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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 19 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2017 09:14 PM

#320768 Forsale Pure Mantilla Stingray Pair

Posted by kamalau on 09 July 2014 - 12:43 PM

I have a young pair of mantilla rays forsale
Female nearly 20cm male around 15cm discs
$3000 firm
Please message 0433737719 for pictures they won't load for some reason
Pleas serious buyers only

Seen pics these fish are stunning. Someone buy them.

#306460 Shark Killing, Ridiculous

Posted by kamalau on 28 January 2014 - 11:06 PM

I think the Shark Cull is a good idea
Would rather the sharks be processed for fish and chip shops rather than shot and dumped though

Sorry but how can you be a fish enthusiast and think it's a good idea?

Do you truly understand the ramifications this could have on the ecosystem?

I doubted I'd see anyone on this forum in support of the cull.

#304931 Rookie Mistakes

Posted by kamalau on 12 January 2014 - 10:19 PM

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you have never worked in or run an aquarium store?

Buying fish and selling fish in a retail market are two vary different things
I find most knowledgable fish retailers will defiantly go out of thier way to help make shure thier are as little problems as possible
But in a retail environment this can be hard
Most fish stores arnt overly high income and can only hire as such usually only a handful of staff, then chain stores it's even harder to find knowledgable staff,
It's unreasonable to think we have the time to ask every single customer that comes in to buy a fish all the questions to gauge thier knowledge this would take far too long and if your asking these questions you have to focus all your attention to this customer and no one else so in smaller stores on a buisy day this isn't possible,
We have to thin it out slightly buy trying to gauge the customers knowledge by the questions they ask,
of course if it's a customer that's buying a new tank you will tell them exactly what they need to do to set it up properly but you get ALOT of people who don't want to take your advise or thier friend who's an "expert" told them to do it a certain way wich is always fun......
Then you have people who come in and ask specific questions that seem to have a good knowledge but actually don't most of the problems come from these types of people when they have come in seemed knowledgable so it seemed unnessasary to ask follow up questions but then you later find out thier adding fish to a day old tank, you also get. oh how big is your tank? Points to a 100ltr one then you later find out it's 20ltrs after you sell them fish to suit 100ltr

Then you get knowledgable people who are happy to learn and ask questions who are a great change of pace but they are few and less due to people like you slandering stores...

If thier wernt aquarium stores thier wouldn't be people keeping fish as pets well atleast not such a wide verity of fish
Stores buy from a wholesaler who have a quarantine wich on average costs $100000 to setup and without the stores to sell to they wouldn't exists so bye bye every fish that's not native...

You also have to remember these are live animals it's a lot of stress involved when they get shipped to us and thier are also unforeseen circumstances that are just out of our hands.
The biggest problem is generally fish keeping is a matter of personal opinions
Even the most knowledgable keepers still have different opinions on things it may work for them but not everyone's tanks are the same, the area you live can make drastic changes in how you should treat your water
Then Thiers good old mr google where sume dude from the Ukraine is telling you how you should look after your fish
In my opinion fun a person in a store that's methods work for you and stick with them.
We are all still learning nobody gets it right the first time but aquarium stores are trying to help make it as smooth as possible.

#286296 Flowerhorn Holding Babies, What Should I Do?

Posted by kamalau on 11 June 2013 - 01:16 AM

This is a first lol

#284707 New Tank

Posted by kamalau on 23 May 2013 - 07:45 PM

Teachers pet

#283470 New Tank

Posted by kamalau on 09 May 2013 - 12:59 PM

I believe the one with the tangs was just cleaned up for the pics that tanks on YouTube etc
Obviously they would make the tanks spotless for the photos.
But give me some nice perspective on what tanks can look like if you put a bit of thought into it especially not having to many differance colours in the tank say no more than 3 different coloured rocks, wood, sand and not going crazy with different coloured fish just nice and simple