I've been wanting to do a small pond with a glass front for ages... The biggest problem I had was working out where I wanted it... I wanted it to be somewhere I could see it all the time... I kept drawing blanks, but then just as I was starting to lose hope my massive brain constructed what is probably the greatest idea in fish keeping history.
When I explained it to my wife she threatened to leave me... Hoping she was serious and this wasnt just another idle threat, I went and built it anyway... Enough from me... Just check it out, its not finished yet but it is up and running:
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So I bought this tank 1600ltr (Some of you probably recognise it).
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Then I started building out of materials I had on hand... Mostly limestone, sand and cement.
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By this stage the wife still hadnt left so I kept on going. Moving the tank on my own was unbelievably difficult!
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I used existing holes in the tank to set up the filter/pump.
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The water is still a little cloudy and I havent cleaned the glass yet but already it looks great! So far I have only chucked my marron in, no fish yet. Cant wait to get this tank scaped and full of fish.
Fish that will be going in are:
- A Murray Cod - until it turns into a monsterous killer.
- A few silver perch
- Eeltail catfish
- Lots of shrimp
Best thing is I can literally feed the fish and top up water from my couch.
All up I have only spent $550.