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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


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#1 Tucunare

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Posted 28 November 2006 - 08:43 PM

Ive noticed over the last few months alot of people are buying fish and other things off others, either on this forum, quokka or other outlets for low prices, i find it quite ammusing that these fish and other things are popping up the next week for sale on this forum at double the price that was originally paid.
Now sure i do this myself though people obviously know that there selling there fish to me cheap so i can on sell them, very much identical to what the LFS do. My problem lies in the fact that people doing this are using this forum as a free outlet and giving nothing back to the PCS, in fact id be very supprised if any of the culprits are even financial members.
so to the people doing this why not sponsor the PCS and do it above board or at the very least join up as a paying member and put something back in like all the other Registered Businesses do on here which includes myself.
at the end of the day your your screwing alot of people buy doing what your doing, including LFS, sponsors, PCS and the original sellers which in turn wins you no respect from any of the above mentioned.
I belive the breeders out there have more than every right to sell on here as you guys are doing the ground work offering your own produce, good quality fish and frankly you have to pay for your hard work etc, my advice here is to watch who you sell to as theres alot of snakes in the grass, and fish you sell for $2 will end up on here the next day for $4.
like i said all that are doing this under a cloud of darkness put something back in to the PCS and do it legit youll be much more respected and be helping out the society that helps you out
thats my two cents

#2 Fox

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Posted 29 November 2006 - 07:33 AM

Well said.. smile.gif

#3 TheWiz

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Posted 30 November 2006 - 10:27 PM

Ive noticed over the last few months alot of people are buying fish and other things off others, either on this forum, quokka or other outlets for low prices, i find it quite ammusing that these fish and other things are popping up the next week for sale on this forum at double the price that was originally paid.
Now sure i do this myself though people obviously know that there selling there fish to me cheap so i can on sell them, very much identical to what the LFS do. My problem lies in the fact that people doing this are using this forum as a free outlet and giving nothing back to the PCS, in fact id be very supprised if any of the culprits are even financial members.
so to the people doing this why not sponsor the PCS and do it above board or at the very least join up as a paying member and put something back in like all the other Registered Businesses do on here which includes myself.
at the end of the day your your screwing alot of people buy doing what your doing, including LFS, sponsors, PCS and the original sellers which in turn wins you no respect from any of the above mentioned.
I belive the breeders out there have more than every right to sell on here as you guys are doing the ground work offering your own produce, good quality fish and frankly you have to pay for your hard work etc, my advice here is to watch who you sell to as theres alot of snakes in the grass, and fish you sell for $2 will end up on here the next day for $4.
like i said all that are doing this under a cloud of darkness put something back in to the PCS and do it legit youll be much more respected and be helping out the society that helps you out
thats my two cents
You got that right and we no who they are and no one will deal with them soon thanks wiz.. :evil:

#4 PCS_Committee

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 06:05 AM

Well said Steve.

We are aware of this activity and are closely monitoring the situation. Hopefully the people concerned will contact the PCS and ask about sponsorship packages. The fact that they are not even financial members further worsens the situation, as essentially they are robbing this community. Complaints ranging from on-selling, abusive phone interactions, re-negging on deals and fraudulent deals to name a few, have been logged by members and these have been recorded in the Committee forum.

The forum was set-up by financial members for financial members...it is paid for by financial members - not sponsors. It will be a sad day when/if restrictions are imposed on sellers or a selling fee is introduced. Hopefully they will come forward and apply for sponsor status before the Classifieds are ruined for everyone. As wiz has said, peer pressure will help squeeze them out as word of mouth in the fish community is a powerful force.


#5 Tucunare

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 09:07 PM

its been a few days now since my post and none of the offenders look to have put any new posts up in that time (that i can remember).
like What the commity mentioned the voices of the hobbiests and experienced fish keepers are a powerful tool and like elephants many have long memories i just hope now that the offenders can step up to the plate and either support as a club member or become a sponsor.
to the offending parties remember folks respect isnt given its earned, if you wish to do this on the level let your business speak for its self, if your fish are of a high standard, and your business ethics are, well ethical then you should have no problem in earning the respect many of you think you deserve.
again just my two cents

#6 retyped

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 10:10 PM

hi steve and every1

Ive noticed over the last few months alot of people are buying fish and other things off others, either on this forum, quokka or other outlets for low prices, i find it quite ammusing that these fish and other things are popping up the next week for sale on this forum at double the price that was originally paid.

well said steve ...after reading this post it makes me realise how bad the state of the hobby is and im strongly considering supporting PSC (how do i do this anyways) because everyone has given so much of they time ...

i think people do this because they have the misconception that everyone doing it and has misunderstood what this forum is here for..well, tell me if any of this is corny and jiberish ...

