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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 26 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2009 05:43 PM

Topics I've Started

Electric Yellow Holding

31 May 2009 - 07:33 AM

i have read some of the other threads but i thought i would make my own, i got up this morning to a sick looking EY, took a closer look and under its throat is black and then i seen some fry swimming around in there! now i am freakin out tongue.gif, i got a 2ft tank i was gunna use as a tank but its still in the garage empty. I have a fry saver, do u think i should just put her in a fry saver? if i put her in the fry save will she spit them out?

Help Me Get A Planted Tank Started

23 May 2009 - 03:33 PM

ok i have a 4ft'er with 2 convicts (what a waste) and i am thinkin of getting 4 gourami's and 50-70 neon tetra's, i want some plants to break it up a bit, i dont want a CO2 diffuser or fertilizer. The gravel thats in the tank now is 3-4mm dark gravel. What are my options in way of plants? suggestions/options on the setup i am thinking of? It is a standard 4'X14"x18"
Thanx in advance C_Pretz

EDIT: dont want anything too expensive just your normal run of the mill plants from LFS.... ino i could do a trial and error with plants down there but dont wanna waste time nor money. thanx

Getting Into Native Fish

13 April 2009 - 05:41 AM

Hey guys and girls, i have been thinking of getting into native fish in one of my 4ft tanks (have 2 convicts in it what a waste tongue.gif ). Been dead set keen after i seen an awesome setup in a fisheries office. I have been reading some of the treads and seems you guys catch your own fish/ inverts, it has got me thinking what can i get on the eastern coast? Keeping in mind i want to stay on the right side of the law, species could i look for, how do u get the species you are after?

EDIT: ok i read a fair bit more into it, which i should have done in the first place... anyway. I understand the laws and wat not but wat do u guys use to catch your fish, eels, inverts?

Convict Fry Keep Dieing

01 April 2009 - 04:39 PM

Hey i got some convicts i am trying to breed, ino they breed non stop and have fry but the problem is my fry die, i'll have around 100 fry to start with then the numbers half every night, within in a week they are all dead, i thought the parents might have been eating them but i vacuumed the gravel and they are dead everywhere. I got a fry save today and put the last 3 in there where they died a few hours later angry.gif What should i be doing to keep them alive

How Do You Place Your Big Rocks In Tanks

02 March 2009 - 05:11 PM

hey, i have some convicts in a tank and as they breed they dig out under the large rocks and they eventually end up on the glass, with the rocks touching the glass bottom will this be an increased risk of splitting the tank bottom? does anyone put sometin on the rock to make it softer or somethin so its not putting much load on the glass bottom