Yellows is also holding eggs. Talk about a population explosion.
Cheers John.

#34 johnnie7au

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Posted 17 October 2006 - 05:45 PM

Hee Hee ..

I have that effect on females! 8O

(My wife just chipped in --- "yeah .. you have that effect on female fish not human females!") 8O laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

I can smell a barbie at school in the air, the year 8's are talking towards the end of term ( 4 - 6 weeks time perhaps) so that they can meet all you kind people who have donated. I will keep you posted regards date and time etc.

Cichlids are amazingly educational! 8)

#35 johnnie7au

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Posted 02 November 2006 - 02:09 AM


Let me know if my year 8 Ag. Science class can take any of those babies that you don't sell off your hands ... 8)

And if they can help you in any way .. lemme know!

They are starting to get good at this!

BTW .. check your Private messages..


#36 johnnie7au

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Posted 02 November 2006 - 02:38 AM

Dear society members that have so kindly donated advice, equpment and livestock to our school, on behalf of my year 8 students (who are funding most of this) we thank you.

We invite alll donating parties to attend a nice laid back barbie at the school farm. 8) 8) 8)

Year 8 Specialist Agriculture informal barbeque at the KSHS farm
Weds 22 November 2006
11.15 am – 1.30 pm

Because of the massive amount of building going on at school recently, next week I will have to relocate most of the fish back home until feb 2007. but I have lots of things to ask regards plans for a "fish room".

Those of you who have donated please RSVP ASAP so I can organise catering.

(My wonderful year 8 class raised most of the money for this by selling veggies that they have grown.)

I do have another ask .. for the future .. hopefully sometime next year, I think our year 8 classes will need to get some aquarium racks welded up ... A wall of fish tanks maybe ... any welders out there that can donate some time and expertise?

I am hoping that by doing something like this maybe we can supply other schools with fish ... and have some great hands on learning about aquaculture.

Regards and thanks to all who hae been so kind.

Johnnie smile.gif

#37 mcloughlin2

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 03:06 PM


Your a absolute champion mate.

Your doing a great job, and i wish you all the best ...

My main concern is that soon enough, you guys will have too much on your hands. Running fish tanks is a very time consuming hobby! So some advice from me would be -

*Stick to a few display tanks with the "Pretty fish"
*Keep only 2-3 other fish species that you can breed.

This way everyone will be happy. There is display tanks with a large variety of fish and the breeding tanks for raising fry.

Don't take too much on at first, or you will be in trouble later on! :wink:

#38 ChRiS_06

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 03:50 PM

Johnnie is a teacher at a skool with ofcourse hundreds of kids. I dont think it will be a problem for them to look after all the fish:D
I just wish i had a teacher at my school who was like johnnie. Then i could have fish at home and school. That would get me out of my bed in the morning. biggrin.gif

cheers chris

#39 johnnie7au

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Posted 06 November 2006 - 04:21 PM


Once again thanks for the kind words. I am in the process of moving some to "lodge" with me over the holidays as we have a lot of building work going on. So there will be little to see in the way of fish at school for the time being. But we hope to develop a dedicated fish room during next year.

We are not going to rush things. It has to be pretty "bombproof" for it to work in a school situation, so slowly slowly is the way we are developing this idea. I have had a few probs already, and sometimes the simplest things can be really difficult when dashing from the main campus to the farm, with only an hour to spend there.

Delegation of responsibility is the way to go. I am learning so much thanks to you guys and girls.

#40 johnnie7au

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Posted 24 November 2006 - 11:45 PM

Well .. the barbie was excellent .. kids had a great time, they funded the baked chicken slices .... YUMMY!

The school principal had a good time as did the mayor of Armadale and Parents, PCS members .. my wonderful year 8 students!

My year 8 students held this function to aknowledge the kind donations from members of the society and the local community. 8) 8)

The students funded the meat from sales of veggies that they had grown! We are hoping to donate any left over cash to a charity of their choice!

Thank you so much .. so many people from the society have contributed in so many ways. "Amazing!"

Now I have to get my act together to really make it happen for the kids in 2007!


Thanks once again from the bottom of my heart !

Not one bit of gum has found its way into a cichlid tank!

Thank you so much,

Our newsletter acknowledges your support PCS!

Recently a MASSIVE donation by a PCS member ... over 50 Aquariums!

He has asked that I don't mention his and his partners name !

BUT .. Thank you!

Somehow, when the building works is all done at Kelmscott Senior High, I am going to need some help and advice building a decicated fish room! and getting these aquariums into the classrooms.

HELP! :oops:

So if ya have any working JUNK in your sheds ... pumps, filters, heaters ... gimmee...

and if you can help me and and Tony get tropical fish .. into classes ... anywhere in the state ... go for it!

My students will love you forever ...

Any expertise welding some racks together .. a little time for a few weekends .. Leeme know!

It is worth it to see what the students can do with t when it all set up!

Theor eyes light up when they see some exotic fish in their class!

My year 8 Agricultural science class recently raised $ 200 for Princess Margaret Hospital by selling veggies that they grew ....

They could do this by growing / bredding fish for you all!

They learned first hand from a very brave cancer survivor classmate (a lovely girl class member that is always positive and similing) that many of the toys were broken and unusable at PMH.

If any of you have time, inclination, or want to help in any way .. I have two year 8 classes that would love your help to set this thing up!

Thank you so much,

Year 8, 10 and 11 at KSHS have been touched by your kindness in 2006!

8) 8) 8)

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