1) ur on here becoz u must love looking after cichlids
2) sell ur fish ( but at reasonable price with no strings or bad motive attached)
3) ask for advices and make friends in the process

dont get me wrong but everyone is allow to make a profit or pocket money from this hobby ..thats was my initial intention but its realli about the welfare of ur fish

but ripping people off for ur own benefits and conning people that the fish they have is the only one of W.A (i think most of u guys heard this one be4) or some stupid comments like that ...

again, if we all voice are concerns about any problem, i believe that the PSC Commitees will deal with this if the evidence is there

there alot of thing i have to say but i cant remember...



#7 Craig79

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 11:29 PM

1) ur on here becoz u must love looking after cichlids
2) sell ur fish ( but at reasonable price with no strings or bad motive attached)
3) ask for advices and make friends in the process

Very well put David and everyone above with their great veiws, makes total sense.

Points 1,2 and 3 are the reasons I got back into keeping cichlids since I was in school. I couldn't of put it better myself David, well done. I just love looking at them the most of all as takes all the stress away and most relaxing to watch them.

Since I have joined the forum I have noticed a change in motive from others though, it's like people are just in it for the money and not the combination of the 3 points that David simply set out so well, which I think takes the passion away from this great hobby we share.

Good on you Steve for addressing this matter as it is something we should all be thinking to ourselves about, what are we in it for. I know that it has prompted me to want to become a member now and support this great site, and as soon as I get my licence back at the end of January I will hopefully be going to all the PCS meetings, I can't wait to meet you all and talk bout fish.

sorry for going on and thankyou PCS


#8 SynoAngel

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Posted 02 December 2006 - 08:08 AM

Hi all,

There are two ways to become a member of this society fill in one of the application forms at this link http://www.perthcich...h...wpage&pid=2 and post it to the secretary's address, or you can come to the meetings as a guest and sign up there.


#9 electric_yellows

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 11:08 AM

Hi guys,

This is my view:

I find that you guys are all correct about your views.

I think keeping fish is to enjoy and it is not about making money or trying to rip ppl off.

(Ppl who tries to rip others off, how can they even sleeps at night???)

I think that ppl are allowed to buy a fish or product on the forum or quokka or LFS and then at the end of the day if they dont like it they can try to sell it back for more. (Make a profit). Honnestly, who on this forum dont try to make some money on the things that they have for sale? This is to help them buy new fish or pay for the food and electricity and also simply because the fish has grown. If you dont make some money on top how can you sustain your hobby?

It is their fish and their products, they can do what they want with it. (within reasonable limits)

I think if ppl really really addicted to keeping cichlids then they should join the Perth Cichlid Society to support them out. The problem is that they is no rules that says: anyone who want to sell/ buy on the forum needs to become a financial members or something like that. Sooner or later we need to introduce a rule like this.

This would help make ppl realise that this is not a free outlet for buying and selling and they should give something back to the society.

Lastly, i just want to know where we can report all these "criminal", yes criminal activities that is going on in this forum? sad.gif Keeping fish is to enjoy and there is a problem when it becomes an addiction!

Some PPl will do anything and everything to sell there fish or buy other ppl fish. We should have a place where we can pm "confidential" to let the committee know what is going on so that they can investigate the matters or let others members know to avoid dealing with these creeps.

Ok these are the things that i found "dodgy sellers/ buyers" are doing on this forum:

1) When you place a WTB ad onto the forum with your phone number, they tend to call you and tell you that ... "i have the best fish in the WA, no one has better fish than mine...."...so you can buy their fish. (I guess you all heard this one before) (No Shame)

2) They will try to sell you deformed fish and will lie straight to your face that the fish is top quality. (No Moral)

3) There is other seller that will say that they will sell you their fish/ tank and all the deals are finallised. When You are about to pick up the fish the next day, they tell you that it is no longer for sale. Later you find out that they have sold it to other ppl at a higher price. (No credibility)

4) There are ppl that never says thank you to others when they recieve plants/ fish for free. (No Mannered)

5) There are buyers who constantly calling you. harrassing you MOnday to Friday at 11pm at night wanting to buy your "special" fish, which you already said ..."Not For Sale" (No Mannered)

6) THere are buyers who will try to trade you their 3 dollars fish for your 80 dollars fish, trying to rip you off. (Ripping Others Off)

7) There is even sellers out there who will do something "sly" toward the fish that has been sold to you. (try to swap it) (No Ethics)

8) Some ppl ask to put things on hold but never turn up to pick it up. This waste other ppl's time and effort. (No Credibility)

These activities is NOT right.
Some people have NO ethics or Moral. This in turn have negative effects on other buyers/ sellers who is genuine and true.

Keeping fish is a Hobby , NOT an addiction.

