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#21 fourdapostle

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 11:24 AM

It seems really wierd you know that we can publically deride a person for their past; I must ask what was your past like I imagine by comments it was perfect.
I have some friends who are raising their grandaughter, whose son is not only a drunk but a user and abuser and mother is well you can imagine. This girl has never taken any drugs yet while she was very young 3mth (now 11), she was in withdrawl from no fault of her own, it was the parents who gave her the addiction not the so called pusher.
The most acceptable drug freely avaiable which does so much damage is alcohol and yet where are your comments about the hundreds and hudreds of lives destroyed by death and its inconsolable damage done. And yet so many here have scant regard for drinking and driving a 1 1/2 tonne machine which is a weapon which kill and mame so many...talk about inconsistancy...
Well done Danny, keep your eyes firmly fixed...

#22 Tarpon

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 12:33 PM

Sorry last time I checked drinking, buying, selling alcohol was legal. Taking or dealing amphetamines was illegal. Pretty clear cut.
I've never taken illicit drugs and I contribute a hell of a lot to society (financially through taxes probably 10x more than you) but here Dano has come out in public to admit to illicit drug taking and dealing. It would be naive to expect just a bunch of feel good responses like yours.
He has probablt committed a crime, saying "sorry" doesn't make it OK

#23 danotaylor

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 01:08 PM

Thanks Tarpon...i understand and appreciate your position, it's your freedom & right to have your opinion. Though I am now endeavouring to make a healthy & responsible contribution to society through what I now do. I may not have the earning (tax paying) power of a medical practicioner, but what I do now as a volunteer, without financial reward or material comfort, is making a meaningful contribution to making the world a better place also.
If I was ever to work in nursing again I would gladly be open about my history, and if necessary undergo daily urine testing or whatever was required to ensure my safe practice. My life truly has been reformed so I have no isssue with whatever level of openness or acccountability is necessary to instill confidence in my ability to practice safely. I really have nothing to hide any longer. I am free.
I must make it clear though that I neither need nor expect anyone to approve of, or be ok with my former way of life, or what I do now. That was not my purpose in sharing my story. I have been forgiven by the highest authority that exists. I realise that saying sorry doesn't make what I did ok, but that doesn't mean I am not sorry for how I chose to live, and how that affected others, both directly or indirectly. I extended a persoanl apology to Terry because it was painful to him in the context of his history, and I understand that pain because my favourite cousin was killed by a drunk driver in the prime of his life.
I cannot change the past, but I can make a difference today and in the future, and that is what I am all about.
Bless you mate,

#24 fourdapostle

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 01:13 PM

I could say a lot more, but choose to be still, and let everybody know you....by what you say...

An old proverb, it is wise to let everyone think you a fool, than to open your mouth and let them know you are...

#25 Den

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 01:44 PM

Tarpon arguing for a case over malum prohibitum is a bit of a shallow way to look at it. So are you saying if he was an alcholic who was working in a bottle shop that it would be fine for him to go back to nursing after he'd recovered and stopped drinking? For me I dont see any difference between an alcoholic or and addict of an illicit drug, they both have a similar problem and need help.

Having sex with a girl under 16 most Western Countries is illegal, but in other Countries its not illegal to marry a 9 year old girl and impreginate her as soon as its possible. Sometimes we have to consider choosing between the moral laws written on our hearts by God and whats written by man on paper, we cant expect living strictly by mans laws to be always whats best for us.

#26 Tarpon

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 02:10 PM

QUOTE (Den @ Feb 26 2011, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tarpon arguing for a case over malum prohibitum is a bit of a shallow way to look at it. So are you saying if he was an alcholic who was working in a bottle shop that it would be fine for him to go back to nursing after he'd recovered and stopped drinking? For me I dont see any difference between an alcoholic or and addict of an illicit drug, they both have a similar problem and need help.

Not my rules, its the rule of most hospitals.
While clearly accepted by a lot of you here, illicit drug taking is not looked upon favourably by a lot of people/organizations. Take most mines up north which have drug testing. Getting caught and saying "sorry" (even if you do mean it) won't stop you being sacked

