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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 15 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 01 2024 12:54 PM

#367305 Bumblee Bee Grouper

Posted by Peckoltia on 07 May 2019 - 06:42 AM

Just landed this in the gulf in Exmouth yesterday in 8m of water, went like a bus in 8m of water.

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#367235 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 20 March 2019 - 09:33 AM

Sohal copped a solid whipping for the first couple days, seems to have been accepted now and is eating frozen and a few pellets. Still confused by the Nori sheets.


I tried to dissipate the aggression with bulk feedings - desjardini, orange shoulder and naso look like swimming footballs.


Clown tang is also putting one some weight, was pretty skinny when it went in. 


Orange shoulder looks like its about to transition to adult colours, is a muddy yellow now.

#367230 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 18 March 2019 - 12:11 PM

Bumped into Jules at Vebas on the weekend.  :cheers:


Picked up a couple more fish - Sohal Tang (brave or stupid, haven't decided yet) and a Yellow Coris Wrass. 


The Sohal is still copping it a bit from the powder blue, hopefully subsides in the next few days. 


The tang group is now; Powder Blue, Orange Shoulder, Clown, Sohal, Yellow, Desjardini and a Blonde Naso. 


I think a 2 -3 more wrasse and 3-4 more tangs and I'm done. Probably go a Yellow Eye Kole Tang, Convict, Blue and maybe either a second blonde Naso (female) or Yellow. 

#367223 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 13 March 2019 - 01:50 PM

Added a 6 line wrasse and a Clown tang. Both are tiny, hopefully they don't destroy my tank in time. 


I think from now on, I'm only adding fish that can serve a purpose for me. Which is pretty much wrasse for pest eradication and tangs for algae eating. 


A small group of yellow coris would be cool.. 

#367202 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 05 March 2019 - 12:24 PM

Thanks Craig, glad you've enjoyed it. 


Tank is now 5 months old - super young for a reef. Tank has now also been featured on Dalua Australia's facebook page. Dalua is the distributor Illumagic (the lights I'm using), which is pretty cool for such a young tank. 


Can't wait to see what the tank will look like in 12 months from now. 

#367188 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 28 February 2019 - 09:46 AM



Dazza - just go the whole way and do a reef. I was keen on marine fish, to be honest they only get in the way when looking at my coral. ;)


I've got a few really special SPS coming next weekend, can't wait.

#367181 Bumblee Bee Grouper

Posted by Peckoltia on 27 February 2019 - 04:55 PM

On a similar note - Saw a heap of juvenile golden trevalley at Ocean Reef Aquarium yesterday, they were tiny ~4cm but awesome to look at. Was so tempted to drop half a dozen in my reef tank. Couldn't handle the headache down the track. 

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#367180 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 27 February 2019 - 04:51 PM

Some photo updates. 


The zoas and one chalice arrived yesterday. I must say I'm thoroughly impressed with the colour and size of the zoa colonies. Site states 10+ polyps, but most are 20 + with some even around the 50 polyps. Oceanarium are a quality outfit if anything is chasing corals, delivered to your door. I've done 2 orders from them and have been impressed both times.


My one main regret with the tank is i didn't make the stand shorter, to make viewing from above easier. The top down view in my opinion is the best view for a reef tank.


Some of the zoa colonies aren't completely open as they had only been in the tank a few hours when the pics were taken. Photos are nothing amazing, just iphone pics. Started using an app that balances the blues so the pics are actually fairly accurate with colours. My rocks are actually that pink/purple.

















#367174 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 26 February 2019 - 08:39 AM

I thought FW keepers gave things strange names. These are the zoa's that are arriving today; Rasta's, Strawberries with Cream, Canary Yellow,  Flourobscene, Golden Nugget, Blueberry mint, Purple People Eater,  Gob Smacker, Vulcanism and Chameleons.


To add to the ones i already have - Orange Bam Bam's, Red Dragons, Neon Green and Eagles Eye's.


:Rofl_3f:  :brickwall:

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#367172 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 26 February 2019 - 07:14 AM

Haven't added many corals for a while - have a big heap of different zoa's coming today.

#367079 New Adventure.

Posted by Peckoltia on 25 January 2019 - 03:38 PM

Price on black rays is coming down rapidly!

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#367038 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 07 January 2019 - 01:35 PM





Ticking along....

#367014 8X3X2' Reef Tank Journal

Posted by Peckoltia on 27 December 2018 - 09:09 PM

Top down SPS shots.

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#367004 New Adventure.

Posted by Peckoltia on 20 December 2018 - 12:44 PM

Thanks mate.


Been chatting to the guys at Reef Secrets over the east - going to get a shipment of new corals sent over in the new year. They have heaps of great SPS - just need to hold out until then which is tough. 

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#367001 New Adventure.

Posted by Peckoltia on 20 December 2018 - 08:45 AM

Here you go... now start plumbing






Going from FW to SW. It is funny to me what SW keepers consider aggressive. Hear it time and time again, one tang per tank. Yeah maybe if you have a small tank, but even then Tangs probably aren't a great option as the majority get fairly 'large' and they really like a lot of space to graze. I have 5 now, and when i add a new one, the Powder Blue goes after it for 3-4 hours. Then the next day its like the new fish has been there since the start with 0 aggression. They actually even seem to 'enjoy' each others company. Look at the pics the 5 tangs are all within a foot of each other in both pics. This wasn't a coincidence either. They seem to actively graze as a group moving about the tank - even though they are all separate species. With two in the genus Acanthurus and two Zebrasoma and a lonely Naso for now.