Thank you.


#10 Matthew

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 11:48 AM

Keeping fish is a Hobby, NOT an addiction.

Now THAT I disagree with!!!

#11 retyped

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 11:57 AM

haha i would say its both ....

good point mate



#12 electric_yellows

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 12:58 PM

when i say ADDICTION...i mean it in a bad way.

For example: Heroin Addicts will do what ever it takes to get their regular dose of drugs (steal, kill, ).

Fish Addicts, they will do what ever it takes to get the fish that they want or sell the fish that they dont need (Lie, cheat, steal, take advantages of others).

Addiction to fish is still better than addiction to alcohol, smoke or drugs.

But there is a fine line when ppl goes overboard.

Therefore addiction to fish can be a good thing (love, take care of your fish, watch your fish swim, feeding your fish, breeding your fish) or it can be a bad thing when ppl go too far (obsess, lie, cheat, take advantages of others, call ppl up and threathen or harrass them....)


#13 keenas

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 01:19 PM

I think people need to do the talking.
If you dont like the seller/buyer then dont communicate with them. I am sure if certain people get no response they will eventually leave.
Word of mouth is a good thing, if you know someone is reliable and they have good quality fish or products you can tell other hobbiest's about them so they can develop their business.
Maybe there could be a feedback section or a rating system. This would rate each seller or member on their relationships with others, a bit like ebay.

#14 Fox

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 02:01 PM

Maybe there could be a feedback section or a rating system. This would rate each seller or member on their relationships with others, a bit like ebay.

I 2nd that, I use this system on another forum and it works a treat.


#15 Poncho


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 02:09 PM

I must be very lucky as I am yet to come across anyone who I would call corrupt or is of bad taste (not that I am a frequent user of this forum). While in no way would I condone dealings of this nature I really feel like adding the cliche "Buyer Beware" to the topic.

It is much easier to take advantage of someone if they don't have a good knowledge about what they are purchasing and thus really shouldn't be buying the fish anyway without doing some research. The research will clarify many of the unknowns and make it much more unlikely that you will be able to be ripped off by an unscrupulous dealer.

On a side note this thread has made me more aware of what PCS is all about and made me feel more strongly about this hobby and its state in WA. So I will definately give my support to PCS by becoming a club member and encourage all the other fence-sitters to do the same (or am I the only one?)

BTW - seeing as there is quite a contingent of forum users living in the Rockingham/Warnbro area - is anyone willing to car pool to meetings?

#16 hlokk

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Posted 04 December 2006 - 03:14 PM

I think that ppl are allowed to buy a fish or product on the forum or quokka or LFS and then at the end of the day if they dont like it they can try to sell it back for more. (Make a profit). Honnestly, who on this forum dont try to make some money on the things that they have for sale? This is to help them buy new fish or pay for the food and electricity and also simply because the fish has grown. If you dont make some money on top how can you sustain your hobby?

It is their fish and their products, they can do what they want with it. (within reasonable limits)

I think the issue is buying a fish off the quokka cheap and selling it to other people with the intention of only buying that fish in order to profit. I dont think theres any issues with people that buy tanks or fish from the quokka, then later realise they dont want or need them then sell them at a reasonable price. Fair enough selling a fish a few months later for more because it has grown up, but selling a fish the next day for twice the price is a bit unscrupulous (especially when they are hiding the fact).

#17 electric_yellows

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Posted 05 December 2006 - 11:51 AM

Excellent idea mate,

Buyer/ Seller rating scale-feed-back system

Good thinking


#18 Matthew

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Posted 06 December 2006 - 06:39 AM

Honnestly, who on this forum dont try to make some money on the things that they have for sale? This is to help them buy new fish or pay for the food and electricity and also simply because the fish has grown. If you dont make some money on top how can you sustain your hobby?

I've only ever sold a very small handful of fry, maybe 10 even...the rest (in the hundreds) have been given away or donated to good causes.

You can sustain your hobby by making sure you can afford it in the beginning.

People are money hungry... Is it a crime? No. It's just un-ethical..I believe that is the point people are trying to make here.

#19 tracey

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Posted 09 December 2006 - 10:07 PM

hi all,
I think the feedback idea is great, that has to get rid of those who are doing wrong on this forum. i love my fish and spent alot of time looking after them and make sure they are happy and i don't like hearing about ppl getting ripped off or taken for a ride :evil: these ppl will get theres! you can be sure of that!
ppl like steve are what we like to see who have the fish's health and well being in mind. keep up the good work steve!

have a good think about the feedback idea, i think it would really work.


#20 anchar

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Posted 10 December 2006 - 05:40 AM

We have chatted about this quite a bit. Feedback systems have their merits, but can also open up a legal can of worms.

Andrea smile.gif

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