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PCS & Stuart M. Grant - Cichlid Preservation Fund - Details here


Member Since 05 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2014 09:01 PM

Topics I've Started

6x2x2 For Swap

15 March 2013 - 10:07 AM

I have for swap a 6x2x2 tank and stained pine cabinet.

Tank is 10mm glass all round with black silicon,

Tank has 3 holes drilled in the corner for sump/weir setup

Tank is 3 Years old and was Built by ocean reefs aqurium in wangarra.

Swap for a minimum 4x2x2 on cabinet.

Photo's are up. yes far right door is stained a little lighter as i ran out of stain It's never really bothered me but it's and easy fix if someone is concerned.

Wtb Pond Pump Or Dirty Water Pump

26 February 2013 - 05:07 PM

As title says looking for a pump that will be able to pump water from my rain water tank to my aquarium. Needs to have good flow and outlet suitable for 1" hose.

Swap/trade Plant's

12 January 2013 - 03:32 PM

I have what I believe to be hygrophilia salicifolia, 2ft tall and bushy with long leave's. healthy, algae free.

I also have what was sold to me as a sword plant but to my knowledge sword leave's don't grow of a stem. It's almost 2ft tall, healthy, algae free some damage to 2-3 leave's halfway up stem due to high phosphates.

swap/trade for sword's or a few stem's of belem

Fish Stock Idea's?

25 November 2012 - 03:52 PM

Hi all have recently set up a 6x2x2 planted tank, but don't know what i want to stock it with. well I did know but have since changed my mind.

Was just going to stock it with dwarf chain loaches and about 30 microrasboras (galaxy) but feel that the galaxy's will be too small for a tank this size and wont be seen much.

Would like something colorful and schooling, was thinking about some Apistogramma but maybe to big for what I'm trying to achieve.

not really keen on guppy's have had snake skin's and endler's before but all guppy's wanna do is rape each other. not really interesting to watch.

beside's don't really want something every man and his dog's got. maybe something rare'r or unique

would appreciate any input

tank currently has

7x Whiptail catfish
7x Dwarf chain loaches
7x Otocinclus Catfish

Regard's Rickie

Wtb Crystal Black Sand

02 November 2012 - 11:08 AM

as the title say's I'm after some crystal black sand

Brand: crystal black sand
Age: not fussed
Price: you tell me?
Shipping available? pick up, prefer north of the river.
Description, incl condition of the item: new or used doesn't really make a difference
Photo: below