#27 danotaylor

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 02:40 PM

Hi again Tarpon...
I think you have clearly missed the point of this thread. Whilst I don't feel the need to defend myself against you or anybody else, may I please point out that I considered myself to be of no self-worth as an addict & dealer (which it would seem you still consider of me after 10 clean years). Fortunately God Himself has ascribed worth to me (and you) by loving me enough to reveal Himself to me, forgive me, and remove every sense of guilt and shame I carried in relation to my former way of life. My value & sense of self worth has been re-defined by God and is no longer attached to, or defined by, what I do, or what I did, or what you or anybody else thinks. It actually never was. This new freedom I enjoy has come at a cost though. Firstly, and foremost, it cost Jesus His life. Therefore God cannot justly forgive anyone if they go on being a danger & threat to any other individual or society. In my decision to face the consequences of my choices, and then "die" to being in control of my own life & direction, I have been justly released from the consequences of my former choices as I truly am no longer a danger to you, or anyone else for that matter. God is my witness. I didn't "get caught". I "turned myself in" to God when I realised how destructive my life had become and found out His pathway to change.
If it is not possible for me to work in the hospital system ever again because of what I have done, then so be it. A just consequence for choosing what I did, of which I am totally willing to accept.
The purpose of this thread was never for me to glorify illicit drug taking, but rather for me to celebrate publicly what an infintiely merciful God has done in my life, and inspire hope that He can & will, because has done, the same for every person that lives, or will ever live, whatever the types of poor choices they make in going against their conscience.
Take care Dr Tarpon. Bless you,

#28 tha_krust

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 02:56 PM

QUOTE (Tarpon @ Feb 26 2011, 02:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not my rules, its the rule of most hospitals.
While clearly accepted by a lot of you here, illicit drug taking is not looked upon favourably by a lot of people/organizations. Take most mines up north which have drug testing. Getting caught and saying "sorry" (even if you do mean it) won't stop you being sacked

ive seen more drugs on a mine site than on the streets!!. not only that theres away around testing..instead of dope = cronic, speed= duramine, heroin= oxy contin, you are pretty naive to think theres no drugs on a mine site..guys earning $2000+ and nothing to do in the middle of nowhere!?!? c'mon now!? Im all for working in a safe environment..i'm more concerned about the people coming to work lifting 140 ton over a work crew smelling of booze and with a hangover....

Edited by tha_krust, 26 February 2011 - 02:58 PM.

#29 Den

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 03:26 PM

While clearly accepted by a lot of you here, illicit drug taking is not looked upon favourably by a lot of people/organizations

I think you've completely misunderstood what people here are saying, no one here is accepting drug use, they are accepting people back who've reformed themselves to become better people.

Tarpon Im sure youve broken the speeding law once or twice in your life? does that mean you should never be allowed to drive a car again?

Just remember some of the laws man has made in the past, white Australia policy, black segregation in America, appartheid in SA, various policies regarding aboriginals that had them shot on sight in Tasmania, men dont always make good laws. Current drug laws in my opinion are archaic, and thats being pretty light about it, the laws create far more problems than they solve.

Drug addiction is considered to be an illness. Tarpon how many people could you cure if someone made a law that made certain medical conditions which you treat illegal to have? and being caught by the authorities with these illnesses involved courts, fines and imprisonment. Society cant cure people who they scare away through persecution.


#30 Tarpon

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 03:45 PM

QUOTE (Den @ Feb 26 2011, 05:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Drug addiction is considered to be an illness. Tarpon how many people could you cure if someone made a law that made certain medical conditions which you treat illegal to have? and being caught by the authorities with these illnesses involved courts, fines and imprisonment. Society cant cure people who they scare away through persecution.


Gotta agree with you Den. Lots of things are illnesses and need treatment.

Some things I simply find abhorrent. Maybe its just me. For example paedophilia is also considered an illness but I personally would never trust a paedophile (even if reformed) to work in a school, yes I know that sounds discriminatory. Dano due to his religious beliefsmay forgive a paedophile however and I respect that

#31 Den

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 04:16 PM

Please forgive me if Ive misinterpreted your comment but I am treating your comment as a peice of sarcasm. I see a big difference between drug taking and a pedophile, that is, the bare act of drug taking is a self harming process, where the pedo is forcing physical and mental harm onto others. If drug users "forced" needles filled with drugs into someone elses arm then you'd have an arguement.

Now I can predict your next arguement, that drugs cause harm to others through related crimes, or people under the influence commit harm to others through impared judgement, but that would most likely change if they werent illegal, in fact I could put a good arguement together that anti drug laws cause the related drug crimes, for example, would "druggie A" be raiding a petrol station with blood filled syringe for drug money if we spent money on a better more humane system?

Edited by Cawdor, 26 February 2011 - 04:35 PM.
removed quoted above post.

