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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 15 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 01 2024 12:54 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Rtc

26 July 2019 - 10:36 AM

The one with a snubbed face was an ugly looking bugger.

In Topic: Bumblee Bee Grouper

07 May 2019 - 06:42 AM

Just landed this in the gulf in Exmouth yesterday in 8m of water, went like a bus in 8m of water.

In Topic: 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

24 March 2019 - 10:36 AM

Achilles are nice, but the Holy Grail is the Gem Tang!

All the high end tangs are good - Gem’s, Achilles, blacks and Chevrons.

In Topic: Marine Tank Reset Up

22 March 2019 - 10:51 AM

Good stuff. Would have probably been more work up front, but will save you down the track. 


Whack some pics up when you get a chance. 

In Topic: 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

20 March 2019 - 09:33 AM

Sohal copped a solid whipping for the first couple days, seems to have been accepted now and is eating frozen and a few pellets. Still confused by the Nori sheets.


I tried to dissipate the aggression with bulk feedings - desjardini, orange shoulder and naso look like swimming footballs.


Clown tang is also putting one some weight, was pretty skinny when it went in. 


Orange shoulder looks like its about to transition to adult colours, is a muddy yellow now.