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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 28 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2012 09:09 PM

Topics I've Started

Baby Fish

10 November 2012 - 08:40 PM

Hey Guys,

Alright so i went to clean my tank tonight, i moved some limestone, and to my suprise, out swam a tiny little fish.

I didnt even know i had a mating pair in there.......Kool.

So how can i keep him safe from all the other HUGE cichlids or will mum and dad do that as long as i supply hiding spots?



14 October 2012 - 09:08 AM

Hey Guys,

Do the "Labidochromis sp. Mbamba" have teeth. I have 2x males in my tank and they appear to have teeth, but i cant find any info on the net saying yes or no?

they are very small and seem to be at the tips of their jaws, maybe about 4 top and 4 bottom.


What Can I Do!!

30 July 2012 - 06:45 PM

Hey Guys,

As the title says, what can i do? My BN Catfish keep getting attacked by my cichlids.
I have 2x left and one of them has had both his eye eaten out and the last one has had one eye eaten.

They are both still alive and hiding.
I have a BN Breeding caves for them but they seem to be getting picked on.

I have the following fish, in a 170L tank.
2x Pseudotropheus crabro ‘Bumblebee’
2x Aulonocara jacobfreibergi ‘Firebird’
2x Nimbochromis Venustus
1x Electric Yellow
1x Pseudotropheus elongatus ‘Neon Spot’
1x Nimbochromis polystigma
1x Phenochilus Tanzania
2x Labidochromis sp. Mbamba

Oscars And Malawian Cichlids

02 June 2012 - 09:25 AM

So how well do Oscars go with Malawian cichlids?
I wouldnt mind getting a red oscar but i already have a nice collection of cichlids.

Would it be ok to get a very small oscar and hope he grows up to play well with the existing fish?

I have
2x Electric Yellows.
2x Dragon Bloods.
2x Fire Birds.
2x Bumble Bees.
1x Neon Spot.
1x Polytsigma.

Cichlids Eating Bn Catfish

01 June 2012 - 07:39 AM

Hey Guys,

As the title says, i have found my cichlids eating my BN catfish. I found one dead yesterday morning with all his insides eaten out.
This morning i found my smallest BN missing an eye but still alive. Is it common for the BN to be attacked like this?

Do i need to feed my cichlids more? are they hungry or just attacking?