#32 Tarpon

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 04:28 PM

No sarcasm intended, I (and perhaps others like Terry) find drug dealers quite offensive. Hopefully as an analogy all of you will find paedophiles offensive. Just trying to prove that different people find different things offensive. Dano is a nice guy, I bought fish off him but he posted and I am only giving my opinion
If anything I've said offends moderators please delete, ban or whatever
Yes its toooooo hot outside so I've been sitting inside in refrigerative airconditioning for the past few hours drinking (responsibly) too much Veuve (not driving tonight or operating)

#33 fourdapostle

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 05:47 PM

One thing I would like to know, how would you treat an addict who happened to be a pusher who came for help from you, apart from a bullet what would you do? From what I have heard you say there is no way anyone would come to you surely.
Society has become what we want it to be not what it should be...
Just for your info, a GP doctor in the 1980s was earning around the $30,000, the average wage was around Perth $8000, I was earning almost double what a doctor earned, so food for thought, my tax may have been considerably more than you think. I always try to think before I speak this is why so long to come back to you.

Should not have said that, I dont want to go that low appoligies to all...

Edited by fourdapostle, 26 February 2011 - 06:29 PM.

#34 Tarpon

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 07:08 PM

My taxable income is over $3 Million this financial year, and I gotta respect anyone who makes more than me so sorry dude, wasn't meaning to offend you just trying to say that I don't do christian charity work like Dano but I still contribute a lot to society even if its only financial.
BTW what do you do if you don't mind me asking, I may have to switch jobs, these hours are killing me (PM me if you want, I know some people want privacy)
Yeah and I don't treat addicts

#35 terboz123

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 07:09 PM

dano/the krust

ignore all the negative comments good form for letting it all out. We all have issues, whether drug realted or other

heres something for everything to ponder.

drugs are an addiction though it seen down on
smoking is an addiction though it is seen down on
OBESITY is an addiction and this is is seen as a medical condition

fact is all 3 are......not just obesity they all medical problems

im a smoker and have taken narcotics in my time (thats all that needs to come out), and if there are non smokers around i try and stand back, and if there are kids i wont smoke full stop and move away, but no one puts down people who have excessive eating problems and are 100kg over wieght.

look at what happened in the polic force WE AS TAX PAYERS payed for officers lap band surgery so they could get "healthy" jees i wish we could for every one else problems

a bit off topic here...

im not having a dig at over wieght or drug user's or what not....this is jsut my opinion.

#36 Cawdor

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 07:20 PM

QUOTE (Tarpon @ Feb 26 2011, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah and I don't treat addicts

Just out of interest, and I am being genuine in my question: does the AMA code of ethics apply to your profession? I don't know what type of doctor you are and if you are legally bound to it or whether it is just a guideline.
AMA code of ethics

In particular item j: Refrain from denying treatment to your patient because of a judgement based on discrimination.

#37 Fish Antics

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 07:35 PM

I am not a person to make judgements on others, we are all humans and have our own failings. I do believe in a god, or higher power of sorts, but not relegion which is a man made institution. Danny what ever it takes for you to get your life back on track and deal with what you have done in the past is good for you. I hope you continue to try and imporove your life. I hope that all those people effected by the drugs dealt and everything that surrounds it, pain and suffering, have something to hold onto and make sense of it.
We can not change the past, just learn from it and try to make the future better.


#38 fourdapostle

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 07:45 PM

Tarpon you ask me what I do for a living now, I am a minister in a church...I used to sell cars, and make a lot although not as much as some of my compatriates, they had no morals...but still earned 110,000 in 84, you work it out, 27 years ago that was more than what you earn today even if it is as much as you say...However in all this I thought you took an oath to preserve life no matter what or has that changed now also...out of interest.

#39 Bowdy

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 08:09 PM

QUOTE (Tarpon @ Feb 26 2011, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My taxable income is over $3 Million this financial year

Sh^t man if you really earn that kinda money one would think you could spare the $25 to become a PCS club member wink.gif wink.gif wink.gif

At the end of the day if someone is mature enough to make there own decision to take drugs then they only have themselves to blame if sh^t goes bad.
And if Danny and krust can go from such a low point in life and pull there ass out and turn it around to what they have today then good work. I'm sure it takes a lot more guts to take the hard road and to recovery then to just keep slaming that thing in your arm.
Sorry if I have offended anyone with what I had to say.
Cheers guys.

#40 tha_krust

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 08:44 PM

i would like to end in saying...if i didnt choose the road less travelled and didnt do the hard yards then, i wouldnt be the man i am today.

Some call it F$%#ed up I call it RIGHT OF PASSAGE.

Edited by tha_krust, 26 February 2011 - 08:44 PM.

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