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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 26 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2008 11:01 PM

Topics I've Started

Wtb Fish

30 August 2008 - 11:58 AM

hey guys

just been in a search for some fish but struggling to find any atm...

im just chasing albino or ornate birchirs, gold clown knife and pink gg .

they gotta be at a size where they wont be eating by my 15-20cm rtc's... so i might have a problem with the birchirs..

cheers fellas

Eoi Clown Knife 40cm

22 August 2008 - 01:36 AM

hey guys

i am considering selling my clown knife as i realised it may be a bit too big for what i want at the moment as i have smaller fish going into the tank..

i am looking for 400

seeing if anyone is interested, i am willing to trade for smaller ones if need be.. i dont really want to get rid of him cos he has good character...

cheers guys

Anyone Into Fishing On Pcs?

16 August 2008 - 03:10 AM

hey guys

just wondering if anyone on here is a keen angler?

haha wouldnt mind making some more fishing buddies !

it be even better if we can share some of our experiences and pictures!

i might throw some on later on

F.s Saratoga Jardini 22cm

14 August 2008 - 11:40 PM

hey guys

got 3 saratogas for sale , all about 22cm and in very good condition.

I had 5 but two already sold straight away.

these guys grew up with each other in the same tank and school with not probs.. so its a chance to have a group of sara's that wont fight each other!!

PM me if interested, dont forget to give me your number!


3 Giant Gourami, Dead Over Night

11 August 2008 - 09:36 AM

i am so devo

all my hard work to buy three very nice giant gouramis have gone to waste...

all because i am running two 350l eheim 2226pumps and my uncle forgot to turn one on...

ammonia, nitrite and nitrate went through the roof! and it didnt help by the fact that the filters have only been recently set up for a month.

1.5k down the dunny all because we failed to put the plug in properly..

i hope no one else will experience this feeling
